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21 Views · 9 months ago

⁣illuminatibot - The Hegelian Dialectic, named after Georg Hegel, the German Philosopher, is also known as “Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis” or “Ordo Ab Chao” Latin for Order from Chaos. This is the motto of 33rd Freemasons. Create the problem and provide the solution.
Multi pronged attacks are part of the 'antithesis'
The (mis?)use of the term 'Hegelian Dialectic'
Apologies if this is not a question for this sub. For (hopefully relevant) context, an acquaintance of mine posts content that is largely anti-establishment and pandemic-sceptic. Recently they reposted a meme based on the 'Daddy, what did you do in the war' propaganda poster from WWI. The meme goes:
"Girl: Daddy, why do people give up freedom for security?
Father: It's called the Hegelian Dialectic, darling. They create a problem. The problem creates a reaction, If there is enough fear and hysteria people will not only accept the solution that limits their rights but they will actually beg for it."
Because I suspect the person saw the phrase 'hegelian dialectic' and thought it gave their beliefs more credibility without really knowing what it meant, I'm curious if there is in fact any way that the scenario in the meme corresponds to anything Hegel discussed?

27 Views · 9 months ago


During WHITE BOY SUMMER 2023, VfB mentioned that he had just concluded his 24 year plan to destroy the works of the (((homosexual banking mafia)))...but imagine that this was the only plan running

Lots of us have gotten off of the couch and are OCCUPYING as we speak

Coach Dave had Tom Condit on the show today - there are people in place that can and are doing what needs to be done...but understand that our institutions were infiltrated by reckless and unholy creatures with no regard whatsoever for our well-being

They have poisoned the AIR

They have poisoned the WATER

They have poisoned the FOOD

Their very touch poisons everything in which they make contact

It's time for a BUG BOMB 💣

At the same time, shine a light about you 🌞 it's clean-up time

Part of the clean-up is waking those asleep to the facts of WW2





“Nearly two-thirds of US young adults unaware 6m Jews killed in the Holocaust,” The Guardian reported in 2020. “According to survey of adults 18-39, 23% said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, had been exaggerated or they weren’t sure.”

“Survey finds ‘shocking’ lack of Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Gen Z,” NBC wrote of the same study. “Over half of those thought the toll was under 2 million.”

“What do Americans know about the Holocaust? Some, not much,” said the Religion News Service of a different survey that same year. “A new Pew Research Center poll shows Americans generally know what the Holocaust was, but fewer than half can correctly cite the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust—6 million.”

“Asked to identify what Auschwitz is,” The Washington Post reported in 2018, “41 percent … could not come up with a correct response identifying it as a concentration camp or extermination camp.”

This sounds awful—until you discover what Americans know, or rather don’t know, about other things. According to a 2016 survey reported on by Voice of America, “Roughly 60 percent of college graduates couldn’t correctly name a requirement for the ratification of a constitutional amendment, and 40 percent didn’t know Congress has the constitutional authority to declare war. Not even half know that the Senate oversees presidential impeachments.” (Presumably, they’ve figured that one out since.)

When we move from college grads to all American adults, the results get even worse. 37 percent don’t know when Election Day occurs every four years.

Over half don’t know that Franklin D. Roosevelt spearheaded the New Deal. (This is setting aside the 18 percent in another survey who think it was composed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.) Over 60 percent of respondents do not know the term lengths for senators and members of the House of Representatives. In 2021, the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania found that nearly half of American adults could not name all three branches of government. The list goes on: Half of Americans don’t know that the Supreme Court can overrule the president on constitutional questions. 64 percent don’t know that the Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery.

Put in this context, what Americans know about the Holocaust is actually quite impressive. According to Pew’s 2020 study:
When asked to describe in their own words what the Holocaust was, more than eight-in-ten Americans mention the attempted annihilation of the Jewish people or other related topics, such as concentration or death camps, Hitler, or the Nazis. Seven-in-ten know that the Holocaust happened between 1930 and 1950. And close to two-thirds know that Nazi-created ghettos were parts of a city or town where Jews were forced to live.

