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The Perimeter LIVE on Steve Graves Radio
In Episode 20: 1) Tucker Carlson Interviews Putin 2) The Media has a fit 3) Biden has press conference to assure Americans he is not demented 4) The Apple Vision Pro is dystopian
Saturday Night Live Stream W The Perimeter
The hidden history of zionism.
The film exposes how terrorists took advantage of the massive weapons surplus following the end of WWII and created lucrative black-markets for illegal arms trafficking many of which went to the blood thirsty ethno-stater lunatics who created the state of Israel. The weapons theft would escalate to Highly Enriched Uranium for nuclear bombs and the assassination of a US president. The gun running routes doubled as human trafficking routes as the post war climates had created millions of refugees and nations of women with little or no opportunities who were easily exploited. This in turn gave rise to international forced prostitution and pedophile rings that targeted state figures and businessmen for blackmail. The press and policing agencies were forced to capitulate because challenging Zionist power right after the horrors of the Holocaust was political suicide. WWII’s own justification for nuking cities and murdering millions of civilians through bombing and starvation was the made for TV images of the Holocaust, even though Palestine had nothing to do with that, they paid the ultimate price. And by allowing Israeli power to grow out of control the US effectively lost its sovereignty. Especially in regards to foreign policy, Zionist partisans most recently the Neocons have thrown the US into one conflict after another against its own interests to further the personal interest of a criminal cabal. This film, like any Dawson film, names the names and gives the details and documents. The criminal networks of organized crime, sexual blackmailers, arms smugglers, financiers, and political cover up have all been mapped out, literally. Help us at the Anti-Neocon report reach our goal and once again put the establishment and donor class psychopaths under the spot light. The truth will set you free. But Freedom isn’t Free.
“By far the best production value ANC has ever created”- Pug
“When you think having your greatest ally attack you is the worst thing they have done, Dawson drops this bomb” – Oliver
“I think I wet my pants, but I had my underwear on so I couldn’t have raped that girl” -Alan Dershowitz did not say
“With an entire room full of people who have been drinking all night and done a 3 and a half hour conference with Ron Paul and eaten a big meal, not a single person fell asleep, that’s impressive” -Reed Coverdale
“Were done for” – Israeli on Pol
In this week’s episode: Shake up at the House of Representatives, Biden’s dog bites everyone so Joe kicks him, Mayorkas gaslights America, and democrats cities are violent cesspools.
"If what we are doing to the Germans is 'Liberty', then give me death. I can't see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it." George Patton wrote his wife on July 23, 1945.
With the capitulation of the Germans on May 8, the allied commander Eisenhover was in control of over five million living, enemy soldiers. “It is a pity we could not have killed more…” muttered the general, dissatisfied with the body-count of the greatest slaughter in human history.
Official page for the documentary: https://europathelastbattle.wordpress.com
Stalin violated the Soviet-Polish Non-Aggression Pact by invading Poland in September, 1939.
• Stalin violated the Soviet-Finnish Non-Aggression Pact by invading Finland in 1939 without any declaration of war, starting the Winter War. The heroic Finns fought back the big red army.
• Stalin bombed Sweden in 1940.
• Stalin violated a provision of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact (Ribbentrop-Molotov) by invading Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia in 1940. Bolsheviks rolled in to terrorize, torture and kill the people in the standard communist practice. The Soviet cattle car deportations afflicted more than a half-million Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Christian Europeans who were shipped to the Gulag. 12% of the entire Baltic population was either deported to Siberia or executed by the Jewish Soviet Secret Police.
• Stalin grabbed a piece of eastern Romania in 1940, and forced Romanians to surrender Bessarabia (Moldavia).
In a sickening double-standard; the allies remained silent about the brutal Soviet aggression. Instead, the Churchill-Stalin-Pact was signed on 15 October 1939. Secretary of state for war Churchill signed the executive documents of this pact on 8 February 1940 in London. Innocent Poles were now left to the bloodthirsty Red monster. The Allies didn't give a rat's ass about Poland, they only used her to start the war against Germany, and now, Still, no boycotts and no war-declarations on Soviet. No Anti-Communist propaganda in the media.
Hitler was well aware that Stalin was on his way to invade Europe. His suspicions about Stalin have since the fall of soviet been proven as being legitimate.
