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Cui Bono? Who stands to gain from dead Kennedys and why? Imho this is by far the best investigate documentary regarding the Kennedy assassinations and America's bitter loyalty to the most evil empire on the face of the earth.
There was much nagging at my mind about those Yuri Bezmenov vids on yt that are allowed to stay up. Sometimes the importance lies in what theyre not telling You...
Its waaaaay past time to stop ignoring the genocidal elephant in the room. Ignore juden at your peril.
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Cred: Vigilante intelligence
Watch and understand how the luciferian freemasonic networks have worked to destroy Christendom (Europeans) as they work traitorously in league with international jewry to create a jewish new world order
Learn the truth of the Wests stolen sovereignty, and its wicked modern supremacist enslavement at the hands of juden and the myriad of traitorous shabbos goy they employed to genocide their own.
A Truth Will Out production 👏
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A humble tribute to a good Man that understands. A positive force for what matters imprisoned for making you understand Your chains ⛓️ Juden understands the power in media, art, music and has strategically removed a genuine Kameraden. Whether You understand it yet or not, We are at war with those that will do anything to destroy us. Rise in the love of Your Peoples.
Black Sabbath:
"Wishing Well"
Who suffered a "Holocaust" (burnt offering to lucifer) at the hands of malevolent enemy forces and who has consistently declared themselves "gods chosen" & the victims at the same time throughout recent and ancient history? Who indeed! Everything We think We know of WW1 & WW2 is a lie. Today European lives are stolen, memory holed, imprisoned, extinguished and or forced to live a lie in the shadow of jewish supreeeeemacism . Challenge your learned (indoctrinated) lies and love Your Peoples.
The gory of Europa...whoever wouldnt live, love, fight and or die for it isnt European.
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judens supreeeeemacist and holocaust delusion is wow, just wow.
Rabbi says he wants you dead White Man