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28 Views · 10 months ago

⁣When i found these old clips, my jaw dropped. It perfectly explains everything we see happening today...funnily enough, the Google/DuckDuckGo URL takes you to a placeholder page...but why remove it...?
Lost Video From The 90's Explains Everything Happening Today
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God Bless you all!!!!
Lost Video From The 90s Explains Everything Happening Today
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34 Views · 10 months ago

⁣VfB pulls out an oldie but goodie, in light of the current situation 👀
It’s Time To Stand Up & Unite
If you do not know your rights, you have none.
As awareness grows of what is happening in Australia and around the world, the need to gather to create change for humanity’s common good–now and for the generations to follow–is not only necessary but urgent!
Common Law Australia’s intention is for a movement that is arising to reassert the divine purpose and its operation to restore every Man and Woman back to their natural and lawful being.
The vision is to create communities for the people by the people. To bring awareness, connection & direction to step into our natural human rights. To stand against any authority that rules unjustly against our will. No earthly force can take your sovereign rights away!
Connect & embrace awareness with like-minded people through regular gatherings, workshops and seminars.
It’s time to stand up & unite.
— What Is Common Law?
Common Law is the gateway to Tribal/Natural Law, and it is our Inalienable Right.
Our Creator gives us our rights, and no earthly force can take those rights away without our consent.
By nature, every man, woman, and child is free, equal and sovereign, possessing the inherent knowledge of whatever is true and right.
This inherent gift endows all living souls with the inalienable right to establish self-governance and defend themselves against any tyranny or violence, including that inflicted by external authorities.
Any authority that rules unjustly or arbitrarily, without the free and uncoerced living soul’s consent, has lost its right to rule and can be lawfully overthrown.
— What Does Inalienable Mean?
Not subject to alienation; the characteristic of those things which cannot be bought or sold or transferred from one person, your God given rights it cannot be taken away from you unless you give consent
— Why Should You Become Involved
The WHY of the Common Law Community derives its authority from human beings themselves and from their capacity to know what is right and wrong and treat others in a just and fair manner
— Common Law is Common Sense
Treat others as you want to be treated
Cause no harm
Cause no loss
Be honourable in your agreements
Integrity is the highest value

36 Views · 10 months ago

⁣THIS is what Weimar conditions looked like.
It’s EXACTLY what America looks like TODAY. 🔥📚
VfB also called this out in previous videos
Here's an alternative viewpoint:
X owner Elon Musk recently visited Auschwitz alongside right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro. The trip took place two months after Musk endorsed a blatantly antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are “flooding their countries” with “hordes of minorities.” And it didn’t sit well with white nationalist Stew Peters, who spread falsehoods about the Holocaust.
“While Elon was at Auschwitz they rolled out a big movie screen that played footage of the concentration camp,” Peters said. “Do you know what the problem with that is? It’s fake. It’s footage that we have been shown for decades from Auschwitz. And it was filmed after World War II by the Soviets. It was propaganda by definition.”
“And that’s not the only thing fake about that place,” he continued. “The gas chambers, the crematoriums [sic] — so often discussed — they were destroyed at the end of World War II. If they were ever there in the first place. And they were reconstructed later for demonstration purposes by guess who: the Soviets.”
At the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, 1.1 million people were killed, including 960,000 Jews. Ample evidence, including eyewitness testimony and photographs, prove crematoria and gas chambers did indeed exist at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The gas chamber/crematorium in Auschwitz I is not fake, but rather was “accurately restored to its historic role as a gas chamber.”
Peters also brought up a plaque that had been placed at the site beginning in 1947 which stated that four million people had died there between 1940 and 1945. In the 1990s this plaque was removed, with the Auschwitz museum historian stating that the number of victims there was roughly 1.5 million instead of 4 million.
Peters used this fact to falsely suggest that 6 million Jews were not systematically murdered in the Holocaust.
“So, how did this information come to light in the early 1990s?” he asked.
“Well could it be that the Soviet Union, a communist country that was established and dominated by Jews, had recently collapsed? Or were the Soviets propping up an ultra-Jewish victimhood narrative around World War II for their own benefit? Or for the benefit of Israel? The benefit of the Jewish people as a whole?”
He then asked if the “overall 6 million Holocaust deaths figure been adjusted to reflect the Auschwitz revelations.”
As the ADL noted, the 4 million figure resulted from a “Soviet investigation,” but that “Western scholars” had rejected it. These scholars “placed the total number of Auschwitz casualties between one and two million” and had also “originally estimated the total number of Jews killed in the Holocaust at approximately six million.”
And as Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman wrote in Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It?, Holocaust deniers often “find errors by scholars and historians and exploit these as if all the historians’ conclusions are wrong. (Pointing to the number killed at Auschwitz, deniers underline ‘the incredible shrinking Holocaust.’)”
Peters also complained that the “overemphasis on the Holocaust is used to guilt and to manipulate white people, even the white people whose grandparents risked and sometimes gave their lives to defeat Nazi Germany.”
From the Jan. 23, 2024 episode of The Stew Peters Show

