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VfB punched out early; will be enjoying the rest of the show with you all 🤓
World Pirate Radio News™ (Show No.285)
Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
8PM PST - LA, Vancouver, Seattle, Baja
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Ahoy! Dropping Anchor in Port for Lusty Tales of Adventure:
Welcome everyone, 2 Arrrrrrrr - 285th Official installment of "WORLD PIRATE RADIO NEWS™", & 2024 Mid-week MUCK-AROUND!
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Topics 2 include: Anything via our planet’s Apocalyptic political, & current-event landscape.
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SHAME and RIDICULE one's opponent 🥸
VfB personally exposed Rosa Parks during a past episode of the HOAXBUSTERS, with the show being removed off-air while in session; that was preceded with the epiphany that Jussie Smollett was also a crypto-yid 🕍 enjoy this made up history:
Rosa Parks occupies an iconic status in the civil rights movement after she refused to vacate a seat on a bus in favor of a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. In 1955, Parks rejected a bus driver's order to leave a row of four seats in the "colored" section once the white section had filled up and move to the back of the bus.
Her defiance sparked a successful boycott of buses in Montgomery a few days later. Residents refused to board the city's buses. Instead they carpooled, rode in Black-owned cabs, or walked, some as far as 20 miles. The boycott dealt a severe blow to the bus company's profits as dozens of public buses stood idle for months. The boycott was led by a newcomer to Montgomery named Martin Luther King, Jr.
At the time, Parks led the youth division at the Montgomery branch of NAACP. She said her anger over the lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Till and the failure to bring his killers to justice inspired her to make her historic stand. Four days before the incident, Parks attended a meeting where she learned of the acquittal of Till's murderers.
In her autobiography, Rosa Parks: My Story (1992), Parks declares her defiance was an intentional act: "I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was 42. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in."
As a result of her defiance, Parks was arrested and found guilty of disorderly conduct. NAACP joined her appeal, a case that languished in the Alabama court system. Segregation on public buses eventually ended in 1956 after a Supreme Court ruling declared it unconstitutional in Browder v. Gayle. Parks was not included as a plaintiff in the decision since her case was still pending in the state court.
"I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was 42. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in." — Rosa Parks
In addition to her arrest, Parks lost her job as a seamstress at a local department store. Her husband Raymond lost his job as a barber at a local air force base after his boss forbade him to talk about the legal case. Parks and her husband left Montgomery in 1957 to find work, first traveling to Virginia and later to Detroit, Michigan.
Parks supported the militant Black power movement, whose leaders disagreed with the methods of the nonviolent movement represented by Martin Luther King. Her break with other Montgomery leaders over the future of the civil rights struggle contributed to her departure from the Southern city.
Parks was struck by the similarity in treatment of African Americans in Detroit, finding that schools and housing were just as segregated as they were in the South. She joined the movement for fair housing and lent her support to local candidate John Conyers in his bid for Congress.
After he was elected in 1965, Conyers repaid the favor by employing Parks as his secretary in his Detroit office, a position she held until her retirement in 1988. In the role, Parks worked with constituents on issues such as job discrimination, education, and affordable housing.
Parks remained active in the civil rights movement in the 1960s and helped investigate the killing of three Black teenagers in a 1967 race riot in Detroit.
Over the course of her life, Parks received many honors, including NAACP's Springarn Medal in 1979, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996, and the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999. After Parks died in Detroit in 2005 at the age of 92, she became the first woman to lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C.
California, Missouri, Ohio, and Oregon commemorate Rosa Parks Day every year, and highways in Missouri, Michigan, and Pennsylvania bear her name.
🛑SHOCKING VIDEO: Most of the mass shootings & mass casualty or injury events you’ve been shown on television, such as the Sandy Hook hoax, were done by the government and crisis actors. Watch 👀
Just the introduction:
After writing my first paper on this subject about two weeks ago, I have been ignoring the various
debunking responses from the government-controlled mainstream media. I considered them all too
weak to even merit a response. But now that even infowars is claiming that some of the points have
been debunked, and Glenn Beck is planning to repeat the debunking, I feel forced to respond.