In other words, Americans demonstrate greater literacy about the Holocaust—an event that happened to a tiny fraction of the world’s population on a completely different continent—than they do about their own country’s institutions and history. More Americans can identify Auschwitz than their own branches of government. Tellingly, Americans across the ideological spectrum regularly make and debate Holocaust analogies, because its story is one of the few touchstones they all share. Far from a failure, Holocaust education in America has been a triumph, piercing the veil of civic ignorance that obscures so many other subjects in the popular consciousness.

18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Shadow of Ezra - MUSLIMS EXPOSED FOR FORCING YOU TO TAKE THE VACCINE. Wait a second.. These aren't Muslims.... The BioLabs were located where? Show this to your favorite Pro-Israeli Conservative and watch how fast they block you.
Welcome to the #covidiocracy 💉😷☠⚰
Months before the first COVID-19 vaccine began to be distributed in the United States, the Nation of Islam (NOI) had already widely disseminated its directive that Black people refuse the vaccine. Over a year later, the NOI and its leading members have continued their unrelenting promotion of anti-vaccine messages in social media posts, print materials, sermons and beyond. More recently, anti-vaccine advocacy has led NOI members to collaborate with and be promoted by various individuals and groups outside of the NOI, including conspiracy theorists and QAnon proponents.
Despite sometimes holding significantly different views about other aspects of the pandemic or their ideologies more broadly, a shared commitment to protesting the vaccine, as well as a distrust of the government and mainstream media, has facilitated these joint efforts. Through all of this, the NOI has exploited legitimate concerns and distrust about the history of medical experimentation on marginalized communities in the United States in order to promote conspiratorial claims about a government-sponsored depopulation plot that targets Black people.
Advocating against vaccines is a familiar strategy for the NOI. In the 1960s, NOI leader Elijah Muhammad instructed his followers to reject the polio vaccine. In the mid-2010s, the NOI revived its anti-vaccine advocacy under leader Louis Farrakhan with a focus on the disproven allegation that vaccines are linked to autism in children. Early in the coronavirus pandemic, NOI leaders and members again began to revisit the topic of vaccines, including promoting conspiratorial claims that the COVID-19 vaccine was part of an agenda to kill Black people.
On July 4, 2020, Farrakhan delivered a highly-publicized speech in which he instructed Black people in the U.S. and around the world: “Don’t take the vaccines…Don’t let them vaccinate you, with their history of treachery through vaccines, through medication.” He claimed that the vaccines were part of a depopulation plot sponsored by the U.S. government, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Bill and Melinda Gates, among others. “We will not accept your vaccine,” Farrakhan continued, “because we’re not accepting death.” Farrakhan further claimed that any attempt to force Black people to take the vaccine would be considered “a declaration of war.” Within days, the speech had received over one million views online.
In subsequent weeks and months, quotations from the speech were repurposed as hashtags and slogans plastered on the NOI’s website, social media accounts, and other online and print materials, including in the group’s weekly newspaper, The Final Call. Specialized brochures urging readers to heed Farrakhan’s warnings about the vaccine were distributed alongside The Final Call. Before its Twitter account was suspended in 2021 for violating the platform’s policies, the Nation of Islam Research Group, known for producing some of the NOI’s most virulently antisemitic content, posted numerous graphics warning against the vaccine, which were further shared on other NOI-affiliated accounts and platforms.
NOI members at all levels of the organization have since propagated the anti-vaccine messages. Ishmael Muhammad, the NOI’s Student National Assistant Minister, has frequently reiterated Farrakhan’s instructions during the NOI’s nationally-broadcast weekly sermons. “The Minister has made it clear to us that we’re not taking their vaccine. It’s not up for debate. It’s a divine order from God,” he stated in January 2021. During another weekly sermon later that same month, NOI Executive Council member and Student Minister Wesley Muhammad blamed Jews for the pandemic and warned against trusting the “vaccine mafia.”
Collaborations to Spread Anti-Vaccine Message
In addition to tactics which utilize the NOI’s own publications and social media channels, the NOI has also spread its anti-vaccine propaganda through collaborations with or promotion from a wide range of individuals and groups over the past year. Some of these individuals and groups have a more mainstream following while others pander to a more extreme audience. These collaborative activities though have provided a platform for NOI members to grow their audiences and serve to seemingly legitimize NOI’s false and misleading claims.
Read the rest at the thumbnail URL