31 Views · 10 months ago

I've heard as many as 188 instances of the (((six million))) figure used in periodicals prior to is that possible?!?
Rufus_2688 - Always remember… History tends to repeat itself… Funny… they never taught us about this in history class so make sure to pay attention 👀
Trope: Details of the Holocaust Have Been Exaggerated
Some so-called Holocaust “revisionists” claim they don’t deny the Holocaust happened, but simply dispute some of the findings of mainstream historians. They use this rhetorical strategy to try to avoid the moral disgust that many people feel towards Holocaust deniers, but upon examining many of their claims it is clear that their goal is indeed to deny the essential fact of the Holocaust: that approximately six million Jews were killed by the viciously antisemitic Nazi regime, including many in gas chambers.
Pseudo-academic Holocaust deniers and white supremacist, antisemitic trolls alike dispute the fact that six million Jews were killed, often claiming that the actual death toll is much lower, and many deaths were due to diseases like typhus rather than large-scale systemic murder. They also dismiss or minimize the role of the gas chambers, arguing that it was scientifically and technically impossible for the Nazis to have killed that many Jews, and the gas chambers were not used for extermination.
Holocaust deniers often highlight false or misleading statistics about the Jewish population before and after the war to support their claims. White supremacist trolls also attempt to minimize the scale of the Holocaust; their frequent use of the nonsensical phrase “six gorillion,” a clearly made-up number, is meant to indicate they believe the six million deaths are fake as well.
Trope: Witness Testimony is Fabricated or Inaccurate
Holocaust deniers often dispute the authenticity of Holocaust survivors’ testimonies, dismissing them as unreliable and inaccurate. They also dispute eyewitness accounts left behind by those who were murdered, claiming Jewish survivors and victims manipulate public opinion about Nazi Germany and make non-Jews feel guilty. Examples include claims that Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night has no historical value or that Anne Frank’s diary is a forgery.
Trope: Jews Invented the Holocaust for Financial and Political Gain
Holocaust deniers argue that the “Holocaust hoax” is designed to elicit guilt from Western countries and populations, which Jews then use for financial and political gain, including by pressuring Germany for reparations to Holocaust survivors.
Deniers imagine a vast, shadowy Jewish conspiracy that controls entire institutions and industries in order to disseminate the Holocaust narrative. They allege that white, Western Christian nations have been swindled and extorted by the Jews through the perpetuation of so-called “Holocaust mythology,” including educational curricula and Holocaust museums and memorials.
These claims draw on longstanding antisemitic tropes about alleged Jewish control and greed and the conspiratorial notion that Jews are engaged in a nefarious plot to take over the world.
Trope: The Holocaust is a Zionist Political Tool
For decades, anti-Zionism has been an important element of Holocaust denial. Many deniers, drawing on tropes about Jews being greedy and deceitful, claim that Jews invented the Holocaust “story” in order to manipulate global powers and gain support for the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. They also claim that Zionists have continued to exaggerate or fabricate the scale of the Holocaust to increase political and financial support for Israel during periods of conflict with other countries, to distract from Israel’s actions against Palestinians and to silence Israel’s critics.
Hardcore Holocaust denial organizations and ideologues also push the narrative that the collective stifling of Holocaust denial is an example of supposed global Zionist control and the power of the “Israel lobby.” These arguments lean toward broader conspiracy theories about alleged attempts by “globalists,” “elites,” Jews and Zionists to control discourse across the world.
Trope: Jews are Responsible for Their Own Persecution
Some Holocaust deniers choose to blame the victims while also denying the most heinous crimes of the Holocaust. This trope alleges that, to the extent that Jews were targeted, it was due to direct Jewish collaboration with Hitler’s regime,..
Read the rest at the thumbnail URL

35 Views · 10 months ago

⁣This is the copy with lyrics, so that you can sing it as you walk down the street 🇺🇲
Buttercup: “Westley, what about the R.O.U.S.’s?”
Westley: “Rodents of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.”