The government always hires people to run this gambit: they publish some ridiculously weak response
as a debunking, it utterly fails to debunk anything, but then simply because it got published by top
outlets they claim the theory has been debunked. Go study just about any tragedy or big news story of
the past 50 years, and you will see the same progression. [Specifically, you can study Popular
Mechanics' pathetic efforts to debunk 911 Truth by this method.] But I have news for them, publishing
an article with the title Debunked does not automatically mean the theory has been debunked. You
actually have to make a strong argument. Blowing smoke for a couple of pages isn't a debunking, it is
just more propaganda, and most people who read these things can see that. The debunking of 911
didn't work, because the debunking was exponentially weaker than the data it was trying to debunk.
Most people now recognize that fact. We are seeing the same thing here with Sandy Hook.
To prove this, I will go point for point through the debunking of Salon writer Alex Seitz-Wald, showing
it is no more than 3rd-string debating tricks and cold cabbage. He starts by calling his paper “Your
comprehensive answer to every Sandy Hook conspiracy theory.” It is subtitled “Every conspiratorial
allegation about the tragic Newtown shootings, answered.” So it should concern you that he is starting
off with a bold lie. His paper is only about 3 pages long, so how could it possibly address every point
or be comprehensive? Not only is he not comprehensive as a whole, but each question he does address
is only given a sound-bite answer. Most answers are only two sentences long, and some are only one
sentence long. But although his title is obviously and demonstrably false, he says it anyway. Why? As
a mind game. That is the way these people were taught to write, in Langley, Virginia, or somewhere.
They don't have any real counter-arguments, so they have to come up with something. They want you
to think that all questions have been answered, so they try to hypnotize you from the first word into
thinking they have been. “See my watch swinging? You are getting sleepy. . . sleepy. . .all questions
have been answered.”
Probably the worst sound-bite answer he gives is one of his first. He addresses the fact that a little girl
who looks exactly like Emilie Parker, and who is wearing her dress, is seen in Obama's lap after she
was supposedly murdered. He assures us it is her sister, but provides no evidence of that. Those who
say it is Emilie include an argument for why they think it is her, but Seitz-Wald doesn't feel the need to
make a counter-argument. Because he is a writer for Salon, all he has to give is his assurance: he is that
important. But it turns out the evidence is a great deal more extensive than just that one photo,
although of course Seitz-Wald doesn't go there. I admit that one photo, by itself, is inconclusive, but
that doesn't debunk it. Yes, it is within the realm of possibilities that Emilie's parents are not only using
a hand-me-down dress, but that they also began parting the younger sister's hair like Emilie—and that
her hair, newly parted there, just happened to create exactly the same signature whispies that Emilie's
hair created. Its creepy, but not strictly impossible. However, it also remains possible that is Emilie.
Nothing has been debunked. To decide this, we should logically proceed to corroborating evidence, to
look for proof or disproof. That is the scientific method, after all. When we do that, the evidence that
things don't add up becomes very strong. The evidence that there is a cover-up becomes certain. It
turns out that most of the photos provided of the Parker family show clear signs of tampering of one
sort or another. In the one I analyze in my first paper, we have a substitute for Emilie. And after I
provided that analysis, a graphic designer on youtube found evidence of tampering on another photo.
Read the rest at:
ADAM - They tried to warn you about AIPAC in the 80s. No one listened.
CMV: The US congress has been bought out by AIPAC
Before you start flaming me, take a look at this -
In case you don't know what AIPAC's mission is, look at this -
I mean, my god! 365 of the 435 representatives in the house are funded by AIPAC? It's no wonder the whole Israel - Gaza conflict is so one sided. It's also no wonder that anyone who speaks out against Israel (antisemitic or not) is immediately dealt with. This is not good for our democracy and to be honest, this is what we should be talking about going into this year's election. But we're not going to, because any conversation along these lines will be quickly and quietly dealt with. I don't care who our next President is (Trump or Biden), because both will put the needs of Israel before the needs of the American people. Why? Because they've been paid to do so. I'll be surprised if this post lasts beyond a couple of hours. So change my view, and do it fast!
