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10 Views · 5 months ago

Can't do anything to help others in real need so they pretend to be others while they harm you and yours.

13 Views · 5 months ago

Book Jazz internationally by sending a text to ⁣(417)774-0198

20 Views · 5 months ago

⁣VTuber will deliver news such as current hot topics and public opinions.

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A century-old rail lift bridge that crosses the U.S.-Canada border near the cities of International Falls, Minnesota, and Fort Frances, Ontario, has collapsed, and it's unclear when the area will reopen to water traffic along the Rainy River.

No trains were involved, and no one was injured in Wednesday's collapse, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The cause is under investigation.

Some "biodegradable, non-toxic hydraulic oil" was released, but environmental crews have contained it and are working to recover the fluid, the Canadian National Railway said.

Crews have begun repairs to the structure, which was built in 1908. It's known as the Rainy River Rail Lift Bridge and the 5 Mile Bridge, and swings up to let traffic through on the river that forms the international border as it runs from Lake of the Woods to Rainy Lake.

11 Views · 5 months ago

⁣🇺🇸 American Farmer says he’s tested his soil and it has 5x the amount of aluminum it used to have. The GMO seeds grow fine, all his heirloom seed crops are all the sudden failing (shows proof)

Reminder, Bill Gates is creating GMO seeds that grow in aluminum rich soil.

We are being ruled by extremely evil people and one day only their GMO seeds will be the ones that grow.

Total control of our food supply.



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14 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Khalissee - 🇮🇱🇪🇬 What was the Lavon Affair? A brilliant explanation in under 3 minutes by @CensoredMen



One thing VfB does is to archive pages of interest; this one qualifies, as it cnnot correctly be archived via the offered tools: ⁣Online antisemites’ new frontier? The Talmud

⁣Rabbi Daniel Rowe says criticism of the Talmud is escaping neo-Nazi forums, and becoming mainstream

⁣It takes most Jews seven and a half years to study the Talmud through the Daf Yomi programme. Yeshiva students from Lakewood to Gateshead to B’nei Brak spend a day on each of its more than 2000 pages learning and absorbing every word of the book.

This makes it all the more impressive, of course, that social media influencers seem to have mastered all 2,711 pages of a standard copy since their interest in Israel began – around about October 7.

Dan Bilzerian, an American poker player-turned-influencer, shared his take on the rabbinic text in a post on X this weekend. It has received almost six million views.

“The Talmud is, after the Hebrew Bible, the central text of Rabbinic Judaism, and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology,” he wrote, deflty copying and pasting the opening paragraph of the Wikipedia entry titled “Talmud”.:

⁣Underneath his brief explanation, Bilzerian posted twelve quotes allegedly taken from the Talmud. “If a Goy hits a Jew he must be killed,” one reads. “A Jew may ‘violate’ but not marry a non-Jew girl,” says another.

Needless to say, Bilzerian’s “quotes” are either mistranslated, decontextualized, or entirely made-up. Rabbis including Yisrael Eliashiv and Daniel Rowe have taken to social media to combat the misinformation, painstakingly analysing each reference, in keeping, ironically, with the traditions of Jewish scholarship that the Talmud exemplifies.

⁣Some quotes on the viral graphic are entirely falsified. Tosfot Yevamot 84b for example does not say If you eat with a Goy it’s the same as eating with a dog,” Gad. Shas 2:2 – allegedly that “a Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl” – is also fictional. In fact, Gad. Shas is not an abbreviation for any Tractates of the Talmud.

Others are falsely quoted, or mistranslated – something Rabbi Rowe says is not surprising, given the complexity of the Talmud. “It is very difficult to read the Talmud,” he explains, “even if you have studied it for a long time. This makes it even harder for the average person to immediately refute these claims”.

The viral post, for example, quotes Sanhedrib 58b as saying “If a Goy hits a Jew he must be killed”.

