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14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Fox News host Tucker Carlson gives his take on a source saying the CIA was involved in JFK's assassination on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #Tucker

23 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

Continuing series.

⁣07/24/1940, German audio no subtitles.

116 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Stan Meyer explains the Water Fuel Technology.

138 Views · 2 years ago


VfB must go off

Earl "The Twirl' Cureton [ ⁣ ] appears at a COVID center and advocates for taking the death jab...with all the authority and celebrity his peanut head could evoke

No link to the story as of yet, but I did find this: - wonder how this program's working out for the 'youth'...but I digress

Are you fucking INSANO?!?

YOU did the 'research', yes?!?

NO, ya bloody didn't ⁣❌

Now, maybe you saw this - from your own city:

⁣Have there been other mRNA vaccines?

These are the first messenger RNA vaccines to be produced and tested in large-scale phase III human trials. The advantage of mRNA technology compared with conventional approaches is that it allows for faster development and scale-up of production. Vaccine development has traditionally been measured on the timeframe of a decade. It’s an amazing scientific accomplishment to be where we are right now. A year ago, most people had not even heard of this disease, and now healthcare workers are starting to receive a vaccine for it.

⁣How can people feel confident that these mRNA vaccines are effective and safe?

We now have data from tens of thousands of people, and they show that these vaccines are more than 90% effective in terms of preventing infections.
Some people have mild to moderate side effects, but they don’t last long — about one to three days. The most common side effects include soreness at the injection site, fatigue (feeling tired), headache, aches, and fever. They are more common after the second dose, and you might need extra rest. Severe side effects are rare and treatable. Experts at the US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are still monitoring trial participants — and will continue to monitor them — as well as members of the general public who get the vaccine.

It’s very important for people to understand that these data are reviewed by groups independent from the pharmaceutical companies that make the drugs. These are experts who have no stake in the vaccine development or commercialization. I personally will have no hesitation in receiving either of these vaccines. I’m going to recommend to my family members and colleagues to take them.

The vaccines offer intermediate to long-term solutions to this pandemic. But we can’t give up the short-term measures that we know are effective, such as wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands. There is light at the end of the tunnel. ⁣🧗

Nopes - that's a drop, baby ⁣😱

Yeah, many people are you bastards responsible for murdering with your time bomb snake oil? ⁣🐍💉☠

VfB DID the research, you putz

#PUREBLOOD, baby ⁣🩸

In other news👍

41 Views · 2 years ago



A 4chan user has been arrested after making death threats against Florida Sheriff and adding “in Minecraft” at the end of them.

Clintwood claims that the 4chan user’s bail will be set at $100,000.

More video -> LiveLeak

Can ya smell what VfB is cookin'?

Great comment: "Shitwood? The Crossdresser? Makes vague comments about cp on his hard drive. Can we get an early life check on the guy who made the threats?" wit:

The (((homosexual banking mafia))) blew their load waaaaaaay too early [shades of Newbomb Turk in Hollywood Knights] ; We The People have started putting 2 and 2 together, and coming up with WHITE GENOCIDE


We get based individuals, such as the GDL, peacefully putting out absolutely truthful materials in an orderly fashion

The next step is predicated upon HR 104, back in 1991, which fraudulently places Americans under (((noahide law)))

I guess you nitwits don't grok Marbury vs. Madison:

Chief Justice John Marshall denied issuing a writ of mandamus.

Rule of Law or Legal Principle Applied:

The United States Supreme Court has the authority to review both the legislative acts of congress and laws to determine if they comply with the Constitution.


Justice Marshall held that although Marbury was entitled to his commission, the United States Supreme Court could not hear the case because it lacked original jurisdiction.

Marbury was lawfully appointed as Justice of the Peace through the president’s (Adams) signing of Marbury’s commission and Senate confirmation.