Mark Lewis - THIS is you handle people blocking the road!🤣🤣🤣
Please help Mr Carman as he was in federal law enforcement(USSS, SDPD, U.S. Mint and U.S. Customs) where he reported illegal acts and corruption which is part of his job to report and take action against such internal corruption. Mr Carman was the first U.S. Secret Service official to detain and interview John W. Hinckley and the USSS Duty agent Failed to do his job in 1976 which could have prevented the assassination attempt on President Reagan(March 30, 1981) Reagan was NOT hit with Hinckley's bullet, but a CIA weapon flechette Disc..Mr Carman has received numerous DEATH THREATS and the Customs Service FAILED to protect him and the NTEU Failed to represent him due to the nature of the Disclosures. Mr Carman is on Food Stamps and DENIED Welfare in California for "Political" reasons. Mr Carman reported high-ranking Customs officials involved in Human Trafficking 8 USC 1324 who took over $250,000 in Bribes(18 USC 201)as well as high treason 18 USC 2381 and many other laws. like 18 USC Section 4(Misprision of Felony)Mr Carman also suffered on-the-job injuries poisoning and imprisonment based on the lies of a Mexican national who "set up other Customs officials by lying" and was later convicted in 1996 for lying. Customs & FBI conspired to set up Mr. Carman to Silence him which is called Entrapment. All for a green card by this Alien FELON.
VfB raids the vault again 🍆
This is where we are now: The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital. The regime is mobilizing to threaten and imprison anyone who opposes "transgender medicine."
In the middle of domestic disputes and intoxicated outbursts, law enforcement faces the difficult task of restoring order. But what unfolds when desperation and defiance collide?
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This video chapter shows:
00:00 Intro
00:52 Incident 1
17:36 Incident 2
25:43 Incident 3
38:09 Incident 4
56:47 Incident 5
Let's have ourselves a good ol' LINKAAPPAALLOOZZAA 🥳
if your sweet brain needs a break from the information
A time capsule from 1887 found in the pedestal of a Robert E. Lee statue in Virginia was opened by officials on Tuesday. The capsule contains documents, coins and other historical artifacts.
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Let's habs a good ol' LINKAAPPAALLOOZZA 🥳
Newly released Epstein court documents, along with other evidence, proves Jeffrey Epstein was operating as a spy for the Israeli government and its secret intelligence agency - Mossad.
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#palestine #freepalestine
You can read all about this multi pronged attack in Libido Dominanti by E. Michael Jones
AIRED: September 23, 1997 7:00 PM on BBC Two
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
GENRES: Documentary, War
The immediate events preceding the outbreak of WW2 are presented and the question why Hitler ended up at war with the power he most admired – Great Britain - and allied to the country he most hated – Soviet Russia – is answered.
We lost a soldier in our current battle:
VfB raiding the vault for moar hidden treasures 💰
What the elite don’t want you to know!
Featuring: Alex Jones, Rob Dew, Jon Bowne, Dan Bidondi and others who expose this diabolical plot for world depopulation by the global elite!
Most educational & detailed documentary yet! Revealing how the globalists since the 1900’s from Eugenics to Operation Paper Clip to Agenda 21 have been using Sodium Fluoride to dumb down and exterminate 90% of the worlds population, to bring in a New World Order!
Packed full with documents, quotes, news clips, articles while taking a walk through history.
Support Independent Media!
Meer informatie:
This essay's first drafts, written in 1998, began with a several page chemistry narrative that presented some chemistry concepts. The original chemistry prelude was designed to help the reader understand the nature of fluoride, why it is used in industry how it is, why it is a waste product of certain industrial processes, and lays the groundwork for understanding why it was so important in the nuclear industry. Early readers felt that it was too much technical information for the lay audience, particularly to begin their reading experience. That prelude is now an addendum to this essay. Reading the prelude is not imperative for understanding this essay, but might make some issues clearer.
