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18 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Well, to be honest, this was a self-0wn; after all, the chad was being interviewed, NOT Bubbeleh...but ol' Bubbeleh had to insert himself obnoxiously into the situation.

Well, alright, VfB - there's a camera, and he's right there! He's gotta support his country, ya bigot!

Right - but the bit with the towel SILENTLY certainly could've sent the same message

Regardless, the point is clearly made; Chad then actually offers a compliment, then goes back to cheering on his country

All of a sudden, it's about POLITICS 🫠

um...WAT 🫣

Having the names of two countries in the same sentence does NOT necessarily indicate a political discussion...but then, Bubbeleh would have absolutely bupkis to kvetch the card is dealt



Hey, Bubbeleh - don't start none and there won't be none, bubbeleh 😁


33 Views · 5 months ago

⁣VfB plans to drop 'time capsule' clips from the vault


Quick background:



38 Views · 8 months ago

🇵🇸Nicole 🇵🇸 dignity is a human right. - @CensoredMen #israel's real #superbowllviii ad. American tax payers funded that pathetic Super Bowl ad. Disgraceful.
Super Bowl LVII in 2023 was the most-watched US telecast in history, and with well over 100 million people expected to tune in on Feb. 11, Super Bowl Sunday will provide one of the biggest platforms on Earth for pro-Israel groups to attempt to justify Israel’s ongoing genocidal war on Gaza. The Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism, which is owned by Robert Kraft, the billionaire owner of the NFL’s New England Patriots, has purchased a $7 million TV ad spot on Super Bowl Sunday to “Stop Jewish Hate.” Kraft’s ties to Israel run deep, from hefty donations to AIPAC to a long history of business deals in the country. Edge of Sports host Dave Zirin takes aim at the influence of Zionism in professional sports in this special edition of “Choice Words.” Israel performs a massacre during said Super Bowl:
🇵🇸🇮🇱 Israel chose to commit a massacre in Gaza during the Super Bowl.
Do you understand how evil that is?
They waited for Americans to be occupied, and then decided to carpet bomb Rafah.
It's 4am in Palestine.
It's hell in Rafah.
Curse Israel.
Fitting as much as possible from the thumbnail article:
Dave Zirin: Welcome to Edge of Sports, brought to you by The Real News Network. I’m Dave Zirin, and I have some choice words about New England Patriots owner, Bob Kraft, and a $7 million Super Bowl ad that I am not looking forward to seeing.
Okay, look, New England Patriots’ 82-year-old owner, Robert Kraft, writes seven-digit checks to the right-wing Israeli lobbying machine AIPAC. But his ties to Israel run far deeper than the occasional donation. The multi-billionaire married his late wife, Myra, in Israel in 1963 when Kraft, then just 22, was older than the nation itself. Together, Myra and Robert set up numerous business, athletic, and charitable ties to Israel, a record of which is proudly proclaimed on the Kraft company website.
In particular, the Kraft Group boasts of its Touchdown in Israel program, where NFL players are given free, highly organized vacations to see the Holy Land and come back to spread the word about the only democracy in the Middle East. Kraft also attends fundraisers for the Israeli defense forces who currently, in an open view of the world, are committing war crimes in Gaza.
Now, as Israel wages war against the civilians of Gaza, Kraft is again flexing his financial and political muscles in order to defend the indefensible. His Foundation of Combat Antisemitism, or FCAS, will be spending an estimated $7 million to buy a Super Bowl ad titled “Stop Jewish Hate” that will be seen by well over 100 million people.
Under Kraft’s direction, the ad’s goal is to create a propaganda campaign to counter the reports and images from Gaza that young people are consuming on social media. Without a sense of irony or the horrors happening on the ground, Kraft says he is giving $100 million of his own money to the Foundation Against Antisemitism because hate leads to violence — Just not violence against Palestinians, apparently.
Let’s be clear. What Kraft is doing politically and what he’ll be using the Super Bowl as a platform to do is dangerous. He appears to think that any criticism of Israel is inherently antisemitic. For Kraft, it is Jews like myself, rabbis, and Holocaust survivors calling for a ceasefire and a free Palestine that are part of the problem. And Kraft seems to think that opposition to Israel, the IDF, and the AIPAC agenda is antisemitism.
There is a Red Sea of distance, as I’ve written, between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Antisemitism is the pernicious hatred of a beautiful religion and culture that has been with us for over 5,000 years. Anti-Zionism means opposing a once negligible 125-year-old colonial project in the Middle East.
Zionism was a minor strain in Jewish life until the Holocaust, where, in a state of unspeakable trauma, Zionism rose triumphant after World War II with a new state built on the backs and land of the Palestinian people, a new outpost of what columnist Bari Weiss, with shameless racism, calls the West, albeit located in the Middle East. Now, for Kraft and Bari Weiss, building a highly militarized nuclear state built on stolen land is the only true hedge against another Holocaust.
Cementing this idea that to be anti-Zionist means that you are anti-Semitic has also been the lifelong project of Israel’s corrupt prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu....
Read the rest at the thumbnail URL