25 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Anthony Cumia - Calling him “boy” is really the cream on top

32 Views · 9 months ago

The landmasses have been uncovered frozen nearly half a mile beneath the surface of the frozen tundra.
Conspiracy theorists will be sent into overdrive amid outrageous claims the Antarctic could house the lost city of Atlantis or alien bases.
Some of the uncovered structures are so massive they are “comparable in height to the Eiffel Tower”.
Scientists who made the discovery have been slightly more realistic in their assessment of the find.
It is believed the huge formations are tunnels and ridges frozen beneath the ice.
These hives are believed to be natural formations which help give stability to the ice above.
A team from the Université libre de Bruxelle in Belgium said the structures were evidence of “water conduits and sediment ridges below the Antarctic ice sheet”.
The gigantic formations “carve deep incisions at the bottom of the ice”.
Scientists believe understanding these structures will help them predict the impact climate change will have on the impact.
But the experts will likely not silence conspiracy theorists who claim the icy mass hides ruins of ancient civilisations.
Some scholars claim a lost city could be buried beneath the Antarctica based a 500-year-old map drawn by an Ottoman admiral.
Meanwhile, a UFO whistleblower claimed he saw an alien base hidden in the Antarctic.

17 Views · 9 months ago

⁣If Not You, Who?
If Not Now, When?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
[VfB would add: right-thinking]
"In general, however, it should never be forgotten that the highest purpose of human existence is not the preservation of a state or even that of a government, but the preservation of their kind."
-Adolf Hitler

17 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Jack Straw - Watch this 👇👇👇
What happened to GMEI Utility?
GMEI's client portal was definitively closed on July 27, 2023. It's an interesting time in the LEI code space. Consolidations, business mergers, and bankruptcies all raise important questions for LEI holders that we would like to address in this article.

28 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Historic Vids - Robin Williams roasting the banking system 15 years ago
"Money was only to serve as a lubricant of trade, NOT a means by which to use over and against other men" - Adam Austin
Comment: And suddenly socialism and solidarity becomes very important issues...but only for banks and corporations never for those who really need it, then the help suddenly and magically transform from socialism to communism!
Who the f*** decided that taxpayers must always apply such a rotten policy?!

30 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Censored Men - The Jewish Wire. Interesting loophole.


VfB isn't perfect; sometimes, mistakes are wit:

It's called an "eruv", not "erev rav". (erev rav is something entirely different) There's one in my neighborhood. No one seems to know or care what it is, but I know.

Right! 'Erev rav' refers to a colloquialism that was used for jews in times past: "There goes the riff raff!", hence the title - thanks!


Unbeknown to most, there are transparent wires that wrap around over 200 cities in North America — including Manhattan — to mark a religious boundary.

And every week, there is a "secret operation" to check and repair the wire in time for the weekend. We tagged along to see what it's all about.

From Google: What does Riff Raff mean in slang?

1. : a class of people who are looked down upon : rabble. 2. : rubbish. riffraff adjective.

26 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Please purchase products from this link to support this podcast: Thanks.
To purchase The Victor-Hugo Collection contact The William DeBilzan Gallery William DeBilzan Art Gallery Delray Beach Florida 561-266 2090
“My job is not to be politically correct; It is to witness, observe, analyze and document the beautiful chaos that surrounds us all, so that future generations can understand how we got to this moment in time.” - Victor-Hugo Vaca II
"I'm known as the 'Nostradamus of the Art World' because my paintings foreshadow events but It's not that I can see the future, it's that as an artist, I've met the people who forge our future." - Victor-Hugo Vaca II
Public Trust Plummets As Fake News Media Spreads Misinformation and Lies While Ignoring Prescient Eyewitness Observations from New York Born Hispanic-American Artist Who Lived Through The Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic Outbreak In China. Now, stuck in the former Soviet Union as a dissident American Refugee due to the Chinese Coronavirus shutting down all international flights and forced PCR Test lobotomies and deadly, experimental vaccines required to travel back to the homeland he served to protect as a United States Naval Academy Midshipman Officer, the Nostradamus of the Art World, Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo, shares modern art gonzo journalism with global citizens.
'Pattern recognition obviates the 'broad brush' canard - it is what it is!' - comment left at VCV's video - gave his answering service a ringy
At 10 minutes in, Vic's friend says just what uncle🕋murry said on last night's HoaxBusters

