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Science & Technology

20 Views · 6 months ago

Your publishing house has everything you need to create your own animal control poles and sticks for free so you can defend yourself and your family from deadly harassing dogs that your neighbors abuse with neglect and roaming dog gangs while traveling. Metal wire and metal poles are the basic components.

Also, animal control sticks available for purchase and international shipping by request starting around $40. Request a jitsi room to find out more information about these animal control poles that can help save your life against killer dogs trained to attack humans.

Invaders who help no one frequently use dogs to attack anyone that comes near the property they have leeched of the native population.

More at

14 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Discover and Understand Smart Cities, 15-Minute Cities, and How We Can Resist Their Implementation. A detailed explanation on how we can prevent these concepts from being applied in our cities. ?

C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.

4 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Get the Lynx or your next wheel of choice here- Ewheels

link Tree-

camera used to film ride footage-

Amazon Store, with all sorts of EUC gear I recommend-

Special $20 off link code for the Armored Jackets I wear-


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10 Views · 7 months ago

⁣Not A Number - Compilation of EMF videos with commentary. 21 min, Watch when you get some free time 👍



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12 Views · 7 months ago

Much of this was solved back in 2001 with the concept behind jitsi which is where both people need to consent to the conversation to be in the convsation. It works the same way with sub groups in jitsi rooms where many people are communicating freely and at will. It is private and jitsi can help with a passcode so there will never be any annoying neighbors or their dogs to attack you or your guests. Jitsi is an app but it is also a website so you don't need to download anything. You can also give out phone numbers with pins for private conversation and you don't even need to pay a jew for private property.
~Publishing House Owner
Available on jitsi by request.

More at

18 Views · 7 months ago

⁣We confirm graphene oxide, a two-dimensional carbon structure at the nanoscale level can be a strong candidate for high-efficient interconnector in radio-frequency range. In this paper, we investigate high frequency characteristics of graphene oxide in range of 0.5–40 GHz. Radio-frequency transmission properties were extracted as S-parameters to determine the intrinsic ac transmission of graphene sheets, such as the impedance variation dependence on frequency. The impedance and resistance of graphene sheets drastically decrease as frequency increases. This result confirms graphene oxide has high potential for transmitting signals at gigahertz ranges.


Well, I've researched GMOs for some time, and the correlation I'm making is that you will be converted into a GMO if you accept the shot - your body will, like an ear of BT corn, produce toxins within your own body, hastening a planned cellular breakdown.

11 Views · 7 months ago

⁣🇺🇸 American Farmer says he’s tested his soil and it has 5x the amount of aluminum it used to have. The GMO seeds grow fine, all his heirloom seed crops are all the sudden failing (shows proof)

Reminder, Bill Gates is creating GMO seeds that grow in aluminum rich soil.

We are being ruled by extremely evil people and one day only their GMO seeds will be the ones that grow.

Total control of our food supply.



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18 Views · 8 months ago

⁣Volkswagen, as far as car companies go, is fairly forward thinking. They invited their customers to come up with new design ideas, and the customers delivered.

This concept, the “Hover Car,” has impressed the company so much that they decided to make a short YouTube video, featuring CGI, that shows how it would potentially function in real life.

It begins with the VW zipping through the Chinese capital of Beijing, elevated just a few feet above the ground. The car’s power comes from minerals underground and was designed by a young Chinese woman who responded to the carmaker’s call for innovation.

Of course, easier CGI’d than done. The car would require electromagnetic strips embedded into the roads below it in order to work. But as a prize, the girl’s parents got to “test drive” the car in the simulated video. According to Creativity Online, VW received 119,000 ideas and got 33 million hits on its website.

Source [not the OG URL]:


32 Views · 8 months ago

⁣Ian Carroll - CIA has had this technology for over 40 years. How are you sure what is real anymore? Is any of it? 🤷‍♂️


What a coincidence.

Rothschild, BlackRock, VanGuard, Bush’s and Cheney’s stood to gain $696 billion up to $1 TRILLION in profits after short selling DJT shares one day prior to assassination.