In short, fluorine is the most reactive element known to science ("reactive" means its affinity to bonding with other elements).[1] In nature, fluorine is found bonded to other elements, never found by itself, and is rarely found in its ionic state. The industrial processes of the 19th century created the most toxic pollutants that humanity had seen to that time. Taking ore from the earth and removing the metal, especially in aluminum refining, created hazardous waste.
In its ionic state, fluorine is highly toxic. Fluorine bonded to metallic ore in the earth was liberated during the refining process and is difficult-to-impossible to safely dispose. The aluminum refining industry was the biggest and most influential fluoride polluter around 1930, and in America only one company was in the aluminum business: ALCOA.
Fluorine is also useful for producing artificial chemicals such as Teflon and Freon, because of its unique properties. Those unique properties also made fluorine indispensable for refining uranium to extract its most radioactive isotope, which made the nuclear age possible.
An Affidavit from a Serbian National with ties to Dominion… “anyone with the access codes can get access to the software”👀
Recently Uncovered Emails show Dominion’s Software is WRITTEN IN SERBIA‼
Why is America using software in our Elections that is written in Serbia⁉
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Chuck Schumer's Grilling Gaffe Goes Viral: Senator Deletes Post After Twitter Roasts His Raw Cheeseburger Skills
In a Father's Day post that was quickly deleted, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) shared a photo of himself at the grill, attempting to showcase his culinary skills. However, eagle-eyed Twitter users noticed a major flaw in his cooking technique: Schumer had placed a slice of cheese on a raw burger patty, sparking a wave of ridicule and memes. The post, which Schumer captioned "Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years, but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill!", was ratioed into oblivion before the senator took it down.
The incident highlights the pitfalls of politicians trying to appear relatable on social media, with Schumer's attempt to connect with the common man backfiring spectacularly. Twitter users were quick to point out that the senator, who has a net worth estimated at over $69 million, probably doesn't spend much time grilling in his daily life. The photo also drew criticism for its apparent pandering, with some accusing Schumer of using his family's recent home purchase as a way to score political points.
#chuckschumer, #grillingfail, #cheeseburgergate, #politiciansonsocialmedia, #relatabilityfail, #fathersday, #memeoftheday, #offtopicshow
additional Information: The incident has sparked a broader conversation about the authenticity of politicians' social media posts and their attempts to connect with the public. Some have argued that Schumer's post was harmless and that the criticism is overblown, while others see it as a symptom of a larger problem with politicians trying to appear relatable without actually understanding the lives of everyday Americans. The incident also highlights the power of social media to hold public figures accountable for their actions and statements, and the importance of being mindful of what is shared online.
Nice try, Schmuck 🤣
After 19 months of waiting Wolfgang Halbig finally received is FOIA hearing with key people in Sandy Hook. The hearing was scheduled for 3/31 and was canceled for unknown reasons without much notice to Mr. Halbig. Wolfgang Halbig is a concerned citizen with a history in Law Enforcement; Florida State Trooper, he was Executive director for the Children’s Safety Inst., Director of Risk Management, school principle, school & workplace Safety Expert Witness Consult. a U.S. Customs inspector.
Initially, like everyone else, Mr. Halbig believed the Official story and wanted to help in the efforts. Mr. Halbig even donated $ to the cause. He contacted Those involved in the case and was offering his expertise and experience and started receiving strange responses. He felt there were inconsistencies in the behavior of the those involved like the Governor of CT, the Police chief of Newtown and various others who were involved. Mr. Halbig began noticing other inconsistencies about the case itself that did not match the official story.
Mr Halbig has been featured on NBC’s DATELINE & CBS’s Good Morning America.
A nationally recognized school safety and security expert and consultant, he has provided safety training and school assessments for more than 8,000 school districts nationwide.
Wolfgang Halbig came to the U.S. at the age of 12 from Germany and moved to Florida and said it was a Privilege when he raised his right hand and became a citizen of this country. He said he was proud to become a citizen of this county, “I Loved America for what it was”.
I taught American History and what our forefathers sacrificed and we have to tell the truth to move forward”. Wolfgang Halbig saw there were “missing pieces” in the Official story of Sandy Hook and is seeking answers to very simple questions that are not offensive to parents , the school board or the town. for over a year they refused to answer any of Mr. Halbig’s FOIA requests.