35 Views · 10 months ago

⁣"It is time for Jews to be feared rather than loved. Only then will the antisemites recede."
Source: [possibly removed; archived at 💾]
Oh, Shmuely...loxism is FATAL if not treated, bubbeleh 🕍🐀
Found his cringe-soaked screed - I'm posting just excerpts, so that I can fit in a response he got - it's almost as delusional as da Shmoo!
A short column like this doesn’t allow me to engage in the reasons for 2000 years of antisemitism. And even if it did, we might never figure it out. But it does allow me to dwell on a question that is nearly as important. Whatever the reason for antisemitism, why are we Jews so bad at fighting it?
The answer is simple. Jews prefer to be loved rather than feared. No, that doesn’t go far enough. They are desperate to be loved. And all desperation betrays weakness and is easily detected by our enemies.
The objective, therefore, in fighting antisemitism, is simple: DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM THE TRAIN AS POSSIBLE.
When the edicts against Jews owning business starts, get on the street in protest and raise hell. Don’t be silent and believe it will go away. When the racial laws start about whom can marry whom, get your non-Jewish friends to protest in their thousands in the streets against the hate. And when Jews are mercilessly defamed in media, spend millions of dollars NOT ATTACKING ISLAMOPHOBIA BUT ATTACKING ANTISEMITISM.
Never ever ever allow yourself to get slowly pulled toward the train. Because by the time you’re at the tracks, the choice is no longer between life and death, but only between death and death.
Robert I Kabakoff
2 days ago
Rav, we are all flight—no fight—and they feed on it. We know this but refuse to take the corrective measures. Why? Because it requires SACRIFICE—anathema to shtetl yidden. We glorify Anne Frank while we hide Tzivia Lubetkin. It sickens me so deeply I can hardly bear it. What will it take for gallus yidden to find their spines, personal courage, and Jewish honor and use them to face down our tormentors and carry with us the biblical maxim: 'An eye for an eye'? Are we really so weak and helpless? Are our enemies really so strong and powerful? Puleeeeze... Get with the program shtetl Yiden—no one will save us—and we must make our enemies pay and pay and pay—even at the risk of the dreaded SACRIFICE, the sine qua non of any successful battle plan. Yes, battle plan. Yes, battle

39 Views · 10 months ago

AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
🔒 We have extended the liquidity lock to 100 years!
America's Biggest Meme is just getting started! We're at the brink of something BIG and the awakening is clearly underway. Truth resonates with those who seek it.
Inch by inch.
#bigmike $TRUMP $MAGA
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama
by Amy Sherald
Oil on linen, 2018
Michelle Obama remembers growing up on the South Side of Chicago and thinking, “being smart is cooler than anything in the world.” After earning degrees from Princeton University and Harvard Law School, she joined Sidley Austin LLP, where she met Barack Obama in 1989. Guided by the desire to improve her community, she left the firm in the mid-1990s to begin a career in public service. She directed community and external affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center prior to moving to Washington in 2009.
During her husband’s two presidential campaigns, Mrs. Obama delivered poignant speeches that centered on her family’s commitment to serving others and highlighted the importance of her role as a parent. As first lady, she focused on women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, children’s health, and military families.
Mrs. Obama selected Amy Sherald, winner of the 2016 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition, to create her official portrait for the museum. The Baltimore-based artist considers the former first lady to be someone “women can relate to—no matter what shape, size, race, or color…We see our best selves in her.” Here, she portrays Mrs. Obama as both confident and approachable, in a dress by Michelle Smith’s label Milly.
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; Gift of Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg; Judith Kern and Kent Whealy; Tommie L. Pegues and Donald A. Capoccia; Clarence, DeLoise, and Brenda Gaines; Jonathan and Nancy Lee Kemper; The Stoneridge Fund of Amy and Marc Meadows; Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker; Catherine and Michael Podell; Mark and Cindy Aron; Lyndon J. Barrois and Janine Sherman Barrois; The Honorable John and Louise Bryson; Paul and Rose Carter; Bob and Jane Clark; Lisa R. Davis; Shirley Ross Davis and Family; Alan and Lois Fern; Conrad and Constance Hipkins; Sharon and John Hoffman; Audrey M. Irmas; John Legend and Chrissy Teigen; Eileen Harris Norton; Helen Hilton Raiser; Philip and Elizabeth Ryan; Roselyne Chroman Swig; Josef Vascovitz and Lisa Goodman; Eileen Baird; Dennis and Joyce Black Family Charitable Foundation; Shelley Brazier; Aryn Drake-Lee; Andy and Teri Goodman; Randi Charno Levine and Jeffrey E. Levine; Fred M. Levin and Nancy Livingston, The Shenson Foundation; Monique Meloche Gallery, Chicago; Arthur Lewis and Hau Nguyen; Sara and John Schram; Alyssa Taubman and Robert Rothman © National Portrait Gallery