"It turned out it was just a filing error, anons." - Anonymous Conservative

59 Views · 9 months ago

⁣As we approach five years of #covidiocracy, VfB asks that you recall his 'ship-in-a bottle' theory of the multi pronged attack known as the COVID plandemic, of which many instances of foreknowledge exist; this is an interesting piece of the puzzle:

Editor’s note – April 23, 2024 – The quotation from Judson Althoff was updated following initial publication.

ATLANTA and REDMOND, Wash. — April 23, 2024 — Microsoft Corp. and The Coca-Cola Company on Tuesday announced a five-year strategic partnership to align Coca-Cola’s core technology strategy systemwide; enable the adoption of leading-edge technology; and foster innovation and productivity globally.

As part of the partnership, Coca-Cola has made a $1.1 billion commitment to the Microsoft Cloud and its generative AI capabilities. The collaboration underscores Coca-Cola’s ongoing technology transformation, underpinned by the Microsoft Cloud as Coca-Cola’s globally preferred and strategic cloud and AI platform.

Through the partnership, the companies will jointly experiment with groundbreaking new technology like Azure OpenAI Service to develop innovative generative AI use cases across various business functions. This includes testing how Copilot for Microsoft 365 could help improve workplace productivity.

“Through our long-term partnership, we have made significant progress to accelerate system-wide AI Transformation across The Coca-Cola Company and its network of independent bottlers worldwide,” said Judson Althoff, executive vice president and chief commercial officer at Microsoft. “We are proud to support Coca-Cola as it continues to embrace the era of AI and looks to solutions like Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot for Microsoft 365 to drive innovation across every area of its business.”

Coca-Cola has migrated all its applications to Microsoft Azure, with most major independent bottling partners following suit. As a pioneer in AI adoption, Coca-Cola has been innovating with generative AI for nearly a year and has already leveraged Azure OpenAI Service to reimagine everything from marketing to manufacturing and supply chain and beyond. The company is currently exploring the use of generative AI-powered digital assistants on Azure OpenAI Service to help employees improve customer experiences, streamline operations, foster innovation, gain a competitive advantage, boost efficiency and uncover new growth opportunities.

“This new agreement builds on the success of Coca-Cola’s partnership strategy with Microsoft, showing our commitment to ongoing digital transformation,” said John Murphy, president and chief financial officer of The Coca-Cola Company. “Our partnership with Microsoft has grown exponentially, from the $250 million agreement we initially announced in 2020 to $1.1 billion today.”

The agreement reflects a significant step in advancing Coca-Cola’s digital transformation, focused on providing expanded access to Microsoft’s cloud and AI platforms — as well as solutions such as Microsoft 365, Power BI, Dynamics 365, Defender and Fabric — to enhance efficiency and scalability while fostering innovation across the system.

“Our expanded partnership with Microsoft is an important next chapter in Coca-Cola’s journey toward a digital-first enterprise powered by emerging technologies,” said Neeraj Tolmare, senior vice president and global chief information officer for The Coca-Cola Company. “Microsoft’s capabilities help accelerate our adoption of AI to create incremental enterprise value.”

About The Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is a total beverage company with products sold in more than 200 countries and territories. Our company’s purpose is to refresh the world and make a difference. We sell multiple billion-dollar brands across several beverage categories worldwide. Our portfolio of sparkling soft drink brands includes Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta. Our water, sports, coffee and tea brands include Dasani, Smartwater, Vitaminwater, Topo Chico, BODYARMOR, Powerade, Costa, Georgia, Gold Peak and Ayataka. Our juice, value-added dairy and plant-based beverage brands include Minute Maid, Simply, innocent, Del Valle, fairlife and AdeS. We’re constantly transforming our portfolio, from reducing sugar in our drinks to bringing innovative new products to market. We seek to positively impact people’s lives, communities and the planet through water replenishment, packaging recycling, sustainable sourcing practices and carbon emissions reductions across our value chain. Together with our bottling partners, we employ more than 700,000 people, helping bring economic opportunity to local communities worldwide. Learn more at and follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn


34 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Wall Street Silver - "I'm sure these will never, ever be used against US citizens. I feel safe because the government loves me" - Leftist 🔊

Changed the text of the title, since you and I both know this isn't about political divisions; this is We The People of the World versus a bunch of soulless scumbags, their golems, proxy warriors, cutouts, shabbos goyim and sayanim

To think that these maniacs haven't WEAPONIZED everything that you INCURIOUSITY 🤤

Robot dog? 🤖 Always meant as a weapon against you

Perhaps you can set up a Furby as a counteroffensive...who knows 🤔


57 Views · 11 months ago

⁣𝕄𝕣 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕪 3⃣3⃣ 🕉 - Reverse Engineering Source Code of the Pfizer Vaccine 💉– 15 BILLION #nanobots in each Vial 🧪 They found that the #pfizer Vaccines contained “Graphene Oxide” in each of the vaccines, which contains 15 Billion #nanoparticles within the mRNA sequence 👀 IRON & CLAY #wban #mban source:
Thumbnail: https://sciencebasedmedicine.o....rg/the-return-of-the
Yet again...fact checks not worth a bucket of piss: 🪣
Just the tip:
The return of the revenge of “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines permanently alter your DNA” and “lab leak”
Claims that COVID-19 vaccines “permanently alter your DNA” or that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered in a lab were resurrected last week based on two dubious studies. No matter how many times you think these myths have been debunked, they always come back for another installment of the same misinformation franchise.
As repetitive as I have been with respect to this, there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to antivaccine myths, misinformation, and disinformation, and that applies to COVID-19 vaccines. If public health officials and messengers had paid more attention to the tactics and tropes of the antivaccine movement, including its central conspiracy theory, maybe they would have been more prepared for the onslaught of antivaccine misinformation that was unleashed as the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were undergoing clinical trials and when they were finally initially approved under an emergency use authorization (EUA) near the end of 2020. They didn’t, and here we are, which is why, having seen it before multiple times last year, I’m faced with the return of the revenge of the antivaccine lie that mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines “permanently alter your DNA” (they don’t, nor do they “hack the software of life“, nor are they really “gene therapy“) this time from Jessica Rose, who is affiliated with James Lyons-Weiler‘s antivaccine “institute” with the humble name of Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK). Unfortunately, Saturday I saw this zombie lie resurrected yet again in the form of an article on Substack (where the cranks who’ve been banned from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. all go) by Rose titled “It does incorporate into human DNA. And it’s probably messing up embryogenesis“, subtitled, These injectable convid-1984 products are perfect bioweapons—either by design or accident. Who cares which. The outcome is the same.
VfB has never heard of Jessica Rose, nor her Substack; VfB had his own Substack...for a grand total of THREE POSTS before being (((banned))); no notice - just censored 🤐❌
VfB doesn't need to appeal to authority, as David Gorski does above; figured out the mechanism of infiltration on May 16, 2020 [and would later come up with the ship-in-a-bottle theory, independently verified]: COVID19 is YOUR ASSIGNED MACHINE ACCESS CODE 🤔🤭🤫🤯

31 Views · 11 months ago

⁣VfB read this ages ago - it is my pleasure to introduce to you both Wade Frazier and Dennis Lee, the man in the video; Wade's work was posted previously in the posts regarding the abiotic nature of oil

Just an excerpt from a huge piece:

About 200,000 years ago, anatomically modern humans appeared. By about 60,000 years ago, humans improved their weapons technology to the point where they became Earth’s first and only super-predator, and expanded its range across the entire planet. By about 10,000 years ago, humanity had exterminated all the easily hunted large animals, and the hunter-gatherer lifestyle was no longer sustainable on a global basis. Domestication of animals and food crops led to civilization. Domesticating animals, plants and enslaving humans were the significant activities of early civilization, and ideological indoctrination began in those early days, as the slaves needed to be conditioned to accept their status. The positions of the new elite classes also needed an acceptable justification. Often the most ruthless and successful elites became “royalty.”

