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Ted Theodore Logan - Railguns prove a level surface. A level surface disproves the ball. You’re welcome.
VfB says: TORUS 🥯 but certainly, our plane[t] is a NO SPIN ZONE
Well, apparently now, words are VIOLENCE - much worse than actual physical actions and harm; this is just more virtue-signaling...while your pets become DoorDash specials
The editor inchief of the conservative magazine National Review, Rich Lowry, appears to have used a racial slur during a conversation on The Megyn Kelly Show, in which the two pundits were discussing the rampant falsehoods about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio. Lowry dropped the slur in place of the word "migrants," quickly correcting himself after.
"Police have gone through 11 months of recordings of calls and they've only found two Springfield residents calling to complain about Haitian [n word]s," he said, seemingly correcting afterward by adding, "migrants."
Kelly did not react to Lowry's apparent slip-up, nor did she address it when he finished speaking. Instead, the two defended Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance, who spread the claims despite admitting they are false, praising his "alternative facts."
Vance doubled down on debunked claims about Haitian immigrants abducting pets to eat them and falsely linked the migrant community to rising rates of HIV and tuberculosis in an interview last week with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins. He later admitted the rumors were false but defended spreading them in a Sunday interview with Dana Bash on CNN.
“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, Dana, then that’s what I’m going to do because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast," Vance said.
The conspiracy theory that Haitian immigrants in Springfield were stealing and eating pets went viral after former President Donald Trump spread the false claims during last Tuesday's presidential debate. Trump insisted that immigrants were “eating the dogs and cats” of residents, despite local officials consistently debunking the rumors and noting that no evidence supported the claims.
After backlash, Lowry claimed on Twitter/X that he misspoke, insisting that he "began to mispronounce the word 'migrants' and caught myself halfway through."
“We have discovered, what looks to be a giant root system stemming from the base of The Devils Tower. The root system has been measured at 4 miles deep by 7 miles wide.”
Wyoming State Parks Department 😎
Ken Theroux - Telegram has been compromised for years. Signal has been compromised for years. ____ has been compromised for years. Guy they arrested in France has been compromised for years. Useful tools for sure, but don’t be naive. John McAfee: there is no privacy
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The WEF's Mural Depicts Satan Eating A Child!
Systematic LGBTQIA+ Pedophilia & Child Trafficking, Child Sacrifice, BIG trives in the World! 'Follow The Fucking Money' #pedophilia #grooming #lgbtqia+ #antifa #blm #pizzagate #frazzledrip #snufffilm #spiritcooking #adrenochrome #canibalism and much more... Any Questions?
A time capsule from 1887 found in the pedestal of a Robert E. Lee statue in Virginia was opened by officials on Tuesday. The capsule contains documents, coins and other historical artifacts.
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Let's habs a good ol' LINKAAPPAALLOOZZA 🥳
OMGITSFLOOD clipped this from HT's show last night - will drop his GAB when I get it
Now you can also catch FLOOD's morning show on 📻
GDL controls the media, faggits 🥸
DeepFakes, Tasteless Humor, Free Speech, Hot Takes.
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Catch me on Gab or Telegram!
I do not support or condone violence or crime against any people.
LOL! Where'd she go!?
To the moon
Heavy gunfire reported at 2 locations in Russia's Dagestan region. Synagogue on fire
Russia now claiming 12 cops wounded and six killed. They also killed an orthodox priest.
illuminatibot - Look what's happening to our food
Let's play Devils' advocate and say that these are the honest thoughts of a politician whom simply hasn't done any research into the actual realities of the events of WW2 - in looking for a thumbnail, found this:
Do we owe Mike Johnson an apology? Did he just ensure Joe Biden loses this election?!
So once again MTG is working to get House Speaker Mike Johnson up for an ouster vote: BID FOR ‘ATTENTION’: Crenshaw on MTG’s effort to oust Johnson
It occurs to me that Mike Johnson may have just handed the 2024 race to Donald Trump. How?
It's that foreign aid plan he pushed through that we all catcalled. Mike Johnson got funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and the State of Israel.