16 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Let's talk about Mega Corp @Cancelcloco with a video
FIRST ON FOX: BlackRock CEO Larry Fink might see his own face on unflattering mobile billboards outside his New York City office after irking conservatives who feel he rebranded the polarizing environment, social and governance (ESG) investment criteria in order to push it without consequences.
Consumers' Research executive director Will Hild, who recently blasted Fink and BlackRock as the "poster children for ESG," launched a mobile billboard campaign calling attention to the high-powered executive’s recent comments.
Fink said on Sunday he’s "ashamed" to be part of the debate surrounding ESG, and insisted the term has been "misused by the far left and far right."
When pressed, Fink reportedly declared he believes in "conscientious capitalism" and simply won’t use the term ESG going forward.
"Since Consumers’ Research started its campaign against woke capitalism and ESG, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink has been feeling the heat and now can't get his story straight," Hild told Fox News Digital. "He's pushed a far-left, progressive agenda with other people’s investment dollars for years, got caught, and now he's talking out of both sides of his mouth, launching a transparent effort to rebrand ESG to ‘conscientious capitalism’ so he can continue to push his radical agenda without criticism,."
"Consumers’ Research launched our mobile billboard campaign ‘Attack of the Memes’ to remind ESG elites like Larry Fink, BlackRock, and others that they are on notice: We are watching, and a change in semantics is not a change in policy," Hild continued. "They need to start serving their customers, not woke politicians."
One of the mobile billboards is a spoof on a famous "Mad Men" scene, but advertising guru Don Draper is replaced by Fink as he presents an idea to help the company. "ESG, but we call it ‘conscientious capitalism," the mock sales pitch states in a clear play on Fink’s recent comments.
In the second mobile billboard the Consumers’ Research take on a popular meme in which a man wearing a red shirt and white gloves is nervously sweating from his forehead while debating which button to press. The sweaty man is Fink and the buttons state "ESG" and "ESG by a different name."
The mobile billboards began circling the block that houses BlackRock in Midtown Manhattan on Wednesday morning and will continue to circle the Hudson Yards headquarters during business hours through next week.
BlackRock did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Consumers’ Research, which describes itself as a "nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase the knowledge and understanding of issues, policies, products, and services of concern to consumers and to promote the freedom to act on that knowledge," has defined ESG on its website.
It states, "ESG stands for Environmental, Social, Governance and is used as an investment strategy to ‘encourage’ organizations to ‘act responsibly.’ ESG works by analyzing organizations across three criteria — their environmental footprint, their stance on social issues, and internal corporate governance."
The entry claimed that "political activists use ESG as a way to drive a progressive agenda and ideological allies in the business community help push this agenda through economic coercion and ignoring democratic processes."
Hild believes ESG is similar to critical race theory, in that some elements of the polarizing issue are branded CRT, but many others have CRT-associated ideas that aren’t labeled as such. He’s not sure that BlackRock ditching the ESG moniker will actually force the company to make changes to the way it pushes "a far-left, progressive agenda," but promised Consumers' Research will continue to monitor BlackRock’s actions.
Consumers' Research has put a spotlight on Fink’s company with its 2021 "About BlackRock" campaign that has called the top executive the "architect of woke capitalism" that focuses on ties to China, along with ESG.
Fink previously responded to ESG critics in a letter to CEOs in 2022.
The ESG movement "is not about politics. It is not a social or ideological agenda. It is not 'woke,'" Fink wrote. "It is capitalism, driven by mutually beneficial relationships between you and the employees, customers, suppliers, and communities your company relies on to prosper … Make no mistake, the fair pursuit of profit is still what animates markets; and long-term profitability is the measure by which markets will ultimately determine your company's success."
Republican leaders on the House Financial Services Committee created a task force in February to coordinate a response to ESG investment criteria.

22 Views · 10 months ago

⁣What is intellectual pride? Do we see it today & if so how? For more please visit & remember to do the PenanceWare that Fr asks for.
The website
To donate please visit
C. S. Lewis wrote: “According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind” (Mere Christianity).
One of the reasons I was attracted to the Christian Reformed Church is its intellectual robustness. That is arguably the Reformed tradition’s strength. It is also, I think, its greatest danger because it can lead to the sin of intellectual pride.
I confess that I struggle with intellectual pride myself. Ever since my youth, my intellect was the one strength that made me “successful.” Even after I became a Christian, I overly relied on my intellect to grow in faith and serve the church, devouring theological and spiritual books. My faith was more cerebral than emotional. Moments of “feeling right” occurred so rarely in contrast to “thinking right” in my spiritual journey that it showed an unhealthy imbalance.
I elevated my intellectual ability to comprehend God’s truths as the main way (or the only way?) for me to relate to God. I used theological knowledge as a spiritual yardstick. I looked down on as spiritually immature those who knew less than me. I was a proud young man who thought he knew a lot about God, about Scriptures and theology. I was often critical of and argumentative with those who differed from me theologically. I still have to suppress this judgmental urge today. Intellectual pride is the spiritual thorn in my flesh. Unfortunately, I think it is also prevalent among many Christian Reformed folks—clergy and lay people alike.
Scripture teaches that “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble” (James 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:5b; Prov. 3:34). God had to humble me through a period of dark depression that nearly caused me to fail university. By God’s grace, I received help for my depression and was able to resume my studies. Now, older and (I hope) wiser, I know how much I still do not know. I see now with greater clarity the human mind’s limits, our confirmation and negativity biases, and how foolish I was—as anyone is—to overly depend on intellect.
We should be grateful to God for the robust intellectual gifts of the Reformed tradition. But we cannot be blind to the very real temptation of loving the gifts more than the Giver. Have we loved our Reformed theology and confessions more than the God they point to? Are we so intellectually arrogant that we fail to learn from “non-Reformed” Christians? Have we so idolized our Reformed theological system to the point that we cannot even question it?
I believe God has a role for the Reformed tradition and the CRC in his divine mission—thus there is all the more urgency for us to repent and be proper vessels for God’s glory. I hope God does not have to resort to drastic measures to humble us as a denomination before we can repent of our intellectual pride. But I trust that God, who began a good work in us, “will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6). God, and God’s mission, will not fail.

