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3 Views · 5 months ago

⁣I could've used a much meaner thumbnail...just saying 😅

#radio #podcast #starfield source: ⚢


Holding onto the other receipts; let's go with the GAB offensive:

Let VfB st the scenario: his pal Tonitrus [spelled with a V] did a stream which was to focus upon the dangers of our adulterated foodstuffs and condiments - a very good subject of discussion...but that quickly turned into a SPERGFEST; first, his podcast:

Trolling ensues

Being one of the 'super low-IQ people to whom he was referring, I wanted to pose a question, as he stated that he would address any queries posted:

THE INTELLECTUALS ARE THE TRAITORS WHO COMPROMISED E S T - look up the word MALAKOI and ask as to why it was mistranslated in the Bible 🦄


This is in response to the (((low IQ))) canard from Night Nation Review⚡Official:

I’ve never reported a single person to any platform ever. Even Antifa channels. Even clowns that now dedicate their entire channels to slander and lies, and deserve it. Still, never.

People breaking the platform’s rules, and are aware of the risk they are under, doing what they’re doing. These same people are spreading more lies about this in advance, in hopes of smearing me for it when the platform moderation discovers what they’ve been up to.

Many of these people are under the false impression that odysee has no TOS, and is the wild west. It is not, they just don’t police it actively. Trouble makers have serious pissed off dozens of creators across multiple platforms, and hundreds of viewers. So who knows what other people will do. I can’t control them, and have no reason to even try.

Tagging Odysee’s twitter in a tweet is NOT “reporting a channel”, odysee does not do any administrative actions through twitter, duh. People should know this, but as usual they’re too clueless and uninformed to know how any of this stuff works.

I’m really sick of dishonest personalities lying and spreading innuendo and smears, just to stoke drama, so they can cash in on it in the short term. Very shortsighted behavior that never works out long term.

🚩As far as I see it, those funding these actions on any level are bad actors in my book, regardless of the rationalizations they use to justify their actions. I want nothing to do with any of this and my only regret is ever interacting with any of these immature drama-enjoyer types in the first place. That was my mistake.

I did not want to make this post, but idiots and liars won’t shut up about things/events that they don’t even understand.

‼This will be my last statement on this issue going forward, any further mention of this crap will be directed to this post. If anyone decides to press the issue for trolling purposes after that, they will simply be summarily blocked. I will not suffer liars, nor time and energy vampires. Done… now we have real business to attend to.

In a separate tweet, he states:

"The comments are turned off because this is a one way declaration, not a discussion."

Yeah, no bloody kidding, lolcow 🐮🤣


Running out of space, so suffice it to say...HE GOT REKT 🥸