Under federal law, Marbury is entitled to a remedy. Whether or not Marbury may receive a remedy is contingent upon whether the appointment made Marbury an agent of the president or assigned a duty by law. If appointed as a political agent of the president, Marbury is not entitled to a remedy. However, if Marbury was deprived of the ability to carry out a duty assigned to him by law,

Marbury is entitled to a remedy. Here, Adams gave legal title to the office of Justice of the Peace to Marbury for the length of the appointment. Madison interfered with Marbury’s legal title when he refused to finalize Marbury’s appointment. As a result, Marbury is entitled to a remedy.

Section 13 of the Judiciary Act of 1789 authorizing the United States Supreme Court jurisdiction to provide the remedy of a writ of mandamus is unconstitutional. The Judiciary Act of 1789 permits the Supreme Court to exercise original jurisdiction over causes of actions for writs of mandamus. The problem is the provision directly conflicts with the Constitution, specifically Article III. Article III serves as a limitation on the types of cases the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over. Cases not within the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction may fall under the Court’s appellate jurisdiction. In short, Section 13 of The Act is unconstitutional since it attempts to expand the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

⁣MichaelTheTruthMachine Weaver - ⁣

Recently, I pointed out that Israel "overlaps with" the US through "American-Israeli dual citizens". Given that these nations are supposed to be politically independent, "American-Israeli dual citizen" is an absurd status.

These "dual citizen" chimeras play a sizable and often highly problematic role in the US government, one of many signs that the US government is not what it's supposed to be. (For example, they love mass Third World immigration to all and only White-majority nations, and if you can't see the problems associated with that, you belong on Monkey Island.) According to the US Founding Fathers, the USG is supposed to be an instrument for the self-governance of real Americans, and especially descendants of the Europeans who settled and civilized the entire North American continent, paying the price in blood, sweat, and tears.

Unfortunately, people of our ethnicity are now being routinely demonized by government garbage in the nation our forefathers founded and pioneered. Thus, what we actually have is an "occupation government". It works in the interests, and largely under the direction, of anti-Americans whose primary allegiance is reserved for other nations and peoples...people of African, Asian, or Middle Eastern origin, including Israelis (and especially the central banking globalists who founded modern Israel).

Now, you might not consider yourself a Christian. Fair enough. However, the US Founding Fathers were virtually all either Christian or of close Christian ancestry, and the truth is that Christianity is built into many of the values and principles on which this country has always rested. These principles are on the verge of becoming illegal in Israel and punishable with prison. (Also, all violators will have a scarlet A standing for "Antisemite!" tattooed on their foreheads, or equivalent.) If it can happen there, it can happen here.

Look at the second video and get a load of the nasty little schlemiel who sicced the Israeli cops on people for talking about Jesus. "This isn't America," he tells them. "This is Israel. You're in my country." I don't know if this nauseating little creep is an "American-Israeli dual citizen", but I do know that this nation should want nothing to do with such people. This is OUR country, not theirs.

We merely bailed them out of WWII and pay their bills for them.

54 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Thanks to Coach Dave 🏈🙏

This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history's great thinkers in order to help supply the world with more knowledge, to empower the individual, and to promote freedom. Please check out their youtube channel for more brilliant content.
or visit their website to learn more

In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.

This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before? Are we experiencing one right now? And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?

This video took a tremendous amount of work. It truly is a labor of love and if you appreciate this video and want to help support the creation of more videos, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon -

Get the After Skool Kid's Book - Why Don't Country Flags Use The Color Purple?

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31 Views · 2 years ago

⁣I missed this, in all of the other hot garbage that's been occurring - go straight to 54 minutes in to get to the hot stuff 🔥

We're in the middle of a huge ass psyop...but YOU can determine how this goes

😎 Remember as to how I constantly invoke They Live? 😎

We are at the end of that movie...and how does it end, exactly?

John Nada succeeds in destroying the mechanism that keeps the (((synagogue of satan))) hidden from your sight...the point I'm intending to hammer into your consciousness is that this is one of the very few movies which doesn't have a 'Hollywood ending'; in other words, every lives happily ever after

Blow, starring Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz, is another one of the movies without a 'HE' - for different reasons...but I digress

Compare They Live! to Independence Day - that's a movie with a clear 'HE', yes?!?