43 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Not another stupid globe earth image 🗺 you'll find it on the OG poster's video, but NOT on mine
Be The Voice - Gen1Rev22 is the name of of the channel; here's the aboots:
Channel details:
14 subscribers
136 videos
Joined Sep 29, 2018
United Kingdom
One of the main reasons that people trained in the sciences today ignore the account in the Torah of a recent global Flood cataclysm is that they are persuaded that the standard geological timescale is in large measure correct. This paper reviews research that shows that the key assumption underpinning that timescale, namely, the time invariance of nuclear decay processes is false. That conclusion is being affirmed by increasing numbers of publications reporting soft tissue preservation in animal fossils from deep in the geological record. With the barrier of the timescale removed, spectacular physical evidence for a global catastrophic Flood of the sort described in the Torah and Quran becomes obvious. The complete destruction of all land-dwelling, air-breathing life on earth, except that preserved on the ark of Noah, as described in these accounts, immediately suggests that the fossils preserved in the sediment record must represent plants and animals destroyed in the Flood. The logical place in the rock record for the onset of this cataclysm therefore must be where five striking global-scale geological discontinuities—a mechanical-erosional discontinuity, a time/age discontinuity, a tectonic discontinuity, a sedimentary discontinuity, and a paleontological discontinuity coincide (Snelling 2009, 707-711). This unique boundary lies at the base of the Ediacaran in the late Neoproterozoic part of the geological record. Where Ediacaran sediments are missing, it coincides with the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary where Cambrian sediments are present. The identification of this boundary with the onset of the Flood implies that a staggering amount of tectonic catastrophism also must have accompanied the large amount of erosion and sedimentation involved. This paper summarizes some of the work done over the past thirty years to apply numerical modeling to investigate various aspects of this year-long event that dramatically refashioned the face of the earth.
The account of Noah’s Flood in the Torah, when interpreted according to the normal sense of the words, speaks of a global scale cataclysm that destroyed all the air-breathing terrestrial life on earth within the span of a single year. Indeed, the Flood is the only event mentioned in the Torah since the creation of the earth itself up to the present capable of producing global-scale geological change. Certainly an event of this magnitude should have left an abundance of physical evidence across the face of the earth. Many well-trained people today claim there is no such evidence. What is behind such a conclusion?
A crucial assumption underlying the conclusion of no evidence is that the standard geological timescale is generally correct. Under this assumption, as one surveys the evidence, it is unambiguously clear that there was no global-scale event that destroyed the earth’s air-breathing life on a massive scale sometime the third millennium BC. The issue is plain. Either the standard time scale is correct and there was no Flood as described in the Torah, or the time scale is incorrect in a profound way and a global Flood cataclysm is a genuine possibility. I and several of my colleagues have come to the conclusion that the latter choice is the one that corresponds to reality.
In this paper I review briefly the results of the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) research effort completed in 2005 that found several independent lines of radioisotope evidence that the earth itself is only thousands, not billions, of years old. The clearest line of evidence is that zircons in granite with U-Pb ages of more than a billion years retain as much as 80% of their radiogenic helium. The carefully measured diffusion rate of helium in zircon limits significant He retention to only a few thousand years. A second line of evidence are an abundance of damage patterns known as radiohalos caused by alpha particle radiation from radioisotopes of polonium whose half-lives vary between 164 microseconds to 138 days...
Read the rest at the above URL

7 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Mayoress Mz. Nina Brown is at it again!
DOLTON, Ill. — Embattled Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard is pushing back against calls for an investigation into her spending of village funds.
At a village board meeting Monday night, she vetoed a resolution passed by village trustees to investigate her.
Last month, members of the board of trustees passed a resolution that requires her to turn over the village’s financial records and calls for an FBI investigation.
“To my staff, I apologize for all the mess that the board of trustees have created,” Henyard said at Monday night’s meeting.
Men accused of killing man, woman in Waukegan during crime spree
The mayor admits to a $2 million deficit, but trustees say it’s millions more. They vow to override her veto at next month’s village meeting.
“This is just a process to drag it along, but everybody sees what’s going on,” Trustee Kiana Belcher said.
The village, under Henyard’s leadership, is cracking down on access, pushing media at Monday’s meeting to the very back of the room, almost out of sight of public comment from residents, but their voices were loud and clear.
“You lied to us as residents. You do not, you do not stand for me. And I want you to step down as mayor today and save our village from this deficit you have caused,” Dolton resident Vivian Allen said.
“The mayor can blame everybody for what’s going on, but she has to look at herself. Nobody told her to go on TV and lie like that,” former trustee Edward Steave said.
Family of teen killed in South Loop shooting call for charges
Henyard placed the blame elsewhere.
“It is a boys club and unfortunately they don’t want us leading like we’re doing now. I have two big powerful seats, and everybody thought they were going to be able to tell me what to do. They thought they were going to start this little smear campaign, and we weren’t going to fight back. I’m going to always fight for what’s right, and I always stay the course. And I will be victorious when all the dust clears,” Henyard said.
Trustee Belcher said trustees do have the votes to override the mayor’s veto, but they can’t vote on that override until the next village meeting in April.
'Absolutely Insane': Frustrations BOIL OVER During Mayor Tiffany Henyard, Village Of Dolton Meeting - Roland S. Martin