85 Views · 8 months ago

Here’s the “Hitler Was Right” ad that aired during the #SuperBowl
#hitlerwasright adding a old post from hANOVER fIST:
The Pedophocracy - David McGowan
I found one of my old documents and saw a name in the document that chilled me to the bone. I'm not gonna keep it a secret, dear readers...that name is Rudolph Giuliani.
Check out Chapter Three in The Pedophocracy - you will bear witness to the perfidy committed by this personage. This is the same personage who assisted in the destruction of a crime scene; namely, he allowed the steel that comprised the superstructure of the WTC buildings to be shipped off to China.
You'll like Chapter Three - It's titled, "Uncle Sam Wants Your Children"...and not for campfires and S'Mores, either.,_Part_III:_Uncle_Sam_Wants_Your_Children__
I just finished the entire document...and it is my opinion that there are TONS of pedophiles entrenched in our government, our military and our day care facilities. I caution you, parents - be wary of where you leave your children, and with whom you entrust their care and well-being.
I understand that Sir Rudy is entertaining a run for the governorship of New York. Don't do it, asshat - if I even get wind of such a thing, I will post EVERY DAY highlighting some act of perfidy that involves your person until you run with your stupid lisp tucked between your stupid gums.
How about the girl from Hofstra making up an incident of rape? That's not going to go well for the next true rape victim.
Found a new blog to add to the list - JCN Did 9/11.

1 Views · 9 months ago

⁣I've heard some raunchy rantings in my time...but this goes in the top echelon of berserko 🤬


Vince McMahon accused of sex Trafficking and Assault of former WWE Employee he paid for NDA

I’ve obtained several text messages that were included in the court documents McMahone sent and they are pretty vile, so I redacted some words out.

A woman named Janel Grant, a former employee at WWE's headquarters said McMahon made her sign a non-disclosure agreement about their relationship for an agreed amount of $3 million. However, Grant didn't receive full payment from McMahon, and wants to void the agreement with the lawsuit.

The court filings alleges the McMahon took part in sex trafficking and put her through sexual acts that were done with "extreme cruelty and degradation."

Pretty vile and degrading stuff, if true…

You can read the rest here…

68 Views · 12 months ago

Source: ⁣

Thumbnail: ⁣

⁣Thought you’d seen the weirdest, most wonderful new sport in Russia with the Male Slapping Championships? Meet the ‘Booty Slapping Championships’ – a competition where women strike each other on the backside until one falls over.
Back in March, a big, bearded, pot-bellied farmer from Siberia named Vasily ‘Dumpling’ became an internet hit when a clip of his brutal knockout to win the inaugural ‘Male Slapping championships’ at the ‘Siberian Power Show’ went viral, being shared by figures from the MMA world such as Joe Rogan.

