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38 Views · 2 years ago

Thumbnail: ⁣

I'm going to re-post my interaction with Eric Coppilino: ⁣

Eric F Coppolino
Feb 22 - Pinned

Dioxin exposure is not like arsenic. For adults, most who react will start to feel sick; it’s distinctly “flu like” as I’ve had this. Some will get rashes, which is about the slow death of their liver. The rash is an indication of systemic poisoning.

But due to our greater body weight, adults can handle a little more, for a while. What it does to adults is create a kind of time bomb; miscarriages; infertility; hormone disruption; cancers; three generations of genetic damage (I have all of this either firsthand or from the companies own documents).

Children can get extremely ill and die. Animals — pets and livestock — can be killed immediately, along with wildlife. The birds are all gone from the whole area. So the smaller one’s body, the more it acts like an acute poison rather than a long-term disruptor of every system. And we all already bear a body-burden of the stuff, measured in parts per trillion in blood adipose tissue.

Dioxin is a trace contaminant of other toxins, like Agent Orange and PCBs. So it rides along with them, and is also created in a burn situation. We are witnessing a worst case scenario.

Thousands of tons (nine railroad cars of chlorinated chemicals) went up, and burned in proximity of other hydrocarbons (vegetables, wheat, motor oil, etc.) and so this turns the ordinary cargo into hazmat when they are burned together.

This is an extinction level kind of event. There are 125,000 farms in PA and OH. It will concentrate in the food and be shipped all over the world. The only potentially worse dioxin release in a single incident was the World Trade Center, and I don’t think it was bad, and much of that smoke blew out to see, adding to the background level in the oceans.

VfB - Writes VfB’s Substack
Feb 24
Excellent work, brother...I'm just wondering as to what company required the shipment of 5 railcars of vinyl chloride? Was it absolutely necessary for it to have taken the route it did, considering the dangers?

Eric F Coppolino
Feb 24 - Author

Thanks for reminding me - that is a very important question. the whole notion of shipping it around on a train is ridiculous.

Thanks to Marnos for the heads-up👍 ⁣📽

⁣How many coincidences is too many coincidences?

If you support independent narratives, consider joining my Patreon ❤

0:00 Intro
0:06 Titanic
0:40 White Noise
1:16 Narrative
2:02 Off the Rails
2:40 Context
3:32 American Psycho
4:19 Predictive Programming
4:58 911
6:20 Strange Scientists Arrive
8:57 The Corporate Clean-Up
9:33 The Chemical Warfare Model
10:58 Expected Fallout
12:46 Corporate Shareholders
13:15 What Happens Next
18:35 Conclusion

#eastpalestine #trainderailment #conspiracy

⁣We’re under attack. Crazy evidence that East Palestine was an inside job. Buckle Up. A Dioxin disaster is happening now
David Wolfe (@DavidWolfe) February 17, 2023

31 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

Continuing series. 11/29/1939, German audio no subtitles.

47 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Scott probes himself deeply on the question facing every western White nation.

80 Views · 2 years ago

⁣I am not sharing the name of the website mentioned as I don't want others flocking to it out of curiosity. The claim made by the site is that their "AI uses neural language models as their foundation. A machine learns to generate what words might come next in any given context by reading enormous amounts of literature."
I hope this warning finds those of you before your children experience what my son did as it could've been a lot worse.
To see more insight into who "they" are in terms of the unlcean spirits, I highly recommend our series called "Who They Are And Why They Lie"

To see the upcoming deception they're planning watch The Final Card:

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We thank you all for your help and the much needed prayers, love and wisdom that you continually share!
Much love to you from the Father and the brothers!

baphometcreationdemonexposing lies to open eyesfebfirmament

54 Views · 2 years ago

⁣ice - Here it is!! Keep this moving, spread it Fast!! They keep taking it down, but we keep putting it back up!



The Original 13th Amendment WAS Ratified!

At the very least, this missing 13th Amendment demonstrates that two centuries ago, lawyers were recognized as enemies of the people and nation. Some things never change.

THOSE WHO CANNOT RECALL HISTORY …. Heed warnings of Founding Fathers

In his farewell address, George Washington warned of “… change by usurpation; for through this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.” In 1788, Thomas Jefferson proposed that we have a Declaration of Rights similar to Virginia’s. Three of his suggestions were “freedom of commerce against monopolies, trial by jury in all cases” and “no suspensions of the habeas corpus.”

No doubt Washington’s warning and Jefferson’s ideas were dismissed as redundant by those who knew the law. Who would have dreamed the U.S. legal system would become a monopoly against freedom when that was one of the primary causes for the rebellion against King George III?