Document No.103202/06 signed Chief of staff Kirill Meretskov in 1940, revealed that Stalin was preparing to invade Western Europe in July 1941 in a massive invasion called Operatsia Groza (“Operation Thunderstorm”). It is dated 18 September 1940, three months before the German “Operation Barbarossa” was signed. After Georgy Zhukov became chief of the general staff in February 1941, the plan was called MP 41 (Mobilisatsyonni Plan 41). It can be found in the so-called “Osobaya Papka”, a file which contains about 100,000 Top Secret documents. In the book “Ledokol” or “Icebreaker”, Russian Jewish historian Victor Suvorov gives us compelling proof that Hitler was forced in to a pre-emptive strike against a massive soviet military machine ready to invade and destroy the whole of Western Europe. Suvorov quotes top secret Soviet documents which proves that the Soviet army was entirely built as an offensive force. Stalin was first hoping for Britain, France and Germany to be exposed, destroyed and exhausted so that the red army would be able to invade their territory in the west.
Hitler viewed communism as a poison to Europe and decided his life's purpose was to root out and destroy it. The Germans had nothing against the Russians as a people, but instead against communism.
Winston Churchill appointed the Jewish Professor Lindemann, as his personal adviser. Lindemann, decided that Germany would be subjected to area, carpet, saturation, or unrestricted-bombing or what the victims called —“Terror-Bombing.” Lindemann suggested the bombing of German cities and that working class civilian areas were legitimate targets. These bombings began on 10 August 1940 with the bombing of the small town of Freiburg. This was before the Germans began bombing British cities.
The goal of the bombings was to “Break the spirit of the Germans.” Between 1940 and 1945, sixty-one German cities with a total population of 25 million souls were destroyed in the bombing campaign by the Allies. The allies specifically targeted innocent civilians. Many large cities such as Cologne or Essen experienced more than 250 raids each. Churchill’s deliberate strategy was killing as many German civilians as possible.
Official page for the documentary: https://europathelastbattle.wordpress.com
The only written plans for genocide during the 20th-century was not a German plan to exterminate the Jews but rather Jewish plans to exterminate the Germans.
The well-known term ‘Melting Pot’, means the mixing of different races and cultures into one monolithic group forming the ‘New World and the New Man’. This is a serious long range goal of the ethnocentric elite - who themselves would preserve their own bloodline, race, heritage and culture pure as they seek to dominate a de-Europeanized, confused, rootless, non-white new world. A world where all people are stripped of their identities and cultures. A world where you are without an identity, where the state installs an identity in you instead.
From his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism) came the concept now commonly called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Two main points can summarize the plan: • Europeans must race mix with Arabs, Africans, and Asians - into a mess which Kalergi describes as a "EURASIAN-NEGROID RACE."
• The only exception for the planetary race biological experiment are Jews – as Kalergi considers to be "Europe's intellectual upper class"
Taken from his book "Practical Idealism”, Kalergi stated; "Man will in future be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear as a result of the elimination of space, time and prejudices. The future of Eurasian-Negroid race will remind you of ancient Egyptians and replace the diversity of races and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Jewry in Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, and through this artificial process pushed them into their future role as the leading nation…. Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose where a small group of Communist spiritual aristocrats govern the country. The General staff of both are recruited from Europe’s spiritual leader race, the Jews.
The German invasion was Sep 1939, but it's important to understand that many of the outrages had preceded the German invasion. This was proved by the amount of decomposition of the bodies. Thus, these atrocities cannot be excused simply as reprisals for the German invasion (which would be wrong anyway). They included 19 year-old girls with their faces smashed, amputations, disembowelments, shot thru' the eye, death-trauma births, you name it. Poles had been merrily slaughtering anything or anybody German since at least as early as April 1939, with smaller incidents stretching back to the close of WW I -- you haven't been told that by the Mass Media, or the fact that these atrocities were one of the main causes for the German invasion of Poland, something that was meant by the Germans to be a local solution to a local problem. Germany had already done the "right thing" by protesting in writing to the League of Nations literally dozens of times. The League of Nations did nothing, yet the problem had to be solved. As soon as Smigly's army started to lose, this bragging Polish "warrior" ran away to Romania, leaving his troops in a lurch! Yet to this day, no opprobrium is cast his way by the establishment media. Why not?]
Subsequent to the German invasion, Britain declared war on Germany, yet after the Soviet Union invaded the eastern Polish territory only a few weeks later, Britain neglected to declare war on the Soviet Union. Why not, if the integrity of Poland's borders was so important?
The TRUTH About The Third Reich.
“At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas of which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is "not done" to say it... Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in the high-brow periodicals.”