27 Views · 9 months ago

⁣To anybody familiar with the extremely strict rules of conduct for the German armed forces, especially in occupied enemy territory, this story is not very surprising. For example, any German soldier caught raping a woman faced a firing squad shortly thereafter. Compare this with the announcement of the Russian commanders to their forces invading Germany at a later date, that all enemy females were their property, or the recommendation of President Roosevelt that our troops should study Kaufmann's tract, Germany Must Perish, which recommended that all Germans of reproductive age be sterilized.
BUT...what if the shoe was on the other foot...?
Author’s Preface:
What is contained herein is but a synopsis and partial review of the verbatim text of an actual book first published in the USA back in early 1941 when America was still a neutral country. That book, Germany Must Perish! was written by a Jewish writer by the name of Theodore N. Kaufman. Its exact proposals are those contained herein.
It is assumed that the reader will already be fully cognizant of the Zionist agenda for global governance that is a given in today’s political reality, especially within the alternative media and on the Internet where Zionist “hate” laws are still not fully in place to restrict the natural flow of ideas and opinions that proceed from historical research and experience.
In 1941 Kaufman’s book was a brilliant piece of Zionist Jew propaganda designed to stir up anti-German hatred in America. Some say that it formed the basis of the infamous “Morgenthau Plan” that was later signed in Quebec, Canada by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill; one designed to dismember Germany after its defeat and reduce it to the status of “a goat pasture.” It was probably remains to this day the foremost example of hate literature ever to have been published and dispensed to the general public.
As the reader will surmise from viewing the image of the back page of Kaufman’s book some of America’s most prestigious newspapers and magazines were in full support of the objectives set down in this classic book of Jewish hate literature. Again, the reader is cautioned to bear in mind that I have changed the word “Nazi” to “Jew” in the quote from the Philadelphia Record as I have changed all the other words “German” and “Nazi” to “Jew” and “Zionist,” etc.
The striking thing about the vileness of the text is how, today, it seems to roll off the mind’s tongue as if it were as truthful and factual as the rising sun. As such I firmly believe that all of what the Zionist Jews write about others is actually but a reflection of their own inner, perverse, dislocated self. By projecting outward on to others their innate paranoid and deep-seated hatred for the rest of the world they’re able to meet the requirements of the Israeli state’s motto which reads, “By Way of Deception Though Shalt Cause War” and feel a sense of superiority and self-righteousness in doing so.
I would humbly ask the reader to be aware of these features as they read both the text and the context in which it was first written. I have, as the saying goes, only changed the names to protect the innocent. As for any further extrapolation I will leave that up to the reader.

⁣riverman396 posted:

Everything that is discussed in this video in this book the details are totally laid out. The World Order (1st Edition, 1985) Eustace Mullins.pdf and the updated sequel of this book is The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, 2nd edition, 1992 " Jacob Schiff had two brothers in Germany who were financing the German war effort. It was a classic case of a "managed conflict", with the Rothschilds manipulating both sides from behind the scenes. At the Versailles Peace Conference, Bernard Baruch was head of the Reparations Commission; Max Warburg, on behalf of Germany, accepted the reparations terms, while Paul Warburg, Thomas Lamont and other Wall Street bankers advised Wilson and the Dulles brothers on how "American" interests should be handled at this all-important diplomatic conference.