Yet, the denial of trial by jury is now commonplace in the U.S. courts, and habeas corpus, for crimes against the state, is suspended. (By crimes against the state, I refer to “political crimes” where there is no injured party and the corpus delicti [evidence] is equally imaginary.)

The authority to create monopolies was judge-made law by Supreme Court Justice John Marshall, et al during the early 1800’s. Judges (and lawyers) granted to themselves the power to declare the acts of the People “un-Constitutional”, waited until their decision was grandfathered, and then granted themselves a monopoly by creating the bar associations. Although Article VI of the U.S. Constitution mandates that executive orders and treaties are binding upon the states (“… and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”), the supreme Court has held that the Bill of Rights is not binding upon the states, and thereby resurrected many of the complaints enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, exactly as Thomas Jefferson foresaw in “Notes on the State of Virginia”, Query 17, p. 161, 1784:

“Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless… the time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is [now] while our rulers are honest, and ourselves united. From the conclusion of this war we shall be going downhill. It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights. The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will remain on us long, will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion.”

We await the inevitable convulsion. Only two questions remain: Will we fight to revive our rights? Or, Will we meekly submit as our last remaining rights expire, surrendered to the courts, and perhaps to a “new world order”?

I can't wait for this to spread.

22 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Source: - Dr. Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, lied to Congress about it, and now both the FBI & the Department of Energy have concluded that the coronavirus originated at the Wuhan lab. Does that mean Dr. Anthony Fauci funded the development of COVID-19? - thumbnail

#1 How One Man Stopped World War III
On October 27, 1962, the world came dangerously close to a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union.
A single man, Vasili Arkhipov, a 36-year-old Soviet navy officer, saved the world from nuclear destruction.

The political establishment and the left used the covid-19 crisis to push for nationwide mail-in voting.This increased the number of ballots cast by mail from 28.8 million in 2016 to 66.4 million in 2020.This fundamentally changed the outcome of the 2020 election. (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 24, 2023

Coupla substacks:

21 Views · 2 years ago

⁣SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!: Heard about natto and wondering what exactly it is? Here in this video, we discuss the ins and outs plus info on its main top 2 nutrients, vitamin K2 and nattokinase, and what they're REALLY good for.

Called a Japanese superfood, it's most well known for its very slimy texture and strong scent. Although natto is an acquired taste to some, it’s a worthy fermented food to add to any savory meal. (To jump to your video section of choice, scroll down for Video Chapter Timelines.)

Recommended Suppliers
New York Natto, Organic Natto Soybeans, 8oz, 4-jars -
New York Natto, Organic Natto Soybeans, Variety Pack 8oz, 4-jars -
Rhapsody Natural Foods, Large Bean Organic Natto, 3.5oz, 12-pack -
Rhapsody Natural Foods, Small Bean Organic Natto, 3.5oz, 12-pack -

Affiliate Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps to support the channel so that we can continue making these informational videos.

Additional Sourced Info
Natto Dad YTChannel, How to Make Natto:
Nattokinase: A Promising Alternative in Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases:
Poly-γ-glutamic acid: production, properties and applications:
MK-7 and Its Effects on Bone Quality and Strength:
Vitamin K: Double Bonds Insights into Differences between Vitamin K1 and K2 in Health and Disease:
Vitamin K as a Diet Supplement with Impact in Human Health: Current Evidence in Age-Related Diseases:
The Book of Miso, W. Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi, Page 42
Homemade Natto, Instapot Method:

Video Chapter Timelines:
0:20 Intro - What is Natto?
2:19 How is Natto Used?
3:59 What is Natto Slime Made Of?
5:18 What is Natto is REALLY Good For?
5:24 #1 Natto Contains Nattokinase
6:37 #2 About Natto and Vitamin K2
9:09 Precautions

Music by

Disclaimer: All information in this video is for educational and general purposes only and is the personal view of the authors; not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or prescription. This content has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a medical professional to seek treatment for any health issue or medical concern.

©Superfood Evolution:

Holy Grail of COVID-19 Spike Protein Detoxification
Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines ...

Nattokinase is an enzyme is produced by fermenting soybeans with the bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.

Tanikawa et al. examined the effect of nattokinase on the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. In the first experiment, they demonstrated that spike was degraded in a time and dose-dependent manner in a cell lysate preparation that could be analogous to a vaccine recipient. The second experiment demonstrated that nattokinase degraded the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 infected cells. This was reproduced in a similar study done by Oba and colleagues in 2021.