18 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Paul McCartney Talks About Michael Jackson Buying The Beatles Catalog In 2001
Published Oct 22, 2022 By Dowell De Los Rey
Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson’s relationship had an interesting run. The two started as one of the biggest music stars in the industry, until the two collaborated, shocking the world. In an unexpected twist of faith, the two even went to an employer-employee relationship that lasts even today.
Paul McCartney shared his thoughts on Michael Jackson buying The Beatles’ Catalog in an interview with Howard Stern back in 2001. The whole studio watched in amazement as Macca entered the room; it felt as great that something as huge of a rockstar as his become that day’s guest for the Howard Stern Show.
Stern go directly to the point, asking if it’s true that he’s the one who introduced Michael Jackson in the world of music publishing. It turns out, the “irony” of the situation would be Jackson buying the entire Beatles catalog, making him the boss of all the legendary songs created by the Fab Four.
McCartney first started to explain that the two had a “good little relationship,” where Michael first rang up to him and grabbed the opportunity to create songs. When Michael asked the musician if he could give some “advice” in music, Macca introduced him to the idea of going in the business of music publishing.
McCartney further explained: “I thought he [Jackson] was joking [when] he said, ‘Oh I’m gonna get yours.’ Well, I went ‘no, [laughing] slap you in the back, good one!’ I thought that was a joke.” It all came to him when someone rung him up and said that Jackson did buy the entire catalog of the Beatles.
Surprisingly, Macca didn’t mind that Jackson bought it, but what he didn’t like was the how the “Thriller” singer didn’t respond to him around the time he asked him for a raise. “[I] wrote him a couple of letters, saying: ‘Michael, don’t you think, even if I was just a writer on the payroll, after 30 years of being reasonably successful for this company you now own; don’t you think I could have a raise?’ he said, ‘Oh Paul, that’s just business.’”
Paul McCartney discusses Michael Jackson’s 1985 purchase of the Beatles’ music catalog.

24 Views · 10 months ago

⁣It feels like there have been staggering science stories emerging every other day recently, all of which have blown our tiny little minds.
First, there was the discovery of a terrifying black hole pointing right at us, then there was a huge hole found in the sun and a missing continent found after going missing for 375 years.
Now, people are only just realising that there’s a massive ocean hidden under the Earth’s crust.
It turns out there’s a huge supply of water 400 miles underground stored in rock known as 'ringwoodite'.
Scientists previously discovered that water is stored inside mantle rock in a sponge-like state, which isn’t a liquid, solid or a gas, but instead a fourth state.
The scientific paper titled ‘Dehydration melting at the top of the lower mantle’ was published in 2014 and laid out the findings.
"The ringwoodite is like a sponge, soaking up water, there is something very special about the crystal structure of ringwoodite that allows it to attract hydrogen and trap water," said geophysicist Steve Jacobsen at the time.
"This mineral can contain a lot of water under conditions of the deep mantle,” added Jacobsen, who was part of the team behind the discovery.
He added: "I think we are finally seeing evidence for a whole-Earth water cycle, which may help explain the vast amount of liquid water on the surface of our habitable planet. Scientists have been looking for this missing deep water for decades."
Scientists made the findings at the time after studying earthquakes and discovering that seismometers were picking up shockwaves under the surface of the Earth.
From that, they were able to establish that the water was being held in the rock known as ringwoodite.
If the rock contained just 1 per cent water, it would mean that there is three times more water under the surface of the Earth than there is in the oceans on the surface.
It’s not the only significant discovery made by scientists recently, either. In fact, researchers found an entirely new ecosystem when turning over volcanic crust with the aid of an underwater robot, showing that even now, nature has many more secrets to unearth.