The Rothschilds had decided upon the formula of a "managed conflict" for the First World War because of the difficulty they had encountered in defeating the Boers from 1899 to 1901. After illegally annexing the Transvaal in 1881, the British had been turned back with a resounding defeat at Majuba by Paul Kruger. In 1889, because of the discovery of vast wealth in gold and diamonds in South Africa, the Rothschilds came back to loot the nation with 400,000 British soldiers pitted against 30,000 "irregulars", that is, farmers with rifles, whom the Boers could put into the field. The Boer War was started by Rothschild's agent, Lord Alfred Milner, against the wishes of a majority of the British people. His plans were aided by another Rothschild agent, Cecil Rhodes, who later left his entire fortune to the furtherance of the Rothschild program, through the Rhodes Trust, a by no means infrequent denouement among Rothschild agents, and the basis of the entire "foundation" empire today.

The British fought a "no prisoners", scorched earth war, destroying farms, and mercilessly shooting down Boers who tried to surrender. It was in this war that the institution of "concentration camps" was brought to the world, as the British rounded up and imprisoned in unsanitary, fever-ridden camps anyone thought to be sympathetic to the Boers, including many women and children, who died by the thousands. This genocidal policy would next be used by the Rothschild-financed Bolsheviks in Russia, who adopted the Boer War concept to murder 66 million Russians between 1917 and 1967." That is found on page 21 just remember while reading this book most of the names and people mentioned are jews. That is just 1 page of this book. I pretty sure the guy in this video is South African he might be interested to know these facts

11 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Jim and (Late Joe Rizoli), Diane King, Dianna Ploss, uncle🕋murry sits in along with Henry Hershovitz, Reese & CB

Diane continues her review of Peter Winter's DID MILLION REALLY DIE: FACT OR FICTION

Discussion of HR 6090, gatekeeping, the Holohoax, the Gaza genocide, the Soros-sponsored (((protests))), astroturfing and more

"When one steals diamonds and gets caught - they have to return them" - when something so high-profile is stolen, and the thieves constantly strut around freely showing off their ill-gotten gains, without retribution, the collapse of said society will follow

*** RADIO:
*** VIDEO/AUDIO: in a new tab
Recommended Channels
BITCHUTE - Jim Rizoli -
Recommended Videos/Links
**** THE HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE, Dr. E. Michael Jones
**** Joe's BitChute videos:
**** Holocaust links
****** Holocaust Deprogramming Course:
****** Holocaust Handbooks

Holocaust Facts:
Zundel videos:


20 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Why boomies hate the current gen. Better pattern recognition skills.
Mike Johnson is clearly under we just sit and watch?
Doesn't sound very Christian to VfB

16 Views · 9 months ago

⁣He needs sum meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeilk 🥛🤣

President Biden trying to appeal to the Islamist Hitler youth will backfire. Americans love their country, and they are disgusted by what they see at these colleges and universities. They understand Israelis share our common bond - Islamists do not. Americans are sick and tired of paying for the brainwashing of our kids and grandkids. Americans are sick and tired of a wide-open border, and high grocery and gas prices. Americans are sick and tired of Biden!

Be sure to hear the rest of what Mark has to say by listening to the full Audio Rewind.

This video sponsored by Advantage Gold. Learn more:

Key Links:
Order Mark's book, The Democrat Party Hates America:
Be sure to visit for all things Mark Levin.
Follow on Apple Podcasts:


19 Views · 9 months ago

⁣The mayor of New York City was recently initiated into Freemasonry’s Prince Hall Masonic Lodge as a Master Mason.

This branch of the secret society is known as African American Freemasonry. Its membership includes Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other public figures.

The secret ceremony was conducted at Gracie Mansion, the city’s official mayoral residence. It was not on the mayor’s public schedule, but was posted on Facebook. The post has since been restricted or deleted. But the secret is out!

Congrats to Eric Adams and his minions!

Licensed music. Manhattan Masonic Lodge background by Gigi Altarejos:

#ericadams #graciemansion #freemason #freemasonry #mason #freemasons #masonictemple #black #africanamerican #occult #secret #nwo #illuminati #nyc #newyorkcity #newyork #manhattan #democrat #politics #nypd #police #immigration #news #government #politician #politicalcomedy #comedy #satire #comedyvideos #politicalhumor #boule source:

20 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Kwarantined Krab [Original air date: 4/29/2022 (produced in 2019) note] #COVIDIOCRACY

The Krusty Krab goes under emergency quarantine, but no one knows who carries the mysterious illness...