That's what all of these idiotic riots are over, the aid package we panned!
My God, look at the crowds in Washington DC! (note the hammer and sickle Soviet flag in the above photo facing the capitol) The DC images are from November, but it got me to thinking that Speaker Johnson just did the entire nation a public service with all the anti-Biden riots he seemingly authored.
Think of it: Every speech Joe Biden has given since he took office, he wanted crowds like that marching in protest denouncing Donald Trump, white voters, Republican senators, and he NEVER GOT A CROWD LIKE THIS for things he and his staff spun every day! Mike Johnson did that with his Israeli aid package! WTF and Holy F-, have we mis-underestimated the guy?
He just thought six moves ahead of the rest of us and SCREWED JOE BIDEN. Biden's presidency is finished, and just months away from the 2024 election!
I don't know if Mike Johnson really planned this far ahead like a master chess player. He doesn't look that bright, to be honest.
But if he just executed the means to throw scumbag Joe Biden out of office, along with all of his treasonous America-hating lawyers, then I say, hats off to you, sir. Hats off!
A follow-up comment:
Did Mike Johnson destroy Biden? I would submit as an example The Atlantic, the all-Democrat 'news magazine', who attacks the protesters as being too pro-Hamas, which is bad for Biden. The Atlantic frets:
But that’s not actually an accurate description of the reality that the Post is reporting. The people featured in this article did not simply criticize Israel or its actions in Gaza. One woman was fired from her job at a branding firm for a video in which she declared that “radical solidarity with Palestine means … not apologizing for Hamas.” (Refusing to say a bad word about a U.S.-designated foreign-terrorist group is undoubtedly not the way her firm wanted to be branded.) Another person, a therapist, was caught on video ripping down a poster of Israeli hostages. She subsequently promoted the conspiracy theory that the Israelis taken by Hamas on October 7 were actually kidnapped by their own country. ...
News outlets have a duty to both accurately report the news and include the context necessary for readers to understand it. The Post article not only casts the whitewashing of Hamas and the murders it committed as “criticism” of Israel; it also fails to explain Hamas’s aims—which include the complete destruction of Israel by any means, including the mass murder of innocent civilians. What happens to public discourse around the most controversial issues when media outlets don’t talk about what we’re actually talking about?
Well, VfB can recall a certain utterance: 'saving Israel for last':
The cover for their nefarious deeds is rapidly disappearing
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Jake Shields - James Traficant was killed right after this interview In an inexplicable tractor accident He was not drunk, on drugs or have a heart attack
Big Jim is one of VfB's personal heroes - first, let's post the verbiage from the Vimeo URL:
Before Trump or Bernie, Congressman Jim Traficant was the original bombastic populist, but with "son-of-a-truck driver" street cred. As a mob-busting sheriff in Youngstown, Ohio, his refusal to evict steelworkers from their homes made him a folk hero. He demolished organized crime, defended himself against the Justice Department in a RICO case...and even vanquished President Clinton.
In Congress, his thrift store suits and pompadour wig made him a court jester, while his profanity-laced anti-government tirades made him a hero to the disenfranchised. Traficant's "one-minute" speeches earned him a cult-following, with his signature line... “Beam Me Up, Mr. Speaker...!"
Funded through two successful Kickstarter campaigns, and featuring rich archival footage and extensive interviews with TV legend Ed O’Neill, Congressman Tim Ryan and Hall of Fame boxer Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini, Eric Murphy’s documentary is "wild and funny" and a "stellar portrait" of the most unraveled politician in American history.