⁣Now there’s a female version slapping sport that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘bum fights’ – and it’s literally called ‘The Booty Slapping Championships’. The tournament sees fitness freaks from the fairer sex face off against each other to put their flesh to the test and spank each other into submission.

⁣The rules are unsurprisingly simple: the competitors, who all share a keen interest in working out, take it in turns to slap the other on the booty, putting to the test the results of their squat regimes.

The winner is the first to administer a slap hard enough to the other’s behind to knock them off balance, causing them to fall over or step forward, avoiding any serious harm, which is in stark contrast to the men’s version.

⁣One of the tournament’s winners was fitness blogger Anastasia Zolotaya, whose Instagram page includes video demonstrations of strict workout routines, which surely help her achieve buttocks sturdy enough withstand the flogging and win her match.

⁣The tournament was staged at the annual Yashankin Cup, which also saw another unusual variation of the extremely popular male slapping tournament, which strangely sees rivals slap each other red raw on the shoulder until one gives up.

Not unsurprisingly, the booty slapping tournament has already gained some recognition online, and with the diversity of Olympic sports forever growing we look forward to seeing who grabs the gold in Tokyo. (Fingers Crossed)

49 Views · 12 months ago



UFC's Israel Adesayna demands to know who Ghislaine Maxwell's clients were:

"Ghislaine Maxwell was supplying kids for all these pedos, right? Where's the list?

The list of politicians, actors that was talked about, does that just get swept under the rug?”

From Slay News:

UFC champion Israel Adesanya has called for the “pedos” connected to Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking ring to be publicly named.

Adesanya spoke out before his big victory on Saturday to demand justice for Epstein’s powerful friends who were involved in the child abuse.

Epstein, a convicted sex offender, was found dead in his jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial for his sex trafficking crimes.

His accomplice, longtime companion, and ex-girlfriend, Maxwell, was sentenced last month to 20 years in prison for helping recruit and groom underage girls for Epstein and his “client list” to sexually abuse.

Adesanya responded to Maxwell’s sentencing by demanding to know why Epstein’s client list hasn’t been made public.

“Ghislaine Maxwell just got put away for 20 years,” Adesanya said.

“So, she was supplying kids for all these f***ing pedos, right? Where’s the list?”

“So, the list of, you know, politicians, and actresses and actors, or whatever, that get talked about, does that just get swept under the rug?” he asked.

“Do they not get any time for actually f***ing those kids?

“You know what I mean?”

“I don’t know, like that’s just weird, like how all that just doesn’t compute with me,” Adesanya added.

Epstein reportedly had ties to former President Bill Clinton, allegedly even visiting the White House on multiple occasions.

Britain’s Prince Andrew, too, reportedly had ties to the convicted pedophile and has been accused of raping Epsetin’s teenage victim, Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

In February, Adesanya made headlines when he fiercely defended popular podcast host Joe Rogan, who was targeted by the “woke” mob and smeared as racist and a promoter of “disinformation.”

The fighter took on a question that was not directed toward him during a pre-fight conference, calling Rogan “one of the nicest, coolest, humble motherf***ers” in the industry.

A reporter asked UFC President Dana White about the “controversy” surrounding Rogan and the controversial language the podcaster has used on his show.

As White started to walk away from the podium, Adesanya said he wanted to take on the question.

“Hold up,” Adesanya said.

“I’m black. I can take this one.”

“Look, there’s a lot of c***s in this game,” he told the reporter.

“There are a lot of snakes in this game.

“I’ve been in this fight game since 2008.

“Joe Rogan is one of the nicest, coolest, humble motherf***ers I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

“Understand that.”

“F*** the noise,” Adesanya added.

“You know what they’re trying to do.

“You can’t control the man.

“He’s got the biggest platform in the world right now.

“That’s my n**** Joe Rogan.”

48 Views · 1 year ago


AltcastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

Write yore own jokes, frens 🐸 we habs memed reality


53 Views · 1 year ago

Coach Huggins rescinds his apology.