"Kwarantined Krab" contains examples of:

Accidental Murder: It's highly implied that nobody let out the people Mr. Krabs quarantined in the freezer during his sailor years.

Added Alliterative Appeal: The various illnesses, Grease Gout, Moldy Measles, Trash

Trichinosis, Dust Bunny Bronchitis, and Polyester Plague, in that order. The only exceptions is the Clam Flu.

Bait-and-Switch: After locking SpongeBob in the freezer, his cries of agony are heard. But then it turns out he's actually having fun, skiing and eating ice-cream.

Bigger on the Inside: The inside of the Krusty Krab's freezer, which looks more like snowy mountains.

Bottle Episode: The entire episode is set at the Krusty Krab.

Gainax Ending: The episode ends with everyone in the Krusty Krab getting sick for real, the Krusty Krab is put under "ultra-mega quarantine", and it drops on top of the Chum Bucket. Plankton then gets sick as well, revealing he was the one with the Clam Flu.

"I Can't Look!" Gesture: While locking SpongeBob in the freezer:

Mrs. Puff: Oh, it sounds like he's really suffering in there! Oh, I can't bare to look...can someone describe it to me?

Pepper Sneeze: A pepper shaker flies into SpongeBob's nose, causing him to sneeze and making everyone think he is the infected one.

Platonic Kissing: When banishing himself to the freezer, SpongeBob passes by Squidward and kisses his cheek, causing the latter to panic that he may get infected.

Quarantine with Extreme Prejudice: Plankton is vaporized after trying to escape the Krusty Krab.

Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Plankton aborts his plan to steal the formula after discovering the Krusty Krab is under quarantine and escapes through the restaurant's air duct. He is burnt to ashes for his efforts.

"Shaggy Dog" Story: In the end it's revealed that nobody was actually sick with Clam Flu and Mr. Krabs went paranoid over nothing.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Unfortunately, being trapped together and getting into physical fights, violating each other all the while, causes them to get sick for real, and pretty badly too.


12 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Wasn't going to type anything; VfB figured this video alone would tell the story...and then VfB hit on the perfect hashtag: #covidiocracy 🧽💉😷☠⚰❌
The Spongebob episode "Kwarantined Krab" is in deep trouble after some awful timing with the pandemic. A recent listing for the complete 12th season DVD has revealed that the episode will NOT be available on it. Does this mean it's about to become lost media? Will it ever air?
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9 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Friday, May 3rd, 2024
Episode No.327 – Whistleblower John Carman Returns!

Returning to the Robin Hood this week is former secret service, and law enforcement agent, California USA's John Carman.

Serving under Presidents Carter and Ford, John also worked counter-terrorism out of Washington D.C. during the mid 1970's, before heading back to California for various other police work opportunities.

8pm PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja
11pm EST - New York, Toronto, Miami
(Saturday – 12 NOON Tokyo & Seoul)
Check your local listings

Helping fight the "War on Drugs", he transferred 2 US Customs in 1983. Here he uncovered systemic corruption. Reporting on it, his claims fell entirely on deaf ears.

Rather than receiving any commendation, John was made persona non grata. Locked out of all law enforcement agencies, he was then unceremoniously stripped of any pension and job entitlement rewards.

Even now, well in to the meta-modern age, he continues to stand his ground. As an aging senior, homelessness, & death threats, remain an ever present reality.

Social Media Links:

EARLIER (Archived) 2020 Interview carman&f=latest carman

Feel free to call in via SKYPE = (Captain Sinclair)

Guests, Co-Hosts, & Commentators:
via Chicago USA - PSEC co-founder Dave Kelso

Florida, USA - Karma Love

“Peg Leg” Vinny (from Brooklyn)

West Frankfort, Illinois (“Jolly” Roger Hanson)

(be sure to like, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!)$/search?q=wprpn






31 Views · 9 months ago

⁣The Project Blue Book, Operation High Jump, Operation Paper Clip is real. Look it up. It’s challenging to accept but hard facts with videos 🤪

Showing 102 out of 103