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⁣Werewolf Game Rules, Roles & How to Play

Here is a guide to how to play Werewolf.
Werewolf is an interactive multiplayer game. This activity often appears in corporate settings as a team building game or icebreaker. Werewolf is a slightly complicated game, and understanding the rules beforehand is essential.
Werewolf is among the best team building games and problem-solving games. You can also use the challenge as a theater game or communication activity.
This article covers:
Werewolf game rules
Werewolf game roles
how to play Werewolf
how to play Werewolf online
Here are the basics.
Werewolf game rules
Werewolf is one of the best team building games. You can play the exercise in person or online via a Zoom or video call. This game requires participants to listen carefully and communicate clearly. The game Mafia inspired Werewolf as we know it today. Players have utilized a version of this game for decades.
The main goal of the werewolf is to survive the “night.” Players have different roles, which determine what can happen to them during the game. The most crucial element to success is that the moderator or host understands the rules clearly.
The main narrative involves a werewolf trying to devour other players. There is also a medic and a seer. Everyone who is not assigned one of these specific roles is a villager. You can find more information about all these roles below.
Before the game, the moderator will assign roles to all participants. If you are playing in person, then you can ask players to draw cards out of a bowl. Or, you can pass out cards. If you are playing virtually, then you can use an online generator to assign roles. Or, the moderator can directly message each player with their role. The most important thing is that players do not know who is in what role.
To play the game:
The moderator will advise all players on what time of day it is. For example, the werewolf is active at night. The seer and the medic also awake at night. However, the villagers do not wake up until morning.
The moderator is a neutral guide and cannot die nor vote on the werewolf.
During the day, the moderator guides discussion among the villagers as they attempt to determine who the werewolf is.
The villagers vote on who the werewolf is.
If the villagers figure out who the werewolf is, then they win.
If the villagers are wrong, then night falls again. If the werewolf manages to kill everyone before getting caught, then he or she wins.
No cheating! Players cannot open their eyes until instructed to do so by the moderator.
The most important rule of Werewolf is that for survival, the seer, medic, and werewolves should conceal their true identities and masquerade as villagers for as long as possible.
Werewolf game roles
There are several roles in Werewolf, and each has a purpose.
1. Moderator
The moderator has a vital role. It is your job to ensure the game runs smoothly.
First, you will assign roles either randomly with cards or using an online generator. The moderator must protect the identities of both the werewolf and the seer. If the villagers figure out who these players are, then the game ends. While the moderator cannot win or lose the game, they carry the most responsibility.
The moderator controls day and night throughout the game and wakes up the werewolf, medic, and seer. The moderator also can pronounce villagers dead. Afterward, they guide discussion among the villagers as participants attempt to determine who the werewolf is. Fair warning, it can be a challenge to remain impartial and not give anything away when you know so much!
The moderator has several jobs throughout the game, in the following order:
Assign roles to all the players.
Notify all players when night falls.
Wake up the werewolf and find out who they want to kill.
Wake up the seer and find out who they think the werewolf is.
Wake up the medic and find out who they want to save.
Wake up all the players when the day arrives.
Give the bad news notifying villagers who died.
Guide discussion among villagers as the debate who the werewolf is.
Take a vote and tally who the villagers want to kick out.
Depending on the vote, notify the voted out villager, or the caught werewolf.
The moderator has the task of moving along the story and keeping players engaged.
2. Werewolf
The werewolf is the game’s villain and main antagonist. The werewolf’s only job is to stalk the villagers at night and kill them without getting caught. This role probably has the most power in the game. Each night, the moderator wakes the werewolf up and asks them who they want to eat.
Of course, the werewolf needs to act as sneakily and stealthily as possible. This is where strategy comes into play. Your goal is to deflect or deter villagers’ suspicions. For example, choose random villagers, and avoid victims that might be an obvious choice for you. Furthermore, during daytime deliberation, try to make the villagers believe you are one of them.
For the best chance at surviving, the werewolf needs to figure out the identities of the seer and medic. The seer, in particular, is your biggest threat. Once the seer figures you out, their only goal is to turn all the villagers against you.
If you have eight players or more, then consider having two werewolves. For groups of 16 players, three werewolves are best. As the group grows, increasing the number of werewolves keeps the game balanced. When playing with many werewolves, you can ask them to work together to choose a victim. Or, the werewolves can take turns choosing their victims on different nights.
3. Seer
The seer is the anti-werewolf. This character is attempting to catch the werewolf and save the villagers. The seer has the chance to discover the werewolf, and then try to persuade other players.
The seer gets the night to ask the moderator who the werewolf is. Once you find out the truth, you are indispensable to the villagers. However, this fact makes you very dangerous to the werewolf, who will likely try to eliminate you as early as possible. For this reason, the seer must keep their identity hidden from the villagers and the werewolf.
To stay alive longer in the game and keep the werewolf from getting suspicious, try to remain neutral in discussions. If you are always trying to get the villagers to vote for the werewolf and they refuse, then you will likely end up dead very soon. Reading the room during the discussion can help you to stay alive. For instance, if another player mentions the werewolf, then you have a chance to guide the conversation without pointing fingers.
4. Medic
The medic is a fun but unnecessary role if you play with a smaller group. The moderator wakes the medic up each night after the werewolf and the seer. The moderator will ask the medic who they want to save. The medic will not know the identities of the seer nor the wolf’s victims. If the medic chooses the wolf’s intended prey, then that villager survives.
The medic is extra helpful if they can figure out the identity of the seer. Once the seer knows who the werewolf is, they can help end the game. If the medic can figure out who the seer is, then the medic can keep the seer alive.