68 Views · 1 year ago

VfB went and got himself an agent - the best in the business

Thumbnail: ⁣

⁣"I'm known as the 'Nostradamus of the Art World' because my paintings foreshadow events but It's not that I can see the future, it's that as an artist, I've met the people who forge our future." - Victor-Hugo Vaca II

Public Trust Plummets As Fake News Media Spreads Misinformation and Lies While Ignoring Prescient Eyewitness Observations from New York Born Hispanic-American Artist Who Lived Through The Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic Outbreak In China. Now, stuck in the former Soviet Union as a dissident American Refugee due to the Chinese Coronavirus shutting down all international flights and forced PCR Test lobotomies and deadly, experimental vaccines required to travel back to the homeland he served to protect as a United States Naval Academy Midshipman Officer, the Nostradamus of the Art World, Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo, shares modern art gonzo journalism with global citizens.

“My job is not to be politically correct; It is to witness, observe, analyze and document the beautiful chaos that surrounds us all, so that future generations can understand how we got to this moment in time.” - Victor-Hugo Vaca II

Please purchase products from this link to support this podcast Thanks.

'nigger soup'?!?


I learn someting new every day...paying it forward, frens - DON'T SLEEP on the MACHETE NIGGERS

DGAF Linkappaalloozzaa ⁣🥸

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VfB : - Van Jones the f2m

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🥋 go wurk oot, faggit 🥋

55 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Fuck Both Teams Just Let My Numbers Hit Oakland Raiders Shirt

Find out here ($11.95 ONLY) : Email: - Website:
Are you a die-hard Oakland Raiders fan looking for a way to show your love for the team? Look no further than the "Fuck Both Teams Just Let My Numbers Hit" shirt. With its bold and irreverent message, this shirt is the perfect way to display your team spirit.

Made from high-quality materials, this shirt is designed to last. Its comfortable and durable fabric ensures that you can wear it again and again, no matter how many games you attend. Plus, its machine-washable construction makes it easy to care for.

But this shirt is more than just a comfortable and durable piece of clothing. It's also a conversation starter. Whether you're tailgating before the game or grabbing a beer with friends, the "Fuck Both Teams Just Let My Numbers Hit" shirt is sure to get people talking.

And with its SEO-optimized title, you can be sure that your search for the perfect Oakland Raiders shirt will lead you straight to this page. Don't wait any longer to get your hands on this must-have piece of fan gear. Order your "Fuck Both Teams Just Let My Numbers Hit" shirt today and show your support for the Oakland Raiders in style.

21 Views · 2 years ago

⁣NBA Jam Rockets Olajuwon And Drexler Shirt
Find out here ($11.95 ONLY) :
Email: - Website:

If you're a fan of classic basketball video games and the Houston Rockets, then you'll love our NBA Jam Rockets Olajuwon and Drexler Shirt. This shirt is the perfect way to show your love for the Rockets and relive some nostalgic memories from the '90s.

Our NBA Jam Rockets Olajuwon and Drexler Shirt features the dynamic duo of Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler. These two Rockets legends dominated the NBA during their time in Houston and were a formidable force on the court. The shirt is made from high-quality materials, ensuring that it's comfortable and long-lasting.

With the NBA Jam Rockets Olajuwon and Drexler Shirt, you can show your love for one of the greatest eras in Rockets history. The shirt is perfect for game day, or even just for everyday wear. It's a great gift for any Rockets fan, or for yourself if you're looking to add some Rockets flair to your wardrobe.

So if you're a Rockets fan looking for a stylish and comfortable way to show your team spirit, look no further than our NBA Jam Rockets Olajuwon and Drexler Shirt. Order yours today and relive the glory days of Rockets basketball.