39 Views · 10 months ago

I've heard as many as 188 instances of the (((six million))) figure used in periodicals prior to is that possible?!?
Rufus_2688 - Always remember… History tends to repeat itself… Funny… they never taught us about this in history class so make sure to pay attention 👀
Trope: Details of the Holocaust Have Been Exaggerated
Some so-called Holocaust “revisionists” claim they don’t deny the Holocaust happened, but simply dispute some of the findings of mainstream historians. They use this rhetorical strategy to try to avoid the moral disgust that many people feel towards Holocaust deniers, but upon examining many of their claims it is clear that their goal is indeed to deny the essential fact of the Holocaust: that approximately six million Jews were killed by the viciously antisemitic Nazi regime, including many in gas chambers.
Pseudo-academic Holocaust deniers and white supremacist, antisemitic trolls alike dispute the fact that six million Jews were killed, often claiming that the actual death toll is much lower, and many deaths were due to diseases like typhus rather than large-scale systemic murder. They also dismiss or minimize the role of the gas chambers, arguing that it was scientifically and technically impossible for the Nazis to have killed that many Jews, and the gas chambers were not used for extermination.
Holocaust deniers often highlight false or misleading statistics about the Jewish population before and after the war to support their claims. White supremacist trolls also attempt to minimize the scale of the Holocaust; their frequent use of the nonsensical phrase “six gorillion,” a clearly made-up number, is meant to indicate they believe the six million deaths are fake as well.
Trope: Witness Testimony is Fabricated or Inaccurate
Holocaust deniers often dispute the authenticity of Holocaust survivors’ testimonies, dismissing them as unreliable and inaccurate. They also dispute eyewitness accounts left behind by those who were murdered, claiming Jewish survivors and victims manipulate public opinion about Nazi Germany and make non-Jews feel guilty. Examples include claims that Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night has no historical value or that Anne Frank’s diary is a forgery.
Trope: Jews Invented the Holocaust for Financial and Political Gain
Holocaust deniers argue that the “Holocaust hoax” is designed to elicit guilt from Western countries and populations, which Jews then use for financial and political gain, including by pressuring Germany for reparations to Holocaust survivors.
Deniers imagine a vast, shadowy Jewish conspiracy that controls entire institutions and industries in order to disseminate the Holocaust narrative. They allege that white, Western Christian nations have been swindled and extorted by the Jews through the perpetuation of so-called “Holocaust mythology,” including educational curricula and Holocaust museums and memorials.
These claims draw on longstanding antisemitic tropes about alleged Jewish control and greed and the conspiratorial notion that Jews are engaged in a nefarious plot to take over the world.
Trope: The Holocaust is a Zionist Political Tool
For decades, anti-Zionism has been an important element of Holocaust denial. Many deniers, drawing on tropes about Jews being greedy and deceitful, claim that Jews invented the Holocaust “story” in order to manipulate global powers and gain support for the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. They also claim that Zionists have continued to exaggerate or fabricate the scale of the Holocaust to increase political and financial support for Israel during periods of conflict with other countries, to distract from Israel’s actions against Palestinians and to silence Israel’s critics.
Hardcore Holocaust denial organizations and ideologues also push the narrative that the collective stifling of Holocaust denial is an example of supposed global Zionist control and the power of the “Israel lobby.” These arguments lean toward broader conspiracy theories about alleged attempts by “globalists,” “elites,” Jews and Zionists to control discourse across the world.
⁣Trope: Jews are Responsible for Their Own Persecution
Some Holocaust deniers choose to blame the victims while also denying the most heinous crimes of the Holocaust. This trope alleges that, to the extent that Jews were targeted, it was due to direct Jewish collaboration with Hitler’s regime, and that those Jews who did die during this period were causalities of a Zionist-led and financed effort to work with Nazis directly in order to establish the State of Israel and persuade Jews to emigrate there. These deniers see no contradiction between denying the existence of the gas chambers and the Final Solution, and blaming Zionists for whatever Jewish persecution they acknowledge actually occurred.
The promotion of this trope distorts historical facts by downplaying the responsibility of the Nazis in perpetrating the Holocaust and reframing specific events both prior to and during World War II to fit their narrative. It also serves to portray Zionists historically and today as callous, deceitful and evil people who will take any actions necessary to achieve their goals.

31 Views · 10 months ago

⁣🌈 Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD - Woman is upset about a “Walmart Sista” doll, featuring a rotund Black woman, watermelon, handcuffs, fried chicken, a scooter, and 2 stolen items! What do you think about this doll?
Members of the Walton family sold roughly $1.5 billion worth of Walmart Inc. stock at the end of last week as shares hovered near a record high.
The Walton Family Holdings Trust sold about 8.82 million shares between Feb. 21 and Feb. 23, according to US Securities and Exchange Commission filings from late Friday. The notifications were filed on behalf of Alice, Jim and Rob Walton.
Walmart has climbed about 13% this year, outperforming the 3.2% advance in the S&P Retail Select Industry Index. The shares rose 1.8% on Monday to close at a fresh record high. It was the first day of trading for Walmart after its 3-for-1 stock split took effect.
The previous record came just six days ago after the retailer’s fourth-quarter results topped Wall Street’s expectations and as executives said it’s gaining market share. The company’s fiscal-year outlook was also better than some analysts had anticipated.
The transaction comes amid a flurry of high-profile stock sales in recent weeks. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon and his family sold $150 million worth of the bank’s stock last week in the first sale since he took the helm 18 years ago. Jeff Bezos also recently sold 50 million Inc. shares in multiple transactions as part of a plan he disclosed earlier this month.
A media representative for Walmart pointed to a 2015 statement from Walton Enterprises that said the Walton family expects to sell shares from time to time in order to help offset possible increases in its ownership percentage due to the company’s stock buyback programs, and to help fund charitable contributions.
The Walton family owns about 45% of Walmart’s outstanding shares through the trust and their main investment vehicle, Walton Enterprises, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Alice, Jim and Rob Walton have a combined fortune of $274 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

