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10 Views · 3 months ago

⁣For decades, the (((homosexual banking mafia))), their sayanim, shabbos goyim and hapless mental patients have waged a MULTI PRONGED ATTACK on us, using EVERY POSSIBLE ATTACK VECTOR, AT ALL TIMES

Long after VfB crafted the term, duality required that there exist an opposite term - that term you've seen in the hashtags: MULTI PRONGED OFFENSIVE

Our AIR has been poisoned and weaponized;

Our WATER has been poisoned and weaponized;

Our FOOD has been poisoned and weaponized

Are you getting it yet?

One of the biggest attacks is on how we perceive our reality

So...without further ado, here's Senator John Kennedy:

Humanbydesign - #buttbabies 😂😂😂😂😂 So how many BUTT BABIES, 🤣🤣🤣 have been born. And who is the expert? 🤣🤣🤣OMFG. These idiots are so fucked up. US are fucked up.👇



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