49 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Fuckin Mint Funny Hat
Find out here ($11.95 ONLY) :
Email: - Website:
Looking for a hat that's both cool and funny? Look no further than our "Fuckin' Mint" Funny Hats!
Featuring a bold graphic of a mint leaf and the phrase "Fuckin' Mint"
written in large letters, these hats are sure to turn heads and make a
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But our "Fuckin' Mint" Funny Hats are not just about humor – they are
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So whether you're a fan of puns, slang, or just looking for a hat
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perfect choice. Order yours today and keep it cool – and funny!

44 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Drive Fast Eat Ass Funny Baseball T-Shirts
Find out here ($11.95 ONLY) :
Email: - Website:
Are you a fan of fast cars and humorous innuendos? Look no further than our Drive Fast Eat Ass Funny Baseball T-Shirts!
This hilarious and eye-catching t-shirt features a bold graphic of a
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But our Drive Fast Eat Ass Funny Baseball T-Shirts are not just about
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And with our easy online ordering process and fast shipping, you can
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So whether you're a seasoned car enthusiast or just someone who loves
a good joke, our Drive Fast Eat Ass Funny Baseball T-Shirts are the
perfect choice. Order yours today and start turning heads – and cracking
jokes – wherever you go!

131 Views · 2 years ago


VfB must go off

Earl "The Twirl' Cureton [ ⁣ ] appears at a COVID center and advocates for taking the death jab...with all the authority and celebrity his peanut head could evoke

No link to the story as of yet, but I did find this: - wonder how this program's working out for the 'youth'...but I digress

Are you fucking INSANO?!?

YOU did the 'research', yes?!?

NO, ya bloody didn't ⁣❌

Now, maybe you saw this - from your own city:

⁣Have there been other mRNA vaccines?

These are the first messenger RNA vaccines to be produced and tested in large-scale phase III human trials. The advantage of mRNA technology compared with conventional approaches is that it allows for faster development and scale-up of production. Vaccine development has traditionally been measured on the timeframe of a decade. It’s an amazing scientific accomplishment to be where we are right now. A year ago, most people had not even heard of this disease, and now healthcare workers are starting to receive a vaccine for it.

⁣How can people feel confident that these mRNA vaccines are effective and safe?

We now have data from tens of thousands of people, and they show that these vaccines are more than 90% effective in terms of preventing infections.
Some people have mild to moderate side effects, but they don’t last long — about one to three days. The most common side effects include soreness at the injection site, fatigue (feeling tired), headache, aches, and fever. They are more common after the second dose, and you might need extra rest. Severe side effects are rare and treatable. Experts at the US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are still monitoring trial participants — and will continue to monitor them — as well as members of the general public who get the vaccine.

It’s very important for people to understand that these data are reviewed by groups independent from the pharmaceutical companies that make the drugs. These are experts who have no stake in the vaccine development or commercialization. I personally will have no hesitation in receiving either of these vaccines. I’m going to recommend to my family members and colleagues to take them.

The vaccines offer intermediate to long-term solutions to this pandemic. But we can’t give up the short-term measures that we know are effective, such as wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands. There is light at the end of the tunnel. ⁣🧗

Nopes - that's a drop, baby ⁣😱

Yeah, many people are you bastards responsible for murdering with your time bomb snake oil? ⁣🐍💉☠

VfB DID the research, you putz

#PUREBLOOD, baby ⁣🩸

In other news👍

48 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Marv Albert is one of the most recognizable voices on television. He's been on the radio and TV for over 50 years, and incredibly popular during the 1990s. Nowadays, he's known for messing up his commentary sometimes, but back then...he was involved in a scandal that could've ruined his image permanently. Hope you enjoy the video!

I make all kinds of NBA videos which include trivia, analysis, player stories, countdowns, conspiracies, and mysteries. Make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video!

► Instagram: @Andy93y
► Twitter: @AndyHoopsYT

► Music:
Rynos Theme by Kevin MacLeod
Basic Implosion by Kevin MacLeod - Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Find all of his songs and download them for free here:

► Sources:
Stats and box-scores from #nba

41 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Source: ⁣

FULL DISCLOSURE: When I used to play NHL '97 with my dearly departed brother, The Mouse, I'd choose the Edmonton Oilers 🏒

⁣Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to wear a rainbow jersey for warm ups during Pride night stating his Orthodox faith.
“I respect everybody and I respect everybody’s choices. My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion.”

