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We are witnessing in real time the introduction of the new digital global dollar at the same time companies moving away from traditional finance and adopting Bitcoin as company reserve assets . Countries and cities are doing the same, all it seems at the same months. The massive event is December 04 when XRP / Ripple launches its RLUSD, what we would call a global reserve currency. IT HAS BEGUN !

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Ripple Stable Coin
XRP Tops $100B Market Cap as Ripple’s RLUSD Close to Approval


⁣IDIDNOTKNOW posted in BitChute:

In 2009 a guy walked into my computer shop and mentioned buying Bitcoin.
I was looking for an investment at the time and was willing to buy $5000 worth.
I asked him where to buy it and he just said look around.
I looked around and I couldn't find anything.
I think it was only on the dark web at the time and I never got involved with that.
So, I never did buy it at 9 cents a coin.

The funny thing is, I still wouldn't go near it.
This digital platform has been in the works since the 1960's I do believe, maybe earlier.
Of course it is Military related in origin and development.
I think someone said something about a Military, Industrial Complex somewhere back in time.

A man from London named John Law perpetrated this same banking system fraud upon France just after the death of King Louie.
The JewMasons just copied it and employed it through the Rockefeller family and fellow scumbags.
John Law created banks and exchanged peoples silver and gold for paper.
**In our current situation that would be Bitcoin or Digital.

As it always does, the fraud eventually fell apart and he escaped back to Britain with the REAL MONEY he had pilfered from the unsuspecting victims of his banking institution. He gave a large portion to the Crown and they stopped pursuing him for the murder charge that originally caused him to flee to France in the first place.

Those who weathered that storm in France removed all their assets from the bank paper money fraud and exchanged it for gold and silver. Those who did not lost everything they had because the paper became worthless as they all do at some point.
**There may be Klaus's nothingCoin for a time but it too will and must fail as always.

Crypto, digital fiat, must be stopped dead in its tracks before it goes any further. Crypto digital fiat currency is simply falling into the same cabal system. Nothing has always been nothing and REAL MONEY has always been gold and silver.
Now, stable money must be fixed at a certain value. If value changes day after day, it is unstable.

All nations must establish a gold and silver backed stable money system or else nothing has changed and the cabal still rules the day.
How is this done you ask? It is actually very simple.
Establish the value of GOLD at $10,000 per ounce and establish SILVER with a value of $5000 per ounce or PAR with GOLD as SILVER is used in much greater volume.
Now we have global stable MONEY system that is not fiat.
Without a fixed stable form of money there can never be a stable economic world. Everything else is Babylonian money magic.

The example is already in production but the stable values have not been set as of yet.

You see folks, fiat systems always fail at some point and as you can see, this one is dying quickly.
Those who still run the world have herded civilizations into their next phase or new face for a very long time, they are very good at it and they plan it all out decades before it is implemented into the social norm.

Look very closely and you will see the same faces behind digital nothing as were behind the fiat Federal nothing.
It has always amazed me how people fall for the same trick over and over again.
YIPPEE! I own NOTHING and I am happy! Did you miss the part where Klaus told you that?