I recently learned that, contrary to public knowledge, Jim did NOT die directly from said tractor (((accident))); instead, just as with the first Secretary of Defense , James Forrestal, just as he was deemed fit to be released from hospital, he suddenly 'died'. With Forrestal, a 'sucicide scenario' was cooked up to masquerade a 'depressive' episode, but Traficant was simply murdered in hospital [much like Seth Rich - imagine that]. Check out DCDave's exhaustive work - just an excerpt:
James V. Forrestal was America's first Secretary of Defense. He was also the leading official in the Truman administration opposing the creation and U.S. recognition of the state of Israel. President Truman relieved Forrestal of his position in late March of 1949. Within a few days he was committed, apparently against his will, to Bethesda Naval Hospital suffering from "exhaustion." In spite of the invaluable service he had rendered to the country during World War II, first as Under Secretary of the Navy and then Secretary of the Navy, he had in 1948 and early 1949 been the subject of an unprecedented press vilification campaign, led by powerful columnists Drew Pearson and Walter Winchell.
At around 1:45 am, May 22, some seven weeks after his admission to the hospital, Forrestal plunged from a 16th floor window of the hospital to his death. A belt or cord, said to be from his dressing gown, was tied tightly around his neck.
OK, terrific 🤨
Men like us don't get 'depressed'; sure, we may have moments of despair, but we piss them out in picoseconds - we have things to do, and wallowing in our own miseries isn't one of them.
From Rep. Traficant’s Bangin’ GIF:
Way back in May 2001, I spoke at a forum hosted by American University on the topic of Congress on the Internet. For my remarks, I humbly submitted my suggesgtion for what I believed to have been the Top Ten Milestones for Congress on the Internet up to that point.
And #4 on my list was “Animations Abound: Waving flags, flying letters, & Rep. Traficant ‘Bangin’ Away’”. The Traficant reference came from this blurb I wrote in a March 1997 online update to my book, The Hill on the Net. Here’s what I wrote;
I wondered who would do it first. Which member of Congress would go beyond the standard official portrait on their home page and use animation to show themselves in action; smiling widely, giving a thumbs up, or offering a virtual handshake. I guess it should come as no surprise that a member who is well known for his animated floor speeches would not be happy with a gif that sat still. Representative James Traficant of Ohio has the first animated photo that I’ve seen on a member of Congress’ home page, and it’s a hoot.
The animation, shown at right, shows Rep. Traficant wielding a piece of 2×4, like a batter warming up to swing. On the board is his motto, “Bangin’ Away in DC’. He was well known for his outrageous one-minute speeches, which often included his appeal to ‘beam me up’. He was also well known for his uniquely difficult to describe hairstyle.
Traficant was expelled from Congress in 2002.
Jim Traficant gave it all he had - the least we could have done is watched his SIX 😎💪🇺🇸
President Donald John Trump, whether you like him or not, seems to be about to do the same - are we going to sit and wait for another 'mysterious death' in hospital? I know I won't.
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il Donaldo Trumpo - WHO DID THIS??😂😂😂
'Hunter Biden with the 8 Ball in the library': Internet game of Clue breaks out as cocaine is found at the White House - two days after president's recovering addict son attended
A white powder that turned out to be cocaine was found at the White House
The library is open to tours by the public and regularly sees high footfall
Americans took to Twitter to share memes mocking the president and his son
A game of Internet Clue has broken out on social media as Americans share memes about the cocaine found at the White House over the holiday weekend.
Mystery ensued on Tuesday following reports that a suspicious white powder that turned out to be the narcotic was found at the White House library on Sunday, sparking a hazmat situation and forcing an evacuation.
The discovery came two days after recovering addict Hunter Biden, 52, was last seen at the White House, and internet trolls took joy in speculating on the culprit.
There is no suggestion the cocaine found at the White House belongs to Hunter Biden. Investigators are still probing the white powder and where it came form.
The library is open to tours by the public and regularly sees high footfall throughout the day.
Still, Americans took to Twitter to make light of the issue and share memes mocking the president and his son.
The term 'cocaine' even became a trending topic on Twitter on Tuesday.
One meme shared on Twitter featured a Clue game board and made fun of the mystery behind the drugs.
It said: 'Hunter Biden with the drugs in the library.'
'It's as funny as the game of Clue,' read a differentTweet. 'Hunter Biden, with the 8 Ball, in the Library.
'Honestly, as much as I would like to believe it was him. Somehow I can't place him in any library, never mind the one in the White House.