The planet is overcome with invaders from Mars, with overwhelming force 🛸

We rally against this unstoppable force by the power of our will, and the men who can do the job when called upon

There's no way They Live! could have such an ending

John Carpenter was a genius - he told you everything you need to know just need to possess the WILL 🥸

29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

Continuing series.

⁣07/03/1940, German audio no subtitles.

29 Views · 2 years ago



Will the world see a former president frogmarched?!?

VfB weighs in with a tweet: Are you really going to be the willing Stepin Fetchit for the (((homosexual banking mafia))), you idiot?!?🤯😺🙃😹😳🤔🦄🍉🍗🍟
#CANST/#GMNo🇺🇸🐸❌ (@C_A_N_S_T) March 19, 2023

This could be the pivotal event that awakens the woke masses from their delusion; I learned from Coach Dave 4 years ago, that this is a 'show, NOT tell', world

It's like Operation: Warp Speed - I ask anyone what THEY would propose to have broken the lockdown/quarantine narrative; I have my ideas, but as I wasn't in a place to see them implemented, this was a viable plan

Once again; I'm NOT a cheerleader for Trump...but HE DOESN'T RAPE CHILDREN


NYC Mayor Eric Adams says he serves God...but which 'God', Eric?

Does the 'God' you serve have multiple sets of genitalia, perhaps?!?

I hope you enjoy the video

37 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The Solar powered Aptera can replenish up to 40 miles a day with built in solar panels all over the exterior. Get $30 dollars off your Aptera pre-order with this link: The Aptera has a top speed of 110mph and a 0-60 of 4 seconds - the future is going to be fun.


From JSF: The Aptera does not look so stupid anymore

14,600 miles of range solar only per year, 0-60 in 4 seconds, back area big enough to camp in.

If electric goes this way, it is going to backfire on the so-called "elite" BIG TIME.

I can honestly state that if it goes this way, gasoline really will become stupid. This thing charges so fast that if you for some reason run out of juice, a 15 minute charge at a Tesla station will get you home, 50 miles away. As is, if parked properly the solar panels give more range than most people drive per year, making driving totally free, especially since they can charge up so much that you'll always be running with 400+ miles of range.

Yes, I would buy this.

One important bragging point I have: The Aptera as currently designed has the same range (solar only) per year as I have always stated is possible, and unlike what I have said is possible, it is done with style. I always figured it would have to look stupid.

The Aptera does look different, but it does not look stupid. There are no rear seats as of now, but there certainly could be.

41 Views · 2 years ago


John Basham: OPINION: This Populist Push Of People Reasserting Control Over Their Governments Will Spread Like Wildfire & Spark Civil Wars Or Coups Worldwide!
“We have beh#@ded Louis XVI and we can do it again with Macron!” : Protestors chanting in France over Macron's retirement age push

Joe Biden Has Now Been on Vacation More Days Than the Rounds of Golf Played by President Trump His Entire First Term

"Foreign Aid" you say?
18 U.S.C. § 2381 says, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or imprisoned and fined, and incapable of holding any U.S. office.”
"Treason" our fathers said!

again the metal has been ... pilfered?
🇧🇴 EVO MORALES: "The [International Criminal Court] issues a void arrest warrant against the brother president of 🇷🇺 Russia #VladimirPutin, days before his meeting with his counterpart of 🇨🇳 China, #XiJinping that seeks to create the conditions for a process of pacification of the conflict with Ukraine.
We express all our solidarity with brother #Putin & warn that this political & forced accusation for alleged crimes of "deportation", aims to maintain the state of war between two brotherly peoples of #Europe to satisfy the [militarism of the 🇺🇸 U.S. & 🏳‍🌈 NATO].
We, the free #peoples fighting for a world free from [US 🇺🇸🏳‍🌈 interventionism], express our repudiation of the [empire's worldwide stigmatization campaign] against the brotherly 🇷🇺 Russian people. The real perpetrator of war crimes & crimes against humanity is the 🇺🇸 USA."