Philadelphia Flyers hockey star Ivan Provorov is a Russian Orthodox Christian who actually believes in his religion, and as such, might just be History's Greatest Monster, apparently:
"Let me get this straight, you have a player that OPENLY declines to participate in an inclusive initiative for a community I am proud to be a part of. And you still dress him in the game? Be better @NHLFlyers"

Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov cited his Russian Orthodox religion as the reason he did not participate in pregame warmups when the team wore Pride-themed jerseys and used sticks wrapped in rainbow Pride tape.

The 26-year-old Provorov boycotted the pregame skate with his teammates before Tuesday night's game against Anaheim as the Flyers celebrated their annual Pride night in celebration and support of the LGBTQ+ community. He played nearly 23 minutes in Philadelphia's 5-2 victory.

“I respect everybody's choices,” Provorov said after the game. “My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion. That's all I'm going to say.”

In a liberal society, that should be the end of it. But we don't live in a liberal society anymore. We live under a progressive soft totalitarianism. Here's a queer Olympic gold medalist wanting Provorov benched for bigotry:

Lotta stuff like this on Twitter. It's still too early to tell what the media response is going to be, but in truth, I think we know. Take a look below at Provorov answering a question about it after the game. The man is clearly respectful of people who disagree with him, but is not going to apologize for following his conscience in defiance of the Woke Totalitarians. The living God means more to him than the idols of this decadent age. Axios!

Josh Daws is 100 percent right:
These wokesters ruin sports by shoving cultural politics down people's throats until they gag. Witness the DC hockey team's activism. What does crap like this have to do with hockey?

36 Views · 2 years ago

Booker T has hit out at Hulk Hogan's controversial comments about COVID-19 vaccines and how they may have resulted in the deaths of celebrities recently.
In a now-deleted reply on a Facebook post, Hogan alleged that actors Betty White and Sidney Poitier died after getting their COVID-19 shots.
WWE legend Booker T hit back at Hulk Hogan's recent controversial comments, in which he disputed Hogan's theory. He said that he didn't have any respect for those who made such inane comments.
"It's amazing some of the stuff people say when they just don't know. I really don't have a whole lot of respect for someone saying something like that, especially when they have no idea what happened to this person or not. Just what we are in the world today. Dammit, it could just be getting old," said Booker T.
The Hall of Famer also told his co-host Brad Gilmore to "pull" him back if he said something "stupid and radical" as Hogan did.
"If you ever find me in that place where I'm saying something stupid and radical, please, I beg you to pull me back because I think that's got a lot to do with a lot of these old guys going out and saying a lot of stupid stuff. I really do," said Booker T.
He also advised his listeners not to take medical advice from professional wrestlers.
"You definitely don't want to be listening to a professional wrestler about your medical problems going on (laughs). I just don't think that's wise," said the two-time Hall of Famer.
Hulk Hogan has never been far away from controversy
Tyler Conway @jtylerconway
"Hulk Hogan is against being injected and Kane is anti-mask
what’s next? finding out Stone Cold doesn’t even like beer?"
Hulk Hogan has been at the center of controversy throughout his career, which began in the 70s.
He was a central figure in WWE's steroid trials in the 90s and more recently went head-to-head with media house Gawker.
Hogan was also removed from the WWE Hall of Fame for racist comments that he made but was brought back into the fold in 2018.
booker tdeath jabhulk hoganjabtardswwe

48 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Testosterone Part 1 💪🏈😇 Monday, October 10, 2022
Gabriels Health Ministry was founded by Dr. Paul Gosselin and Michael Heath in December of 2021
Support GHM:
Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils the covid vaccine 5G link + biosynthetic AI nanotech:

Showing 2 out of 2