Mr Halbig began questioning Sandy Hook about a week after the incident 12/14/2012. Every school emergency has 4 distinct time periods and Mr. Halbig was looking at the first 10 mins.
Police parked a quarter of a mile from the entrance of the school in the first 10 mins of the incident which made Wolfgang Halbig question the story.
“That’s not how police respond”. “Why no Trauma Helicopters”, asked Mr Halbig. “Who declared all those 27 people dead within the first 11 mins”, they didn’t allow paramedics and EMT’s into the school.
Wolfgang Halbig had 2 “homicide detectives” come to his house and threatened him for asking questions about Sandy Hook. The CT State Police were going to file felony charges against him for harassment for asking questions.
Photos by Cat Watters 🖼
Thumbnail: https://democracychronicles.or....g/sandy-hook-hearing
Sandy Hook was a psyop
One of VfB's favorite tracks from Queen 2
There's no living in my life anymore, the seas have gone dry
And the rain's stopped falling, please don't you cry any more
Can't you see, listen to the breeze, whisper to me please
Don't send me to the path of nevermore
Even the valley's below, where the rays of the sun
Were so warm and tender, Now haven't anything to grow
Can't you see?
Why did you have to leave me? (nevermore)
Why did you deceive me? (nevermore)
You sent me to the path of nevermore
When you say you didn't love me anymore
Ah ah nevermore nevermore
From the vaults of VfB comes a lost past exposure of the #pantsuitwarpig 🐗
Let's see if this will eventually show up on BitChute; as of now, there's an algorithm keeping it from being posted - VfB's going to try to beat AI 🤓
Meet the man who did the Clintons' dirty work for decades.
Decades of deceit are coming to an end today, as The National ENQUIRER unmasks the shadowy Mr. Fix It who covered up the Clintons’ ugliest scandals for years!
Only The ENQUIRER can reveal the true identity of the man: Jeff Rovin, seen below.
This top photo shows Rovin at the Clinton inaugural celebrations.
Here, he stands casually outside of the White House, then the Clintons’ home.
As The ENQUIRER reported, Rovin was the Clintons’ hidden Mr. Fix It, working 24/7 to silence any hint of a scandal surrounding the couple.
For years, Rovin set up illicit trysts for Hillary, with men AND women. Bill‘s sleazy affairs, meanwhile, were quickly and efficiently covered up with payoffs, blackmail and more.
He previously told The ENQUIRER, “During the 1980s and 1990s, I was working in Hollywood as a reporter for several national magazines and newspapers. Because of my good relationship with stars, publicists and the press I became ‘a fixer’: someone who helps stars keep embarrassing stories out of the press. I helped keep secrets safe for some of Hollywood’s leading men.
PHOTOS: Hillary’s Lies EXPOSED! Clinton’s Top 5 Debate Whoppers:
“In 1991, my reputation was such that I was asked to work on behalf of a fast-rising figure on the national stage: Arkansas Gov. William Jefferson Clinton. I attended a meeting in Hollywood where I was told by an intermediary: ‘There will be a lot of stories coming out in the tabloid press. We want them buried.'”
“I was informed that these stories would involve rumors of Bill Clinton’s many sexual dalliances and an alleged ongoing affair of Hillary Clinton with a male member of her law firm, Vince Foster, as well as a female mover-and-shaker in Hollywood.”
“For a retainer of $4,000 a month — paid by a third party, not the campaign — I was told to keep these stories hush-hush in one of two ways: by trading access to the Clintons for ‘positive’ interviews, or by paying the reporters.”
For more on what Rovin did to keep Bill and Hillary’s dirty secrets hidden from the world, pick up the latest issue of The ENQUIRER, on stands now!
Complete Video Here
Hillary Clinton Exposed
Hillary Clinton Still More Evil Than Exposed in This 2008 Banned From Theater Film
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
If you can stomach watching this for more than 15 mins. I salute you. But it is a must watch.