🇺🇸 "Biden called the ICC warrant for the "arrest" of Putin "justified", although the United States - like Russia - does not recognize the jurisdiction of this court." (Biden & #Pedowood in need of little children)

#SanctionsWork: "The New York Times writes that after the start of the #SMO special operation, airlines from the 🇺🇸 United States "lost the opportunity" to use the airspace of the 🇷🇺 Russian Federation, while carriers like Air 🇮🇳 India, 🇦🇪 Emirates & 🇨🇳 China Eastern Airlines continue to do so. They received an "unfair advantage", they make flights between the USA & Asia faster & cheaper, besides saving fuel. Now American airlines have stepped up lobbyists & are demanding that the authorities force other carriers to "fly on the same routes as their American competitors."😂

🇬🇧 "The UK intends to help #Kazakhstan in finding alternative oil export routes. The head of British diplomatic meddling department arrived on an official visit to #Astana from #Georgia on the eve of the early elections of deputies of Majilis (lower house of parliament) & maslikhats (local representative bodies), which will be held in Kazakhstan on March 19."

[Their] [ #IMF] has made changes to its rules that will allow to provide #loans: This is stated in a written statement issued by the [IMF]. We are talking about providing loans to countries 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇩🇪 facing "exceptionally high uncertainty". Changes in the IMF's policy on granting credit programs will apply to states experiencing" #externalshocks that are beyond the control of the country's authorities & the scope of their economic policy capabilities."

🇸🇰🇺🇦 "Slovakia signed an agreement with Ukraine on the transfer of MiG-29 fighters. The Russian Embassy in Bratislava, commenting on the decision to supply Kiev, called it illegal, since "Russian-Slovak agreements unequivocally exclude the transfer of weapons & military equipment [of Soviet & Russian production] to third states without permission of the producing country."

Vasily Nebenzya's, Russian diplomat & Permanent Representative of 🇷🇺 Russia to the United Nations, statements at the UN:
* The refusal of the West, to let speak the Ombudsman of the #DPR at the UN Security Council means, that the West does not consider the inhabitants of #Donbass to be people.
* Russia regrets that the #UNSecurityCouncil did not approve the speech of the DPR Ombudsman & will reconsider its attitude to the admission of speakers to meetings of the UN Security Council, take into account the behavior of the 🇺🇸 United States;
* Russia will hold an informal meeting of the UN Security Council in early April on the topic of #children evacuated from the 🇺🇦 Ukrainian ( #babyfarms) conflict zone;

Read the rest at the GAB URL

30 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The former New York governor said it’s up to non-Jewish elected officials to speak out ‘first and loudest’ in defense of Israel.

Read more here:

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who resigned in 2021 after multiple women accused him of sexual harassment, announced Monday that he has formed a new pro-Israel advocacy group. The move comes as Cuomo reportedly contemplates a political comeback as support for Israel diminishes among Democrats and younger Americans.

“I am going to call the question for Democrats. Do you stand with Israel or do you stand against Israel?” Cuomo said in pre-recorded remarks at an event commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. “Because silence is not an option.”

The event was hosted by Rabbi Shmuely Boteach, head of the World Values Network, a pro-Israel nonprofit, at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan.

Cuomo said the group will be called “Progressives for Israel.” A Cuomo spokesperson shared Cuomo’s remarks with the Forward, but he didn’t provide additional details about the group. The launch was first reported by Matthew Kassel, for Jewish Insider.

A Senate race takes shape
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has told donors that she expects to face fierce competition from Cuomo in her reelection bid next year, The Daily Beast reported last week. New York state is home to more Jews than any place outside of Israel. Gillibrand recently visited the country and told the Forward that the Jewish community expects her to be “a leader on issues related to Israel.”

Cuomo said it’s up to non-Jewish elected officials to speak out “first and loudest” against antisemitism and in support of Israel’s right to defend itself from threats, saying the two are intertwined. Many antisemites “try to distinguish between antisemitism and anti-Zionism,” he said. “But you must ignore history in order to make that differentiation.”