The human journey has largely been about refining methods of exploiting energy and manipulating the natural environment to human benefit. The West calls that process “progress.” The extinction of large, easily killed animals was probably the earliest instance of humans exhausting their primary energy source (although original migrations from Africa might have been due to outstripping energy supplies). Early agricultural practices also exhausted the lands, although the dynamic of deforestation, farming, and desertification persists to this day. As the energy of wood was used up, and the resultant deforested lands were devastated by agricultural practices, other sources of energy were exploited, leading to the “fossil fuel” revolution, which began with coal mining in deforested England and replacing wood for smelting iron, and that coal also ran the first commercial steam engines. In the late 19th century, oil became the next fuel to undergo large-scale exploitation, and its use coincided with amassing capitalistic, monopolistic empires, significantly by United States robber barons, John Rockefeller most notably. His oil companies still dominate the oil industry, and fossil fuels comprise more than 80% of world energy production in 2014. The process of extracting and using fossil fuels is environmentally disastrous. Rapid global warming, mainly caused by burning fossil fuels, is one of the greatest threats that humanity faces today.

The West’s capitalistic ideology has transformed a traditional deadly sin, greed, into a virtue, and the racketeering impulse has guided the creation of all capitalistic empires. Every significant industry and profession is largely a self-serving racket, and the larger and more powerful the industry or profession is, the more it resembles an outright racket, which I discovered the hard way during my adventures. I participated in a significant effort to bring alternative energy to the marketplace, maybe the most significant ever. What happened to the ventures that Dennis Lee headed is a case study of how alternative energy is suppressed. Alternative energy has been systematically suppressed, on a global scale, for the past century, and free energy technology has probably existed for a long time. Free energy would eliminate the energy industry, help heal Earth, increase humanity’s standard of living by a few orders of magnitude, and could end the Zero-Sum Game that humanity has been playing for the past 10,000 years or more. The exploitation of energy may exterminate the human species, but it does not have to be that way. If we wake up and begin caring, solving our problems is easy. If we stay asleep, we are doomed. The problem has a lot more to do with integrity than technology or intelligence. Personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity, and it needs to become more plentiful if humanity is to avoid its self-extinction. It is up to us.


35 Views · 12 months ago

⁣How many times have they hit the reset button?

And here we are.

Living through it again in real time.



2017 Great American Eclipse Leaves USA - it's last place it touched America - Fort Sumpter, coincidence - you make the call -

Watch with us posted:

Click - you just need to see this...I told you about the Aristocrats, didn't I?

Think Idiocracy + They Live!

Anons going back to the future: 🫥

i suspect many times, this is why they seem to be always steps ahead of us serfs
they seen all this before
nothing new under the sun , as they say
when we start to get to uppity, they set man back, to start all over again
what could be the purpose to this madness i say
their has to be something they need from us surly they could wipe us all out if they wanted too

perhaps they need our genetic material

no 'perhaps'; the yids must re-graft into our genes or theirs unravel

true that

18 Views · 12 months ago

⁣Cannot fully source this; came from a 'hidden' channel on Telegram
guy seeks medical help after he became magnetic after his Covid-19 vaccine
Remember that WiFi chip that was assembled inside of you?
The absolute HELL that is coming for you proponents of this White genocide [and others, obviously...but part of the main agenda was to pull a multi pronged attack using every possible attack vector and|or point of weakness]
We've gone through 4 of the 5'll never see ACCEPTANCE, as those freaks are utterly broken
I started a Substack; my publishing access was revoked
VfB wasn't wrong 🥸