44 Views · 2 years ago

⁣DeepFake - Morning Joe featured Jon Greenrat of the ADL to talk about the oppression he made up, and how he is the first jew to ever lie... seriously goy!

31 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

Continuing series.

11/15/1939, German audio no subtitles.

47 Views · 2 years ago

⁣VfB told you that the Brunson brothers were geniuses!

Our Country is in Distress!

Great News! The Supreme Court has accepted the Brunson case 22-380 for Rehearing!

Traditionally, the meaning of an upside-down American flag has always been that the person displaying the flag in this manner is in grave danger or distress. We believe we have reached the point where our country indeed is in grave distress.

Now...we get a collaboration going:
The Original 13th Amendment WAS Ratified!


Only took VfB 24 years to destroy 110 years of scumbaggery 🥸

Eric F Coppolino Feb 22 Pinned

Dioxin exposure is not like arsenic. For adults, most who react will start to feel sick; it’s distinctly “flu like” as I’ve had this. Some will get rashes, which is about the slow death of their liver. The rash is an indication of systemic poisoning.

But due to our greater body weight, adults can handle a little more, for a while. What it does to adults is create a kind of time bomb; miscarriages; infertility; hormone disruption; cancers; three generations of genetic damage (I have all of this either firsthand or from the companies own documents).

Children can get extremely ill and die. Animals — pets and livestock — can be killed immediately, along with wildlife. The birds are all gone from the whole area. So the smaller one’s body, the more it acts like an acute poison rather than a long-term disruptor of every system. And we all already bear a body-burden of the stuff, measured in parts per trillion in blood adipose tissue.

Dioxin is a trace contaminant of other toxins, like Agent Orange and PCBs. So it rides along with them, and is also created in a burn situation. We are witnessing a worst case scenario. Thousands of tons (nine railroad cars of chlorinated chemicals) went up, and burned in proximity of other hydrocarbons (vegetables, wheat, motor oil, etc.) and so this turns the ordinary cargo into hazmat when they are burned together.

This is an extinction level kind of event. There are 125,000 farms in PA and OH. It will concentrate in the food and be shipped all over the world. The only potentially worse dioxin release in a single incident was the World Trade Center, and I don’t think it was bad, and much of that smoke blew out to see, adding to the background level in the oceans.

VfB [Writes VfB’s Substack] 17 hr ago
Excellent work, brother...I'm just wondering as to what company required the shipment of 5 railcars of vinyl chloride? Was it absolutely necessary for it to have taken the route it did, considering the dangers?

Eric F Coppolino 17 hr ago Author
Thanks for reminding me - that is a very important question. the whole notion of shipping it around on a train is ridiculous.

That's how easy it is to WIN

73 Views · 2 years ago

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News Story Source: ⁣
family friendly pg clean

26 Views · 2 years ago

⁣⁣⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

10/25/1939, German audio no subtitles.

23 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The exercise used to set the stage for East Palestine - let me add Eric Coppolino's podcast, with my comment preceding:

Excellent work, brother...I'm just wondering as to what company required the shipment of 5 railcars of vinyl chloride? Was it absolutely necessary for it to have taken the route it did, considering the dangers? 💡

And then they turned this place into a cheesy Route 66 park, museum and gift shop that barely mentions WHY the place is even a park now to begin with... Please help support us on Patreon, read our goals here:

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Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

35 Views · 2 years ago

⁣When you really gotta shut 'er down, you call in the #1 guy in cable news...

57 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Chuck Callesto's tweet - "BREAKING NOW: Several reports of an unknown WHITE POWDER OR DUST SEDIMENT falling out of the sky throughout West Virginia and Maryland.. Local fire departments suggesting people shut windows and doors and stay inside until it can be investigated.. " - Trendsmap

Source: -special thanks to Mr. Zeroes

"A Facebook page that tracks emergencies in the Panhandle, Eastern Panhandle Working Fires, was early to post about the dust.

“Call 911!! Per The WV Dept of Environmental Protection, they have requested that anybody experiencing these issues call 911 immediately and have their local fire department respond. They also advise to shut doors and windows and avoid outdoors at this time as a common sense approach until it can be identified,” a post on the page read."

In a later post, the page stated “EPWF is an informational venue. While we may not agree with the DEPs assessment to call 911 to have local FDs respond; it is, in fact, the requested action by the governing agency responsible. We are just passing that information on. If you believe WV DEP response was inadequate or overkill, please contact them directly.”

Jefferson County, WV Homeland Security and Emergency Management posted that “our office has been following the reports of the dust seen throughout the Eastern Panhandle of WV. The attached post from one of the meteorologists connected with a TV station in WV seems to be able to provide some knowledgeable insight into the observations. We will be following up with further information from the State as it becomes available.”