“It is time for the Shabbos goy,” Cuomo declared. His father, Mario Cuomo, the late three-term governor of New York, also used the term to refer to himself, and rooted his close relationship with the state’s Jews in his experience turning on the lights during the Sabbath for Orthodox families in his native Queens, New York. “The Shabbos goy can do the work that benefits both the Jewish community and the non-Jewish community,” Andrew Cuomo said. “The Shabbos goy can turn on the lights on the Sabbath because it benefits everyone. It is time to turn on the lights.”

A 2022 Pew survey showed that 53% of American adults who identify as Democrats, and most younger Americans, hold a negative view of Israel. In recent years the number of progressive House members and candidates speaking out against Israel and questioning its democratic character has grown, led by Reps. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley, who formed “The Squad” after their 2018 election.

Last year, eight Democrats voted against the replenishment of Israel’s anti-missile Iron Dome defense system and 16 opposed a resolution condemning the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. Rep. Ritchie Torres, a pro-Israel progressive from New York, cautioned American Jews last year to avoid complacency about anti-Israel sentiment in Congress. “Nine today could be 90 in five years,” Torres warned. “It could be 190 in 10 years.”

Cuomo said in his remarks on Monday that elected officials from both parties must be held accountable for their words and actions. “You can’t denounce antisemitism, but waver on Israel’s right to exist and defend itself,” he said. “You can’t be pro-Israel and have dinner with Nick Fuentes and Kanye West, stand with white nationalists or allow members of your own party to make antisemitic remarks.”

Cuomo-Jewish relations
Cuomo before his resignation had a complicated relationship with the Jewish community.
During his three successful campaigns for governor, Cuomo, now 65, won a majority of the Jewish vote. In his reelection campaign in 2014, Cuomo did better in districts with significant Orthodox populations than in predominantly non-Jewish neighborhoods of New York City.

But during the coronavirus pandemic, Cuomo drew backlash from Orthodox leaders over his executive order limiting attendance at houses of worship and for singling out some neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens for an uptick in COVID-19 cases.
And New York Times reporter Matt Flegenheimer reported last year that during his 2006 campaign for attorney general, Cuomo expressed frustration that he had to attend a Jewish outreach event during Sukkot. “These people and their f***ing tree houses,” Cuomo said at the time.

But he remained consistently vocal about his support for Israel, which he visited three times as governor. 🔚

36 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

Continuing series.

⁣06/26/1940, German audio no subtitles.

86 Views · 2 years ago


Nothing says we care about you than them shutting down testing to see if you are poisoned 🚆💥☠

BREAKING 🚨 East Palestine, Ohio woman reveals that LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics have discontinued their blood dioxin test following the hazardous train derailment.

Surprise: Vanguard, BlackRock and Norfolk Southern are a few of the labs’ largest shareholders.

46 Views · 2 years ago

⁣At today's Senate Homeland Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) slammed National Archivist nominee Colleen Shogan's answers to him from prior hearings and in writing.


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I had to put the last video under NSFL for a very good reason - the title alone should tell you: NO ONE AXED 🌮🪓💀 FOR THIS

Let us Substack:

163 Views · 2 years ago

Source: ⁣

Thumbnail: ⁣

⁣In October 2022, a White American was murdered by an illegal alien when that illegal alien, unprovoked, split the White man's skull in half with an axe.

It was caught on home surveillance, and the sight and sound are utterly sickening (the video will be added as a comment below this post, behind a content warning).
Yet virtually no one has heard about it.

Because there was no national media coverage of the shocking murder. Literally none.

On October 17th, 22-year-old Jimi Patterson was at a friend's apartment in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where 26-year-old Israel Trejo - an illegal alien from Mexico - came to purchase an axe that someone living at the apartment was selling. Patterson and Trejo did not know each other.

As Israel Trejo stood in the living room handling the axe, Jimi Patterson sat casually on the couch. No words were exchanged, and there was no conflict or commotion before the moment Trejo hauled the axe back with both hands and swung it straight down through the skull of Patterson.