Again, if you are playing with a smaller group, it is OK to leave the medic out. Playing without a medic will only mean that villagers die when the wolf attacks them.
5. Villagers
Every participant who is not the moderator, seer, medic, or werewolf is a villager. Think of these characters as potential food for the werewolf. Their only goal is to figure out who the werewolf is and stop the feeding frenzy.
An individual villager stands no chance against the werewolf. However, a community can band together to catch the werewolf and save the remaining group members.
To be successful, the villagers should figure out who each role is. The villagers know that a participant is lying to cover up their tracks. They also know someone is telling the truth and trying to save the whole village. The key is to figure out who is who.
How to play Werewolf
the following is the main flow of the game Werewolf.
To play the game, the moderator will assign roles to players. The moderator will then tell all players that night has fallen. Participants should hum or lightly tap their desks so ambient noise and movement are not as noticeable. Once night falls, the only player to speak is the moderator. The werewolf, the medic, and the seer should be as inconspicuous as possible when answering the moderator.
First, the moderator will wake up the werewolf. You can say a phrase along the lines of, “Werewolf, open your eyes and choose your victim.” The werewolf will choose a villager to kill by pointing at them. The moderator should confirm this by holding their hand over the selected victim. The werewolf will then go back to sleep.
Next, the moderator will wake up the seer. The moderator can say something like, “Seer, wake up. Who do you think is the evil werewolf?” The seer will choose a player by pointing at them. Again, the moderator should confirm by holding their hand over the chosen player’s head. Then, the moderator will audibly answer with either “villager” or “werewolf.” The seer will then go back to sleep.
Then, the moderator will wake up the medic. You can ask the medic, “Who do you think needs saving tonight?” The medic will point to someone. Just like with the werewolf and seer, be sure to confirm their choice by holding a hand over the head of the villager they chose. The medic will then go back to sleep.
Finally, the moderator will announce the sun has come up, and all villagers should wake up. As soon as the moderator wakes the villagers up, they will inform the villagers there has been an attack. If the unlucky villager that the werewolf picked is not also chosen by the medic, they unfortunately die. Yet, if the medic chose the same villager as the werewolf, the attack was not fatal, and the villager will pull through.
During the day, the moderator will guide the villager’s discussion as they attempt to figure out who the werewolf is. Any player can say anything in these debates. But, villagers who are already dead must remain quiet. You can think of them as silent ghosts. During this discussion, villagers can proclaim their innocence and accuse werewolves. It is best to give a time limit on discussions. After a couple of minutes, the moderator will call for a vote.
Then, allow for villagers to make their accusations. You can hold your hand over the head of the accused werewolves and ask for votes. Villagers should raise their hand when the moderator is over who they think the werewolf is.
The villagers eliminate the participant who gets the most votes. The player should then reveal whether they were the werewolf. If they were a villager, then the moderator could say, “The village has voted to condemn an innocent person! The werewolf will find a new victim tonight.”
If the accused was the seer, then the moderator can say, “The village has voted to condemn the seer, the one player who knew the truth. The werewolf will find a new victim tonight.” If the accused was the medic, then the moderator can say, “The village has voted to condemn the medic, the one player who could save an attack victim. The werewolf will find a new victim tonight.”
However, If the accused was indeed the werewolf, then the moderator can say, “The village has voted to condemn the werewolf. You are now safe from the ravenous appetite of the werewolf. You can sleep well tonight knowing that the wolf is no longer hunting.” However, if you play with more than one werewolf, let the villagers know they caught one werewolf, yet more werewolves remain.
If the villagers do not catch the werewolf, or the last werewolf, then the game continues. The moderator should then inform participants that night has fallen again. Next, repeat the steps in the same order, asking the same questions. If the werewolf kills the seer or medic, skip those questions.
The game continues until the villagers kill all the werewolves or until the werewolves kill all the villagers.
How to play werewolf online
Werewolf is a fun game to play virtually, as well. Rules are the same, but there are a few factors to consider to make the game a success on a Zoom call.
First, the moderator needs to be the host of the call. This step is to ensure the moderator has enough control to manage the game.
Next, be sure each participant knows how to “Raise their hand.” This feature puts a hand icon next to a player’s name in the participant’s list. At the beginning of the game, all villagers as well as the werewolf, medic, and seer should raise their hands to place the icon by their name. As players die, they should remove the icon. Removing the hand clarifies who is still actively participating in the game.
The moderator can use the chat feature to message participants about their roles directly. Or, the moderator can send an email or text message to players before the game begins. Similar to in-person gameplay, roles must remain secret.
When night comes, all players should turn off their cameras and mute their microphones to keep players from giving away information through body language or facial expressions. The moderator will ask questions to the werewolf, the seer, and the medic out loud for all participants to hear. However, the werewolf, the seer, and the medic should answer by private message. If there is more than one werewolf, then they should privately discuss who they want to kill before answering the moderator.
Next, the moderator will wake up all players and ask them to turn on their cameras and microphones. The group will then try to figure out who the werewolf is. Next, the moderator takes a vote. Participants will vote by physically raising their hands on the camera, using the platform’s polling feature, or typing guesses into the chat.
The game continues as it would in person.
Werewolf is an entertaining game for teams to build relationships and interact socially. During the game, players must communicate clearly and rely on strategy. Werewolf is a great way to open a meeting or for team building at a retreat.
For more fun, check out these guides to Can You Hear Me Now, Office Olympics, and improv games.