26 Views · 12 months ago

⁣The UNABOMBER dindu nuffin wrong
It's utter idiocy attempting to tie him to said bombings; rather, it was done to impign his reputation and so that one would disavow anything whatsoever from the mind of Theodore Kazcynski
Uncle TED at the movies?
It could be he turns into a future Ted K, or we are the Ted watching in disappointment 🤔
Elon Musk said on Saturday that the Unabomber — despite his twisted, homicidal rampage that killed three people and injured two dozen more — “might not be wrong” in his belief that technology is detrimental to society.
The billionaire tweeted the comment the same day the Unabomber, whose real name was Ted Kaczynski, died in his jail cell aged 81 after nearly three decades in prison.
Starting in 1978, Kaczynski waged a 17-year, anti-tech campaign by constructing 16 homemade bombs and mailing them to people he believed were destroying the environment and creating a more technically advanced society.
The explosives made Kaczynski the most prolific bomber in American history.
While living as a hermit in a Montana cabin, making bombs and evading authorities for 20 years, Kaczynski penned a 35,000-word manifesto titled “Industrial Society and Its Future,” a scathing writeup against technology and leftist views.
In it, the Harvard-educated mathematics professor warned the world about how rapidly expanding technology would threaten and possibly ruin humans.
“The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race,” the work, better known as “The Unabomber Manifesto,” infamously begins.
When author Ashley St. Clair tweeted the quote alongside news of Kaczynski’s death on Saturday, Musk replied with: “He might not be wrong.”
SEE ALSO: ‘Unabomber’ Ted Kaczynski found dead in his jail cell at 81
The following day, Musk tweeted a meme showing a grim reaper at a claw machine, suggesting Kaczynski did not die by suicide in a prison medical center, as sources told the Associated Press.
Kaczynski, who was suffering from late-stage cancer, was transferred to a federal medical center in North Carolina in 2021 to get care for his health issues.
He had previously been serving four life sentences plus 30 years at a maximum-security facility in Colorado.
To some, Kaczynski was a folk hero for his pro-Luddite views, which he wrote about in his manifesto, arguing that “if our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.”
In the work — which was published as an eight-page Washington Post spread and ultimately led to his arrest — Kaczynski also claimed that technological advancements have “destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world.”
He might not be wrong
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 10, 2023
While Musk may agree with Kaczynski’s views on some level, he’s also arguably the face of some of today’s biggest tech advancements.
Just last month Musk’s brain-implant company Neuralink received the Food and Drug Administration’s approval to launch the first-in-human clinical study.
Musk claims the chip will help paralyzed people walk again and cure other neurological ailments, including blindness.
He also recently said during the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit that there is a “non-zero chance” that rogue advanced artificial intelligence could annihilate humanity.
Musk also raised the possibility that an advanced AI system could decide to place humanity “under strict controls.”
Musk also said that AI could turn on humans.
For example, it could decide to seize “all the computing systems and weapons systems of Earth and effectively being like some sort of ‘uber-nanny.’” he said during the CEO Council Summit.
Kaczynski shared a similar sentiment in his manifesto. He claimed technological advancements would strip humans of their freedom because “the regulation of our lives by large organizations is necessary for the functioning of industrial-technological society. The result is a sense of powerlessness on the part of the average person.”
Meanwhile, Musk called for a six-month pause in further developing AI-backed models like ChatGPT until regulators developed and implemented safety protocols back in April.
MSNBC’s Reid: Whether You Like It or Not, Immigrants Build America and Make It Run

16 Views · 12 months ago

⁣“Forbidden Technology and The Silencing of their Inventors”
For decades, VfB wondered why we've only kept hearing about unidentified flying craft...and NOT creating our own
I mean, everyone I've ever spoken to has heard of the 1947 crash at Roswell, New Mexico, and they've even heard of Bob Lazar, who's famously known for his work on reverse engineering of said craft...but then, BUPKIS
Unbelievable 🛸
Need I mention Stanley Meyer? 🏎⛽❌💧💀
at the age of 4, VfB realized that the moon landings were fake 🌝 I mean, the first guy there was the cameraman, Ed Palefsky!
Guys - you want spooky? The anagram of the ship's name is, "I'm Vlad" 🌉⛴💥
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Now, if you want to go on a journey...
PARALLEL ELECTION CAMPAIGN 🗳 let's ROCHAMBEAU Operation: Trust in the sack

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