Lt. Brandon Watkins of the Tulsa Police Department had this to say:
“There’s no lessons here. There’s nothing to this."

Go ahead and read that again:

“There’s no lessons here. There’s nothing to this."

Now - you guessed it - we are going to "imagine if the races were reversed."

Because if they were, we'd have the Mexican George Floyd and the incident would be used to justify the continued open flow of non-White migration across the southern border of the United States for the explicit purpose of displacing the inherently evil White population of this country.

If a calm, quiet, unassuming Mexican national, illegally in the US, was sitting on a couch in Tulsa, OK, and a White American man, absolutely out of nowhere, plunged an axe through that Mexican's skull, killing him - and it was all caught on video...

~ Would there be a national media blackout or would the media's spotlight shine brighter than it has since Saint George of Minneapolis overdosed in proximity to a White guy?

~ Would there be total Uniparty silence, or would every grandstanding whore on either side of the aisle rush to press conferences, TV appearances, and social media accounts to "condemn the unconscionable and unprovoked execution of an innocent man who was just trying to make a better life for himself and his family!"?

~ Would there be total inaction from the FBI and White House or would their bosses at the ADL have immediately dispatched them to cook up "hate crime" charges and recite headline fodder about this indisputable proof that "wHiTe SuPrEmAcY iS tHe GrEaTeSt tHrEaT tO tHe HoMeLaNd!"?

~ Would the police reflexively conclude that "there's no lesson here" or would the world never stop learning the lesson that "White People Bad!"?

As is so often the case, the system silence from the Anti-White Industrial Complex is proof positive of their complicity.

Some White American kid gets his skull split like firewood by a non-White illegal?

LOL, shhh.

A non-White illegal gets his skull split like firewood called a name by some White America kid?

My objective here isn't to point out some double-standard - it's to point out the only standard:

The Anti-White standard.

Because just as frightening as the unrelenting stream of Anti-White migration and violence is the continued insistence of so many White Americans that "it's not about race!"

Of course it's about race.

The entire reason you haven't heard about this is because the victim is an innocent White kid and the murderer is an illegal alien from Mexico.

And our Anti-White ruling class wants more illegal aliens and more dead White people.

24 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

Continuing series.

⁣05/29/1940, German audio no subtitles.

41 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Die Deutsche Wochenschau⁣ was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of the Third Reich from August of 1939 until the end of the War.

Continuing series.

⁣05/22/1940, German audio no subtitles.

25 Views · 2 years ago


"Stop trying to gaslight trans people, telling us we're crazy!"

"You're crazy, bro."

*incoherent screeching*


Jim Stone got gigged:

Bookmark this page, you are on

It is a mess but I am not going to worry about that now, getting the new location out is most important.

I found this host with the Freespoke search engine. This host won't do shut downs or transfers without negotiating with me first. I gave no permission to transfer and POOF, it was gone. has been taken away.

Once I sort out the problems, the new site will be at (That is not where is) I set up on a shared Cpanel server because I don't need anything to make it work and was getting blocked from downloading Putty and Filezilla to stop me from starting over on a normal server after got taken away. Cpanel has everything you need built in and is harder to stop when being messed with. When they give up I'll probably keep running from this domain while I keep the IP of the main server prominent and use it for serving resources.


Thanks to the bitcoin donations I am running on new servers. However, it is now depleted so my ability to handle more disasters is limited.

I had and both loaded with enough bitcoin funds to keep them going for years, nonrefundable of course. That was a loss. The basic server at is paid for one year, and the main one I can't get working is paid for 2 years. I'll get that going most likely because I managed to simply run filezilla off the desktop without using the linux updater and am using it to transfer files now.
But if those two new servers also get taken, I'll need more coin to jump elsewhere.


I need to try to change servers away from orangewebsite. There is enough bitcoin to do something basic but if anyone could drop a little more in it would probably help.


Land records across America sold to foreign powers??
This appears to be an insanely important report
From Timothy Charles "one man away from Trump"

Showing 168 out of 169