Leaving aside the deliberately provocative translation, this is not exactly what Rabbi Chanina is saying. He argues that if a non-Jew were to hit a Jew, they would deserve to be killed. Jewish law, though, states that a non-Jew would not be executed for this. As Rabbi Eliashiv explains, this extract is an opinion about what ought to happen to someone if they commit a crime, not what will under the law. Reading the Talmud with the intention of looking for the worst possible interpretation, though, leads to the publicised quote – and suggests, entirely falsely, that Jewish law devalues non-Jewish life.

⁣The Talmud is “fertile ground for antisemitism,” Rabbi Rowe, the former executive director of Aish UK, told The JC. “It’s the most natural target of antisemitism, and it’s been going on for centuries”.

“Obviously, the Torah has historically been very hard for Christians to attack, because it’s the Old Testament, but the Talmud is something separate, and it’s easy to attack because it’s so hard to access and understand – so it’s seen as a secret document”.

⁣While attacking the Talmud may be a feature of historical antisemitism, its latest iteration is as modern as it is ancient. “There’s a lot of anger against Israel and the Jews at the moment,” Rabbi Rowe explains. “Antisemitism is not a standard bigotry,” he says, “and the trajectory is unique. It is always demonisation, and it’s always about justifying that demonisation. People want to justify their emotional hatred of Jews, and say ‘Look, these guys are really hateful and really demonic,’ and people are primed to believe this”.

The latest viral graphic certainly plays into pre-concieved antisemitic tropes. Take Bava Kamma 113a, which is quoted as “Jews may use lies to circumvent a ‘Goy’ Gentile”.

Examining the extract properly is important here. This quote comes from a discussion about tax collectors who were extorting both Jews and non Jews, by asking them to pay taxes they did not owe. The Talmudic argument here is that in this case, Jews can – according to halacha – lie to circumvent this, to protect themselves and their money. Somehow, a discussion over how Jews can protect themselves from extorsion has become a quote that “reveals” Jewish extorsion of non Jews. Why? Of course, a preconceived understanding of Jews as scheming and conniving.

Another quote included in the graphic is from Bava Matzia 24a – that “If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile ‘Goy’, it does not have to be returned”. This is also taken out of context. The relevant portion of the Talmud is a discussion over whether a Jew can keep an object found lost after a flood or taken by a wild animal. The debate is precise – is the object now ownerless or not? According to Rabbi Shimon, it depends whether the owner is still expecting to find the lost object (if so, it is not ownerless) or if he has given up. If he has given up, it is ownerless, and free to keep. Effectively, a slightly more complex “finders keepers”.

The only reference to non-Jews is that – at the time – it was considered that non-Jewish societies were less likely to return lost goods, so if a non-Jew were to lose an object, he would likely immediately assume he wouldn’t get it back, making the object “ownerless” and free to keep. The rule of thumb, then? If you’re in a non-Jewish area and find a lost object? Keep it. But through an intentionally provocative translation, and a simplified framing, the instruction sounds malicious, and offensive to non-Jews.

Actively antisemitic interpretations of the Talmud, like these – have traditionally been a feature of what Rabbi Rowe calls the “Neo-Nazi world,” but now, it is spreading.

“That’s where it’s been circulating,” he says, “but now there is a lot of interest in trying to connect ancient Jewish texts to the idea of Israel being a ‘demonic state’”.

“I’ve had Muslim people, and lots of people on the left, reaching out to me very genuinely to ask if these things are true,” Rabbi Rowe explains, “which means that this stuff, which used to be just the realm of Neo Nazis, is becoming mainstream”.

Social media doesn’t help. In fact, on X, Tiktok, and Facebook, misinformation about the Talmud spreads at “a really shocking rate,” Rowe says. “It’s everywhere”.

Still, Rowe is hopeful. “It’s also important not to get despondent because of the darkness in the world,” he says. “We have to keep shining a light on what is true and what goodness is out there, and people will understand that. We shouldn’t be listening to a very loud minority”.

But, with Dan Bilzerian’s post reaching almost six million people, and more where that came from, you have to wonder if the minority is just growing in volume, or numbers, too.

11 Views · 5 months ago

⁣In today's body camera video, we're covering the arrest of Chris Chan.