FAQ: Werewolf Game Rules
Here are answers to questions about Werewolf.
What are the rules of the Werewolf game?
The rules of Werewolf are slightly complicated. There is a moderator who controls the game, a werewolf, a seer, a medic, and villagers. The werewolf tries to eat villagers, the seer tries to help villagers catch the werewolf, the medic tries to save attacked villagers, and the villagers try to survive and catch the werewolf. Each night, the werewolf attacks a villager, and each day, villagers try to catch the werewolf.
How do you play Werewolf with groups?
To play Werewolf in a group, you need at least five or six players. Each player has a role, either moderator, werewolf, seer, medic, or villager. The moderator keeps track of night when werewolves eat villagers, and day, when villagers try to figure out who the werewolf is.
How do you play Werewolf online?
To play Werewolf online, use a video conferencing app, like Zoom. You can follow the same rules as playing in person with only a few changes. Participants will need to utilize private chat features, as well as turn off their cameras and microphones for nighttime.



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Comment from ⁣Age of Irony on BitChute:

"An uninformed majority will always lose a battle of information against an informed minority." This reminds me of this 2011 study produced by the scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Scientists have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. "When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority," said SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski, the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer. "Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame."

I did some research and found the percentage of the informed vs the misinformed varies by percentage. But the general consensus is 25%. Some research states the percentage of populace needed for a shift is 25%.
Here is a similar study stating the percentage needed is 25%.