38 Views · 11 months ago

⁣MAVERICK X - People wait in line to get a shot, while an injected person is carried away by ambulance! YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS UP!!
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
Don't worry about that guy - he'll be composted and recycled into sum tasty Soylent Green, don'tcha know 😁
Why Don’t You Find Out For Yourself 🤔📶
KN writes:
‘I know this phenomonen was ‘debunked’ by the hard-working independent fact-checkers, but why not try this yourself as I have done repeatedly. Put your (Android) phone’s settings on to Bluetooth with a group of vaccinated people, a rake of odd 12-digit numbers/letters will come up (as above) waiting to connect to a device.. Then do the same with an unvaccinated group (if you can find them). Those numbers do not appear. Try it or better still can you explain it?
Update: Android 6 or earlier

39 Views · 11 months ago

⁣I do not know who put this video together, but it is a solid 2.5 hour compilation of jews admitting to the Kalergi plan.
Distribute freely!
YOU are suicidal and insane if your only response to this is to call me (((anti-semitic)))
PETITIONS WORK! Sign it. Be sure to finalize it after by clicking the link in your email box.
100,000 signatures on a Petition is required to take up any matter in Parliament, Ottawa for We, the People of Canada.
Every Petition has a deadline. If not met, we loose what's being Petitioned, then suffer the financial or otherwise consequences.
If you are fed up with our current governing in Canada. You have the legal right and obligation to speak up!
This is your chance to make a difference.
Here and now. Please sign then forward this to all your connections to sign.
I see at the bottom of this petition we only have 500++ signatures. Hustle my fellow CDNS. Hustle.
Don't wait, takes 1 minutes to sign, add mailing address, email and phone #. Then go to the email box you entered and click the email they sent to prove it's you.
Pray Daily. So it is!

26 Views · 11 months ago

⁣It looks like him to [Jim Crenshaw] & me | I anyway.🫣
The transgenders are everywhere...
I don't see them very television.
I wish he/she would not pick at it. 🍆
Jim, me lad - could NOT bloody resist 😁
OG Source 📠 Strawman:
AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:
I guess you didn't take me seriously when I posted IT'S WINKY TIME! 🍆🤢🤮🤔🤨😳😂 STARRING LADY GAGA🤐🙈🙉🙊
I wasn't joking 🤡🌎

49 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Someone in deep denial:

"That penis was fake it was a humiliation ritual. Listen they have to do millions of rituals, either on their own or in their group."

Right, because attaching a gherkin to your underparts where no one will see it except for when you astride one of your props really gets the the old Baphomet worshippers moistening their panties!

Come off it!

She's a MAN, baby!

This is a rescue from my Brighteon account; I've things there that I couldn't post here, for whatever reason.

Check our Jim Crenshaw's video, as well:

The are the fake people. They are sodomite trannys running around everywhere. Here is her "appendage":
Lady Gaga Has A Schlong. How's It Hangin' Dude?:


AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

More videos you may find interesting:
I'm a double jabbed healthcare worker. "Now it is terrifying to be this awake" Much regret.

Clones And Organic Robotoids Part 1

"It's important for us to stand against the anti viaxers". If only she could stand after her jabs.

Bill Gates is at it again. Strange bugs with numbers stamped on them. Where is the Raid?

He is butt naked and on a rampage in the snow. Probably vaccinated.

A Great Message To Pass Along To Those Who Still Don't Get What's Going On

Fake people. Who or what are these people? Why is this being done?

More and more people are exhibiting strange behaviors then dying in the same mysterious way. Why?

Robotoid Or Clone Malfunction? They Want Your Soul And They Say Free Will Is Over

8yr old girl dead after electric bike bursts into flames-You go green then you go black

CERN - They now admit they are communicating with "entities" from the other side - Anthony Patch


Remember the no jab no organ mandate? Transplanted organs are being rejected post vaccination.

They murdered Grandma in less than 15 min. They are going to have to shorten the wait times.

Thinking about a Ring Security Doorbell? Some things you may want to know before you buy.

How to Stop Google Showing Your Home on Google Street View

He said "Get vaccinated you dumbasses"...dumbass is dead 9 days after his Monkeypox shot.

34 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Ryan Garcia said that he has been to the Bohemian Grove, that it's real and he was forced to participate. He was in a Twitter space with Andrew Tate.
Comment from GAB:
'Bohemin Grove is near where I grew up as a child. It is next to a small town in Sonoma County, known to be the gay capital of the world.
Interestingly I remember seeing ads for "servers" there that would pay $50 an hour and required an NDA. This was about 4 years ago.'

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