We're a news agency committed to delivering factual information about police procedures and local news events. This video aims to educate the public without bias. Our goal is to empower viewers with a clear understanding of what's happening in their communities.


18 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Watch more now at

Off-leash dog away from the off-leash area but the pigs refuse to
enforce laws in Jacksonville and instead rape your children from fake
Christian churches on WhatsApp

12 Views · 5 months ago

⁣From July Kelly- Newly discovered video appears to justify the belief that the DNC “pipe bomb” scare was part of an inside job perhaps orchestrated by law enforcement or others to initiate panic in Washington on January 6.

This video, captured by a security camera outside the DNC building, shows an officer with Harris’s detail exit a DC Metro Police SUV at 12:51 p.m. The officer, carrying a bag of some sort, points toward and then walks in the direction of where the second pipe bomb was “found” just outside the building. (For unknown reasons, no video is available for the bench area that day.)

At 12:53 p.m., the man re-enters the frame carrying the bag as he approaches the Metro Police SUV in the driveway and gets back into the passenger side.

What exactly was he doing? Did he set the device? And if he was acting on the up-and-up, how in the world did he not see a pipe bomb sitting right there?


7 Views · 5 months ago

FREE cleaning quotes for houses, businesses, landscaping, cars, trucks, RVs, and more!

10 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Taxpayer Funded Jacksonville Florida Restroom Corruption!

Jacksonville Florida Police Rape Children From Fake Christian Churches Using WhatsApp

19 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Download and share this video now at

Abortionist donna deegan can't even open public restrooms!

FREE North Florida cleaning quotes!

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (CBS12) — As Florida starts to reopen, the architect and manager of Florida's COVID-19 dashboard, announced she'd been removed from her position,Florida Today reported.

Rebekah Jones said in an email to CBS12 News that her removal was "not voluntary" and that she was removed from her position because she was ordered to censor some data, but refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen."

Jones made the announcement May 5 in a farewell email toresearchers and other members of the public who had signed up to receive updates on the data portal, according to Florida Today. She said that for "reasons beyond my division's control," her office is no longer managing the dashboard, involved in its publication, fixing errors or answering any questions.

Florida's COVID-19 dashboard, created by a team of Florida Department of Health data scientists and public health officers led by Jones, was praised by White House officials for its accessibility, the Florida Daily reported. But over the last few weeks, it "crashed and went offline, data disappeared with no explanation and access to the underlying data sheets became difficult."

Jones told CBS12 News that since she's been removed, the dashboard still hasn't been fully repaired.
Donna Deegan
Apr 28, 2020
As a person who has spent my share of time in the Mayo Clinic, I just have to say this is so selfish. The mask isn't to protect you, Mr. Vice President.
Apr 28, 2020
Mike Pence refused to wear a mask on Tuesday as he toured the Mayo Clinic and met with hospital staff and a patient, rejecting the famed hospital’s policy that all visitors cover their faces to reduce #covid-19 risks

Donna Deegan

21 Views · 5 months ago

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Yes, they do hate this.

The best advise I have heard to everyone is not to date*. Go have fun with friends. Why go your own way when you can go with many women and men through community?! Marry only if you must.
"Marriage is not for you."
Marriage is not so you can have sex.
Marriage is not so you can have children.
Marriage is not so you can get money or their things.
Marriage is not so you can appear stable to your parents or others.
Marriage is not so you can have love.
Marriage is not even about the person you marry.
Marriage is about children having their free association with both of their biological parents.

15 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Vincent James - Candace Owens is correct.

Israel is responsible for the assassination of JFK It's all here.

Everything you need to know in 2 minutes [2 minutes, 43 seconds, to be precise].



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Douchebag The_Author_._--Oxide-- comes back for anuddah beating: 😬

Tick tock. Tick tock. Your exceedingly vile, pathetic, incompetent and clownish camp's end draws closer and closer.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Tock tick, tock tick,

Your endless BS makes me itch! 🤣

Showing 62 out of 63