36 צפיות · לִפנֵי 1 שָׁנָה

⁣VfB was there for GamerGate, but only peripherally; Jim's gunna get me [and you all, frens 🐸] caught up on the Sweet Baby Inc. codswallop
Jim Metokur returns to his Internet Aristocrat roots to discuss the Sweet Baby Controversy, the closest thing we'll probably ever see to a second Gamergate.
Original stream:
@xyzern7's archives are split into two parts and I had to use an archive uploaded by @AnimeProfilePictureShitposter to splice the missing part in since I wanted to get this clip up as fast as possible.
• [2024-03-08] Mister Metokur - A Walk ...
• Mister Metokur - A Walk Down Memory Lane
• [2024-03-08] Mister Metokur - A Walk ...
#gamergate #mistermetokur #sweetiesquad

76 צפיות · לִפנֵי 1 שָׁנָה

⁣Didya know the VfB is a mean old man?

Oh, you'll know that for certain in about three and a half minutes from now



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

After a couple weeks of controversy, the G4TV host Froskurinn purged all of her tweets, calling it “spring cleaning” and joked that she should have tweeted “oops.”

“Cleaned out socials and got several messages asking if I was hacked. All is well! Just had it for close to forever and decided on a spring cleaning. Poop jokes returning,” Frosk tweeted, a day after posting a link to a manager to connect with “drama YouTubers” for interviews.

Frost then tweeted: “Although I should have just tweeted “whoops”. That would have been much funnier.”

Froskurinn spoke out against the sexism she had experienced because “not as bangable as the previous host” while confessing that she was just reading scripts, like other hosts, and not actually playing some of the games. Frosk had taken more heat for being factually incorrect on some news stories and decided to just doubled down with more insults.

Her initial remarks can be seen again below.

Needless to say, it didn’t take long for the backlash to swell against her.

“Go on twitch…YouTube channel and make you poop jokes,” Drunk 3PO said in his video, encouraging Frosk to move on.

From Jeremy at The Quartering: “I am not going to make any more videos on @Froskurinn until we speak. She has indicate a willingness to have discourse & that is the most important thing. I want G4TV to be a success because I loved the channel so much in my youth and all the petty back and forth doesn’t matter.”

“Sounds like you are already backing down. Be honest with you audience. You never had any intension of showing up and having a conversation with your detractors.” – @ComixDivision.

In a more colorful, NSFW rant, AZ from HEEL VS BABYFACE: “No one gave a S*** about you until you opened your big F***ing mouth and decided to rant and have a go at the community. Now that the community, the gaming community is having go back at you, you’re playing victim….[Fake cry/whiny sounds]” – full clip below.

What’s next for Frosk? G4? Your thoughts and comments are welcome below.

Some of Frosk’s rant during the G4 segment: “The Airing of Gaming Grievances”:

Some of Frosk’s rant during the G4 segment: “The Airing of Gaming Grievances”:

“In joining G4, I was ecstatic to be part of something I grew up watching as a child. But every time G4 is brought up in various channels, without a doubt there will be backlash because I’m not as “bangable” as the previous host. It has somehow been expected that you can talk about how much you jerked off to women as a compliment. It’s not a compliment, it’s dehumanizing, and it’s weird. Morgan Webb and Olivia Munn did not exist to be nice on the eyes for you. That’s just obvious sexism. You don’t need to declare that you hate women to be sexist. Just check out Thorin’s meltdown for some cliff notes.”

She discussed the review and script process: “Xplay is made by a team of people. There are too many games for one person to shoulder the burden,” Froskurrin continued. “So when we use language like we, or I, that’s the reviewer. That’s coming from the mouth and experience of the person reading the review. That’s not to say that any of us don’t contribute to the reviews, we absolutely do, but it’s in varying degrees. It takes a whole team behind us. That’s why we’re X-Play and not Adam play. We have controlled for the variables. Adam will read the script from the same writer I read the other half from, but I’ll be the one flamed. And yes, that happens to Gerard and TBH, but that doesn’t discount the sexism of it when it happens to me.”

Take yore L like a man! 😁

150 צפיות · לִפנֵי 2 שנים

⁣Source: ⁣

Thumbnail: ⁣

⁣Reminder that this game has existed since February 2022. #ItsHuntersCoke #CocaineHunter

🍊🍊YoSniper🍊🍊 (@Yo5niper) July 7, 2023

83 צפיות · לִפנֵי 2 שנים

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163 צפיות · לִפנֵי 2 שנים

Glory to the Peter Muskrat Army!