- George Orwell
"It is not the Germany of the decade that followed the war-broken, dejected and bowed down with a sense of apprehension and impotence. It is now full of hope and confidence...one man has accomplished this miracle...the old trust him; the young idolize him. It is not the admiration accorded to a popular leader. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country from utter despondence and degradation...I have never met a happier people."
- David Lloyd George, Ex-Prime Minister, UK.
"I don't believe I'll ever see again a people as happy and content as were the great majority of Germans under Hitler, especially in peacetime. Certainly some minorities suffered: former parliamentary politicians - because they couldn't play their political games; the Jews - because they lost their power over Germany; the gypsies - because during the war they were required to work; and crooked union bosses - because they lost their parasitical positions.
To this day I believe that the happiness of the majority of a people is more important than the well-being of a few spoiled minorities. In school there should be emphasis on promoting the best and the intelligent, as was done in Germany during the Hitler years - a fact that contributed after the war to the rapid German reconstruction. That Hitler was loved by his people, there can be no question.
Germany under Hitler was quite different from what the media would have you believe.”
- Hans Schmidt
In January 1919, the victors met at The Paris Peace Conference to financially crush Germany and determine the new borders of the defeated nation. Germany was not even invited and would not have any say in the final decisions as the Globalists ripped Germany to pieces.
Georg Lukacs and the other Cultural Marxists believed that for a new Communist culture to emerge, the existing European culture had to be destroyed. There is no other way to get control of a society with strong moral values than to weaken those values. He said:
“I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch.... Such a worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.”
Brock Chisholm, former director of the World Health Organization (OMS), said:
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”
Prof. MacDonald, expert in Jewish Group-evolutionary thinking said: “The ideology that ethnocentrism was a form of psychopathology was promulgated by a group that over its long history had arguably been the most ethnocentric group among all the cultures of the world.”
“The decay of moral values in all areas of life—the period of deepest German degradation—coincided exactly with the height of Jewish power in Germany.” —Dr Friederich Karl Wiehe, Germany and the Jewish Question.
Nahum Goldmann lived his whole life as one of the top level international Zionists, he was the president of the World Jewish Congress from 1947 to 1978, and in his 1915 book "The Spirit Of Militarism" (page 37 - 38) he describes the Zionist method for destruction of Western Civilization which is required for transition into the New World Order:
"The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and re-organization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order.
The first task of our world revolution is Destruction. All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native milieus, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacrosanct, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone.
The forces preserving traditional society are "free market capitalism" in the social economic realm, and "democracy" in the mental political realm. The capitalist free market does not fight against the old economic order, nor does democracy lead a fierce hot battle against the forces of reaction which oppose the new order, therefore our transformative work will be imposed through the unifying principle of the militaristic spirit, the negative task of destroying the old established order will be completely solved and finished only when the all the human masses are all forcibly collectivized as uniformed soldiers under imposed mass-conformity of new order culturing.
After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be blocked against new cultural forms and social catagories naturally re-emerging. The general masses will have been first persuaded to join as equals in the first task of destroying their own traditional society and economic culture, but then the new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order."
The spirit of militarism, Der Geist des Militarismus, Stuttgart, 1915, p.37 - 38
Official page for the documentary: https://europathelastbattle.wordpress.com
Communism was not created by the masses to overthrow the bankers, Communism was created by the bankers to overthrow and enslave the masses.
“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators. “We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But: without Jews there would have been no Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of Jewish Bolshevism.
Official page for the documentary: https://europathelastbattle.wordpress.com
When you have lost the checkers, you know it's bullshit.
At least 153 people died when crowds thronged the Itaewon district of South Korea's capital.
"People began pushing from behind, it was like a wave - there was nothing you could do," Nuhyil Ahammed told the BBC.
The area was hosting its first unmasked Halloween celebrations since Covid when the disaster happened.
Justin Trudeau has taken a bit of Bolshevik and mixed it with some Nazi and now Canada is about to start “Assisted Suicide” for children without parental consent. WTF
Award-winning former war correspondent, Laura Logan, has been let go by Newsmax after the former “60 Minutes” said the Davos crowd and world leaders “dine on the blood of children.”
Two moronic climate activists defile Van Gogh's Sunflowers at the National Gallery and glued themselves to the wall.
How does defiling this beautiful work of art help solve "climate change"?
It doesn’t. They are simply two useless idiots rebelling against their parents perceived inadequacies.
They don’t even realize that the super glue, mobile phones, hair dye and make up are a derivative of oil production.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was confronted by an anti-war protester on Wednesday who accused her of voting to start a “nuclear war” with Russia in support of Ukraine.