'White lines in the White House.'
Another meme showed Al Pacino's iconic Scarface character and the words: 'Hunter Biden chillin at the White House.'
The Biden family arrived back at the White House for Independence Day celebrations as the Secret Service continues to investigate the finding.
U.S. Secret Service spokesman Anthony Gulielmi told the Washington Post that they are conducting further testing to confirm if the substance is the illegal drug.
He also said that President Joe Biden was not in the executive mansion when the substance was discovered.
A uniformed member of the USSS found the white powder substance while conducting a routine round through the White House.
Authorities are investigating how the cocaine got into the White House.
The president and his son maintain that he has kicked his addiction.
Most recently, the younger Biden reached a plea deal with Justice Department prosecutors to avoid jail time after lying on a federal form to purchase a firearm. He checked a box claiming that he did not use and was not addicted to illegal substances – a fact that would disqualify him from buying the gun.
The form contradicting the timelines and claims made in Hunter Biden's own memoir.
Biden critics and conservative decried Hunter's plea deal, claiming that anyone other than the president's son would receive jail time for the same offense.
The deal also saw Hunter plead guilty to two tax misdemeanors.😂
This comes from Juanita Broddrick:
Holy Fvck !! E BIKE battery.
A widely circulated video on social media shows an EV battery catching fire inside an elevator, severely injuring the person holding it. The video is shared with claims that the battery turned the area into a magnetic field resulting in the explosion. Additionally, some posts allege the incident occurred in Singapore and that the explosion resulted from modifications and overcharging. This article aims to fact-check these claims.
Claim: Video showing an EV battery explosion in an elevator, allegedly caused by the battery turning the area into a magnetic field.
Fact: The viral video was originally reported in China in 2021. The explosion was not caused by magnetic fields, as the magnetic fields produced by the battery are too weak to trigger an explosion. Additionally, the battery is not connected to a power source, and under ideal conditions, batteries do not produce magnetic fields. Magnetic fields are generated only during charging or discharging. The explosion is more likely attributable to factors such as battery modification or overheating. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
Incident reported in China:
The viral video depicts an incident originally reported in China in 2021. A Google search using relevant keywords revealed several Chinese news reports featuring the same footage from 2021. However, these reports did not specify the location or cause of the explosion (here, here & here).
Further research uncovered recent reports featuring the same footage. According to these reports, the incident in the viral video occurred in Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China, in 2021 (here, here, & here). None of these reports mentioned the battery’s magnetic field as the cause of the explosion.
Additionally, these reports highlighted that, following Shanghai authorities’ revision of rules banning electric bicycles or their batteries from being brought indoors or into elevators, the video of the old incident is being shared for reference and awareness purposes.
Previously, Shanghai authorities banned bringing e-bike batteries indoors and prohibited commercial activities related to the assembly, addition, or modification of e-bikes (here, here & here). This government action came after multiple incidents of battery explosions caused by modifications and overheating (here).
A similar incident was reported in Singapore:
A similar incident involving an EV battery explosion in an elevator was reported in Singapore in 2021. According to the investigation, authorities determined that battery modifications were one of the causes of the explosion.
Many other social media posts are sharing the same viral video, alleging it shows this incident that occurred in Singapore. However, the viral video is not related to the Singapore incident. Circumstantial evidence supports this, as the reports on the Singapore incident included visuals that differ from the viral video. Specifically, the paintings on the wall adjacent to the elevator in the Singapore incident are different from those in the viral video (here & here).
Additionally, regarding the Singapore incident, these reports highlighted that after hearing screams, people from other flats on the lower floor rushed to the scene and extinguished the lift fire with buckets of water. In contrast, the viral video shows a couple waiting for the lift, observing the fire, and attempting to put it out using extinguishers (here & here). These differences further support that the viral video is not related to the incident reported in Singapore.
Magnetic field did not cause the fire:
The electric field inside a conductor is zero when there is no net movement of charge across it. In an ideal state, batteries do not produce a magnetic field. Magnetic fields are only generated during the charging or discharging of a battery. However, these magnetic fields are weak and not strong enough to cause an explosion (here).