They pointed to another local meteorologist, Spencer Adkins, who wrote “clearly ‘stuff in the air’ is a concern anywhere in the entire region after East Palestine but satellite scientists pointed the dust plume out early Thursday because it was pretty evident. Think how we often see smoke from fires even farther west in summer.”


Local meteorologist Justin Berk posted, “WHAT IS FALLING FROM THE CLEAR SKY? I’ve just been informed from West Virginia to Carroll County MD there seems to be White ASH falling and coating. Michael Triplett sent me a pic of the ‘stuff’ on his truck in Westminster. If you have any additional pics/videos, please share and let us know where. The WV Dept of Environmental Protection has been asking for this as well. I want to help figure this out with you.”

The Hampshire County 911 Center posted “We are aware of recent reports of an unknown dust-like substance accumulating on cars and surfaces outside. This is reportedly occurring across the tri-state region. We are aware of some other social media sites that have advised you to contact 911 if you witness this situation. Although you are more than welcome to contact our 911 center, we ask you to use the non-emergency number for this. (304-822-6000). Be prepared to give your name, address and contact information, so that we may log the information for environmental agencies if needed.”

Similar dust fell in Connecticut last week — and it reportedly smelled like chlorine.

“Some have speculated that it could be chemicals from the train derailment in Ohio earlier this month. NBC Connecticut meteorologists aren’t sure that could be the case since the fire and chemical release from that derailment happened two weeks ago,” NBC Connecticut reported.

“NBC Connecticut Chief Meteorologist says it’s possible the residue is from dust kicked up from a dust storm in the Plains a few days ago. He says he smelled a chlorine-like odor in West Hartford Friday morning, but he doesn’t have an explanation for that.”

Definitely adding this: The EPA, Monsanto, And The Cover Up At Times Beach
by Melissa Dykes

And then they turned this place into a cheesy Route 66 park, museum and gift shop that barely mentions WHY the place is even a park now to begin with.

51 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Inspiring progress being made by aspiring aviation engineers in Africa :)

Source: ⁣

This really should be edited to show Elon in his coasting Tesla...⁣🏎⁣🌌

33 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Fox News host Tucker Carlson examines the role diversity, equity and inclusion are playing in the aviation industry on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’


I think I've got a good one here!

Tucker Carlson blames Biden & minorities for aviation incidents

Tucker Carlson went on a nearly four minute rant last night. Let me summarize what he said, so you don’t actually have to watch it:

Aviation used to be safe until Biden became president, because “Biden imposed the principles of equity on the airlines, and that meant dramatically lowering hiring standards for pilots and for air traffic controllers”

Last week there was a go-around at Houston’s Airport that “terrified” passengers, yet the media isn’t talking about it (lol)

Carlson wants to know what’s going on, so he reached out to an unnamed United Airlines pilot, who claims that “under its woke CEO Scott Kirby, the airline has allowed politics and racialist ideologies to trump safety concerns,” putting the lives of passengers in grave danger

Carlson then quotes the same unnamed pilot who says he heard from another unnamed pilot that “the captain of the Maui flight was brand new,” and “there was a new-hire first officer,” and talks about how in the training simulators, a new pilot tried to make 25 landings, and “15 ended up in the dirt”

Southwest has also dramatically lowered its hiring standards, and people in Southwest’s academy largely end up flying for charter airline Swift Air, to “fly illegal aliens around the country without the American population knowing about it”

Carlson concludes that “this is what it looks like in real terms when you decide that identity is more important than aptitude in something critical like aviation”


Bottom line: Tucker Carlson is trying to insinuate that we’re seeing a series of aviation incidents because of President Biden’s “woke” policies.

Regardless of where you stand politically, this is patently false.

Yes, there’s reason to be concerned by the alarming number of near miss aviation incidents we’ve seen recently. These incidents are on some level happening because of the industry currently being less experienced than in the past.

However, that’s not because of any “woke” hiring practices, but rather because we have a pilot shortage. That pilot shortage is happening because of how many pilots took...[VfB sez 💉]

Before I even get my teeth into this; one of the hashtags is #diea - diversity, inclusion, equity and asshattery...well, misspelling IDEA doesn't seem to produce fruitful results...but I digress

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on how Trump can support the Biden administration's efforts in East Palestine, Ohio.

African Airplane Compilation | African Aviation
Inspiring progress being made by aspiring aviation engineers in Africa :)

Showing 172 out of 173