The viral video clearly shows that the battery is not connected to any power sources. While external magnetic fields can affect batteries, their impact is minimal (here, here & here). Furthermore, the metal surface of the elevator does not generate a significant magnetic field, as there is no net movement of charge across it. Therefore, the elevator surface cannot influence the battery through magnetic fields (here). As a result, the claim that magnetic fields caused the fire in the viral incident is not substantiated.
Li-ion Batteries Can Catch Fire:[please read the rest at the URL below]
SheriContrary posted:
Will you also cover Matt Gaetz Video about how Mike Johnson had to make the decision he made about Ukraine because they were afraid that Republicans would leave the House and leave a Democrat majority. I can give you more information if you're interested. I have been sharing this information.but people don't believe it. People don't do their own research. I guess they think that cannot happen in the United States of America.
I hope you watch Matt Gaetz' video because he tells a different part of the story. Watch Shane Vaughn Secret plot to steal the house revealed.
🚨 Trump's strategy revealed! Find out why he stood with Mike Johnson and the secret plan to save the House. Watch the full explanation on my show, tomorrow night at 8 PM central time. Don't miss it! #trump #mikejohnson #HouseStrategy
#conservativecollege #professortoto / @firstharvestministries
It's all about CONSENT and a HIGH TRUST SOCIETY 🧐
We currently live in neither of those, but the (((homosexual banking mafia))) wants you to believe that whole-heartedly
This...morass or whatever you want to call this present day amalgam of IDIOCRACY mixed in with THEY LIVE! is in no way a high trust society, and because of that, the social contract has been broken
VfB said these four words on Coach Dave's show numerous times, and on Dr. Alan Keyes' 1st Brighteon show, as well:
Strike down palisades, stand your ground and OCCUPY!
These scumbags get this land...OVER MY DEAD BODY 🥸
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NC resident has a message: the government is not coming to save you, it’s up to all of us to help save each other.
I find this to be devastating because the amount of money our government God knows where for God knows what reason is obscene. But when it comes down to helping their own citizens, crickets.
The thumbnail is what would be happening without all of these planned calamities
Fred’s Farm | Herbs - Benefits of drinking olive oil, lemon juice and cayenne pepper👇🏽
VfB caught an absolutely ironic meme on X | Twitter the other day:
"So I've thought of a plan to drive racist white mf's to insanity
Step 1. Let's all actually fuck off back to our own countries
Think about it, they will starve, no doctors, lawyers, engineers, chefs, cleaners, pharmacists, etc."
Talk about missing the plot - NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THESE SO-CALLED (((industries))) ARE NECESSARY; these are actually the signs of a civilization on the brink
FARMERS ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD; you could dump each and every one of these other nitwits into a hot volcano, and the world would NOT miss their passing
Any (((doctor))) ever tell you about the remedy above...?
So this just might be the last time you eat Chinese food after watching this.
Nurse tells of so many dying now from the covid jab and that she's never seen so many people die like this ....Ever ...."It's Scary".
"Turbo Cancer is out of control".
California Sending Notices To People Saying They Are “Not registered with a qualified political party”
🚨 The Republican Party Is Not Even An Option To Select On The Mailer (Also She Was Removed As A Registered Republican)
It Makes You “Choose out of 3 different parties on this form to choose 1 and then send it back”
American Independent Party
Democratic Party
Libertarian Party
“Where's the Republican Party? So I called. I called the county, and I spoke with a very sweet gentleman. He stated that if you went to the DMV within the past few years and changed any kind of information and you did not fill out that portion correctly about registering to vote, then you have to reregister as a republican to receive a ballot. I've been registered as a republican since I was 18”
On the bottom of the video is proof from the mailer she received
Listen to this whole video, the corruption taking place is INSANE
Anons dropping hot takes 🫥
If you register under a political party, what's the point of voting?
You should just be registered to vote, if you still believe that it's effective.
voting is supposed to be confidential.